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I think it's one of them things that people really wish did exist. And with any glimpse of hope through videos or pictures, they latch on to it. I don't deny the fact that it would be awesome if they did exist, but for me i have to see it to believe it.

Pretty much every video that has claimed to be a sighting has just been called a hoax, and put down to clever editing etc, and the rest just down to natural causes.

Edited by huck_it
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IF there are other forms of life in the universe, who said that they are smart enough to make massive space ships and weapons and jazz. They are most probaly like most animals (not exactly more like there characteristics (sp)) on this planet and has anyone seen a cat make a spaceship?

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They could look the same as a passenger plane.

The next plane you see fly by could be full of alienss...

yea, brings a whole new thought to it.

but theres 2 types of ufo's, one exists, the other doesnt

the first is wat is says on the tin - unidentified flying objects. anything in the air which we cant identify, fits in this category, its likely 100's and 1000's of these are seen every year, and are in some respects ufo's.

but the whole little spaceship carrying green men, thats a different matter, as has been suggested, were looking for saucers, why, cos its been ingrained into us that that is how little green men will get here. whereas in reality, as dan says, they could look like passenger planes.

hell i can see a cloud outside me window, for all i know, could be a well disguised ufo, and correct me if im wrong, but phillips have made invisible clothing, theres some of it in on youtube, at the moment its a geeky concept, cameras and monitors displaying whats on the other side of the person. but in a few years, im sure itll become military hardware.

and hell if phillips can do it, there more than a long way off building a space ship that can travel to other galaxys. so these little green men, with there stupidly clumsy 3 fingered hands, if they can build space ships, im sure they can do some trickery to make them appear invisible, with the clever use of cameras, monitors and mirrors.

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I got really deep into this alien thing and after a while I got scared of sleeping. Some of the eye-witness accounts were quite scary but others dumb.

One was there was a bloke that couldnt sleep and woke to see a man with a huge head and stick-like body, he says the alien used powers to hold him into his bed and made him not talk.(cough lier)

The other 2 that did it for me was:

There were a plane full of passagers over the English Channel when a metalic object that looked like a missile was spotted on the radar traveling over 300+knots. It just missed the plane and neally all the passagers saw it.

There was a thing that was hovvering along the side of a highway(in america, I wonder why?) and it was dark and this thing came from nowere. It had a large engine thing that gave off a bright light at the bottom and it disabled all electricity but a bloke managed 2 take a picture with his phone. The craft flew over a runway disabling all the runaway lights and then went into the open, never 2 be seen again. Loadsa witness accounts on this website.

If you want Ill find them again and you can read the whole story.

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I bet you're also looking forward to santa clause coming in a couple of months. I mean, we've all seen the videos :P

I haven't. :rolleyes:

There were a plane full of passagers over the English Channel when a metalic object that looked like a missile was spotted on the radar traveling over 300+knots. It just missed the plane and neally all the passagers saw it.

Hmmm, something that looks like a missile and travelling fast what could it be. :P

Personally i don't believe in UFO's although i'm not saying there isn't life elsewhere, intelligent or not. We haven't flown to Mars, why should they automatically be able to fly here, why must they have such hi-tech machines, why must they be able to fly, if they don't have bird like things why would they even think about trying to travel through the air.

Also the stealth plane was only made public because some guy used to go to the desert to take pictures at night, and luckily got a picture of one. Now everyone knows about stealth technology, the us of a government can't not be above everyone else, people are obsessed with aliens. And hey bingo some clever american discovers an excuse... possibly.

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To all those people who said shit about aliens being animals...LOOK AT YOURSELF....out of all the billions of galaxy's surely we cant be the only humaniod life form. Look how far we have progressed in millions of years, surely something else could of. If we have mastered space travel, why cant another planet? Stop being so damn shallow minded


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... And you think that there arent people capable of coming to visit us? This forum is full of shallow narrow minded little f**k tards.

No need for that mate. Especially seeing as the f**ktarded one here is the one that doesn't realise that various laws of physics com into play on these scales, ie you.

One of the simplest is that the speed of light is the fastest speed anything can go, for technical reasons. That puts a number indistinguishable from 100% of the places in your last picture more than a thousand years travel at light speed away from the earth. A species would have to be seriously advanced to overcome this problem.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to overcome these problems, and maybe one day we will. Maybe. But if they were easily overcome, that would mean that many species would be able to reach us, and you'd think at least one of them would make themselves known.

Basically, you've argued against yourself. YES, space is big, so why the hell isn't there hundreds of alien species amongst us?

Yes, they probably exist, somewhere.

But, we can assume that these places are too far away becasue they would be in contact (at least one of them).

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No need for that mate. Especially seeing as the f**ktarded one here is the one that doesn't realise that various laws of physics com into play on these scales, ie you.

One of the simplest is that the speed of light is the fastest speed anything can go, for technical reasons. That puts a number indistinguishable from 100% of the places in your last picture more than a thousand years travel at light speed away from the earth. A species would have to be seriously advanced to overcome this problem.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to overcome these problems, and maybe one day we will. Maybe. But if they were easily overcome, that would mean that many species would be able to reach us, and you'd think at least one of them would make themselves known.

Basically, you've argued against yourself. YES, space is big, so why the hell isn't there hundreds of alien species amongst us?

Yes, they probably exist, somewhere.

But, we can assume that these places are too far away becasue they would be in contact (at least one of them).

I'll bother arguing with you when you come up with something thats worth my time. You contradicted youself a bunch of times (colour coded to help you out).. you even answered your own questions.. so theres not really much i can say.

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I'll bother arguing with you when you come up with something thats worth my time. You contradicted youself a bunch of times (colour coded to help you out).. you even answered your own questions.. so theres not really much i can say.

None of what you've highlighted is really mutually exclusive.

Plus, I think what i said is worth more of peoples time than being called a f**ktard!

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You wouldnt have taken offence to it if you didnt think you were one.. lets agree to disagree. End of

I didn't take offence Space, I just thought i'd point out the error in your ways, what with you thinking your argument for 'space being big' was convering all bases, when really that itself is a very shallow view, considering my arguments!

If narrow minded f**ktards are people who don't understand something as much as someone else, you are one! :-

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An interesting theory I heard was maybe UFO's do exist BUT there not Aliens and there not a seceret US military project. The other possibility is that they could be humans but from the future, if we as a species eventually discover time travel then we may wish to go back in time to study our history (which of cause would be our present). Anyway it would explain A. why the technology is far more advanced than our own and B. it would explain why they do there best not to be seen, if you were to interfere too much with the timeline then you could change the entire future through cause and effect. Anyway just a little theory I thought I would throw in.

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