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Trashed Echo Rim


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i was doing some gaps off a truck trailer to a wooden beam 9ft away i wheel spinned on the metal and nose

dived in to it front wheel first i came out alright but i cant say the same bout my forks and front wheel whats

your opinions on it and has anything similar happen to any of you lot?

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Unlucky, I wheel spined on a drop gap about 4 days ago was of a 7ft wall to a pallet about 10ft the gap was. Me and my mate was just messing around on it, We both knew the wall was quite slippy and he said to me one of us is going to wheel spin soon.

But like a tit I said we'll be alright , well I wasn't I was just pre loading to gap and stomped hard on the pedals to gap and I just wheel spinned like f**k, landed front first straight into the pallet. My bike was alright but I sprained my wrist quite bad :( Still hurts now but should be back to normal after a couple of more days :)

Also I left of the flat when I was pinch gapping before, so thats probbaly why I did wheel spin anyway Lesson learnt. Pinch gap on drop gaps :)

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I'm surprised you were able to type this topic at all , I would have expeceted severely injured wrists . Tough luck on the rim and fork .

looks like the rim absorbed most of the force.

there you go, they aren't shite, it's a safety feature :-

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Teaches you to run Tiogas! Nah, seriously, they suck majorly. I cant ride in the wet in the slightest with mine on the back, I just wheel-spin on anything and can't trust it.

Unlucky about the wheel though, hope the new rim does you better, I think with any rim that would have at least severely flat-spotted it! And an even bigger bugger about the forks, as there a bigger price tag to replace.

Good you walked away unhurt though (Y) .

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