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When Did You Start


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hi, I am only 12 and have been riding trials for about 2 months. I find it quite hard as i am only weak and it gives me great difficulty when doing tricks like the back hop. I am interested in when you started trials and whether you found it hard to do certian tricks at such a small age.

Thanks, Alex

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I started a couple of months ago on an xc bike doing trackstnads! But i've been riding for a week now on a trials bike and the difference is imense. And i'm 15, nearly 16 so i haven't started that young.

I only really found out about trials at easter so that's my excuse for not starting earlier.

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I started trials last september but the only reason i started was because i had seen these other guys riding one day and they was doing drop offs, i decided to start wheelying (sp) off stuff on my bmx and then got a trials bike and learnt to pedal kick and learnt the basics and now if done quite a bit, and my biggest drop is 7 and a half ft well around that anyway (drops rule! :) ).

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