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Pedal Kick Learning


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What that guy said (Y) ^^^

Good practice to get into is pre-engaging, that is to say that you put slight pressure on your front foot before you let the brake off in order to put the chain tight against the engagement and make the kick instant when you release the brake. This'll increase the life of your chain and freewheel/hub, if you're not doing it properly you'll hear a sound like a really big rubber band being twanged when you kick.

Just start out gently, teensy little kicks, you don't even need to come off the floor!

Joe x

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What that guy said (Y) ^^^

Good practice to get into is pre-engaging, that is to say that you put slight pressure on your front foot before you let the brake off in order to put the chain tight against the engagement and make the kick instant when you release the brake. This'll increase the life of your chain and freewheel/hub, if you're not doing it properly you'll hear a sound like a really big rubber band being twanged when you kick.

Just start out gently, teensy little kicks, you don't even need to come off the floor!

Joe x

He's right, sometimes it helps if you teach people to get onto the back wheel then let go of the brake and do a little push on the pedals in order to roll forwards a little bit.

In a nut-shell:

Get onto back wheel....

Place a bit of force onto the forwards peddle with the brake still on, this will engage the hub.....

Lower the bars a tad....

Let go of the brake and put a little bit more force onto the forwards peddle at the same time as pulling on the bars slightly....

Re-apply the brake after you've moved a couple of inches.

Get the hang of that and you'll be used to the timings of when to release the brake kick the pedals and re-apply the brake. Then to move on and actual hop all you have to do is jump a little bit with your legs as your pulling on the bars/kicking on the pedals.

Enjoy ;)

Edited by Krisboats
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The best way to learn the kicking and brake coordination is to do it on two wheels.

Ride along stop with the back brake, then let go of the brake and kick/pedal forard a bit and then reapply the brake.

Keep trying this until you shunt forward repeatedly. Then try it on the back wheel.


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i found it was easist to learn it towards a small object,

for example a curb or small wall.

the main fear with learning to pedal-kick is whipping out, so by doing it towards something it'll stop the bike whipping out and give you that extra bit of confidence.

so my advice is to back hop facing towards a curb, then lower the front a little and at the same time let of the back brake and kick towards the curb, then re-apply the brake.

its all in the timing, which is something you can only learn by attempting it over and over and over.

eventually you'll just do it without thinking about it at all, but the first few ettampts will be pretty brain taxing, i.e, you'll find yourself thinking it through in you head before you do it, and concentrating on each part, but that's also a good thing, as it'll mean your brain should figure it out quicker.

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Pull on the bars more, stamp on the pedals harder and jump higher. The more experience you get the easier it will become, thing is your just going to have to practise.

If you want to get up the curb properly start your hop roughly one wheels length away from it and then once yuo can do it easily everytime try an inch or two further away. Maybe put a chalk line onto the road so you have some sort of line to line up to to ensure you gap consistently.

Just keep at it and you'll find it much easier.

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i think you need to move your arse down a bit and relax.

You're being quite hasty about it all which is causing you to tighten up and lose balance. Once you land from a hop try to stay balanced long enough to have a proper think and prepare for the next one

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i wud say, the major problem, is you will be scared of falling over backwards!

so just wheely over backward with no rear brake to start with, land on the floor on your arse.

no that bad at all really, now learn it !!

with no fear !


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It's important not to get stuck in a rhythm as well, hop when you need to and not before, otherwise you'll be bouncing all over the place. You're looking pretty good so far. To push the distances out you'll need to drop the bars a lot more before you hop and really pull up on them as you gap.

Also, as other people have said, relax, the tenser your body the worse your balance. Just sit down into the bike a bit more and don't stand up so straight :)

Joe x

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Thanks for all replies, with the advice i am getting better already! There's only two things really causing slight problems just now and that's after i kick more than 2 or 3 times in a row i can't keep the front wheel up, is there any advice to help this? And i sometimes lose sideways balance, is there any cures?

Or will practise perfect both of these?

And how many pedal kicks should i be able to string together before moving onto things like gapping?

Thanks (Y)

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its all up to you on the numbers game, but it dont really matter, 1 or 2's ok for small safe gapping, wanna be able to do controlled static hops though, preparing you for gapping, pedal kick right ot the edge of a kurb an hop statically for as long as u can before going off the edge.

also for gettin further, imagine ur bike goin wer its pointed, front wheel up, most of the energy goes up , front wheel pointing forwards a couple of inches off the ground, ur gunna go mainly forwards.

so basically keep trying to static an pedal hop with the front lower,practise bringing it up an down using static hops.

to get gapping nice an far, lower the front right down, to match this, ur arse will be right over the back of the bike, arms almost straight, then pedal kick, throwin urself forwards as much as u can, a lot of its body english. once ur in the air, with the bike almost vertical, straighten ur legs right out pushin the back wheel forwards into the landing, lock ur brake nice an hard, an momentum will balance u back out(first few times ull end up dropping the front right back down, but ull get the hang of hangin further back on landing an letting it balance itself out)

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