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Bone Marrow Donation


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Just wondering really, my Mum told me about it today.

I was thinking of doing it, I mean I give blood and I'm an organ donor so it makes sense!

That and the perfect age is between 18 and 24 or somit, so would be nice to do it now!

Anyone done it, or know of anyone who has?

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I dont get how people can just give blood away like that!!

Im shit scared of needles (even though i got a tattoo :S )

Im not really into the idea of giving people bits of me, but i supposed if they were like within hours of dying and i was a match, then i would probably do it.

If i wasnt shit scared of being stabbed with a needle i would do it.

I'd make a shit heroin addict lol

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that just makes me shiver

how the hell do they get the marrow out? stick it in the bone? *shivers*

then your bone will have nothing in it :blink: and (im my own head) will SNAP! eergh.


EDIT: typed in bone marrow donations on google images and this picture came up



it doesnt look like it is though :blink:

whatever it is, its sick!

Edited by J-KAY
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I'm on the register with the Anthony Nolan Trust. They take a blood test and then they do some tests on it and store your tissue type on the list, and if anyone needs some marrow, they look up the closest match. If that's you then you have to go to a place in London (apparently) to give the marrow - All expenses paid, hotel etc. But it's quite rare to be called up I think.

There are two ways that you can give marrow and unfortunately you don't get to choose - it all depends on what the consultant in charge wants. The old way is like what's in that picture - A big needle into your hip bone. Under local anaesthetic so it doesn't hurt that much at the time. Apparently after a few days it feels like you got hit by a car or something - A huge big bruise and very tender to the touch.

The other way is more modern and I think more common now. It sounds much more friendly - they hook you up to a machine that takes your blood and 'harvests' the cells it needs. It's kinda like a dialysis machine - your blood goes in one end and then goes through the machine and comes out the other side and back into you. And I think you just sit there for about 6 hours reading or watching TV or something. So much less painful, the only side effects are feeling a bit tired for the next week.

To be honest, it's pretty scary to think about, but it's a small price to pay for saving a kid's life.

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To be honest, it's pretty scary to think about, but it's a small price to pay for saving a kid's life.

Both statements are true but im afraid for me the first outweighs the second. Ony because I went to give a blood sample for chrons research (long story) basically it was just giving about 300ml or something small of blood the same way as normal. I threw up :$

Ever since I've wanted to give blood but just not had the courage to do so because of that time. :(

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Does anyone know (tomm maybe) how long you have to wait after having something pinned before you can give blood/marrow (wires in elbow screw in knee)? I think someone once mentioned its a few years?

Don't know exactly, sorry. Although I had my shoulder pinned and the blood centre only wanted to know about how much blood I'd lost during the op (not a lot in my case because it was fairly minor), didn't ask about pins. They weren't big pins though.

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Blood is about 6 months for anything like op's, piercings, tattoo's, and even then they can turn you down for your own safety. Go along and find out!

I'm still interested in the marrow thing, yeah it may hurt a little bit, so do tatts and some piercings!

Giving blood is easy, you only feel the pinch to begin with, getting my ears pierced hurt more and they didn't hurt! You just sit there for 10 mintues and can't feel it! It's a good thing to do!

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