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Couple Of Quick Questions


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Going to get myself back into riding after been inspired to ride properly after going on the london ride the other week.

Bike needs a few things to get it running sweet, however there are a few things that i want to check before i go ordering it all.

Firstly will a 2.5 maxis high roller go through an adamant a1 frame (on an alex DX32)?

are onza alloy risers the same shape as the carbon ones? As i fancy something slightly wider and my carbon ones are getting very chipped.

And finally im going to get a new maggie as mine has come to the end of its life I feel as the lever is mega wobbly and it is made up of three differnt colours due to parts breaking over the years :lol:

So im going to get a sexy 05 one as was thinking of getting one of the aftermarket levers (echo/adamant etc ones) Is there any difference in the shape of all of the makes? and how much longer are they and do you gain much from it?

Sorry for all the questions but i hope you can help

Thanks gavin :)

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Firstly will a 2.5 maxis high roller go through an adamant a1 frame (on an alex DX32)?

are onza alloy risers the same shape as the carbon ones? As i fancy something slightly wider and my carbon ones are getting very chipped. Yes

And finally im going to get a new maggie as mine has come to the end of its life I feel as the lever is mega wobbly and it is made up of three differnt colours due to parts breaking over the years

So im going to get a sexy 05 one as was thinking of getting one of the aftermarket levers (echo/adamant etc ones) Is there any difference in the shape of all of the makes? and how much longer are they and do you gain much from it? Yeah, there's spose to be 7% more power i think. I've got an echo one and it feels the shiz.

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another maxxis tire would be good and it will last for you wont it as your front tire has last over a yeah.

i say you either get the onza alloys or the adamant bars something different than all the other riders here and as ash says the zoo bars are identical to adamant bars

as for the magura, normal standard maggy 05/06 but with adamant lever (Y)

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