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My Finger


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Hi, Basically i have been just began riding a 06 t-pro and every time a let go of the grips my finger would kill, and yesterday it made the loudest crack!! and now it kills to open/close and ride, could it have anything to do with the way i am riding??

thanks ryan (Y)

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I had this yesterday while riding.

every time i tried to ride or pull my brake my finger would kill, so i had to stop riding for the rest of the day and my finger is still hurting now and its swollen up by the joint. dunno what it is....

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If you're describing what I think, then it's a kind of repetitive strain tendonitis thing. I have it in my finger from climbing and riding and it won't go away, even after several months. But I'm old, haha. The bad news is that there's no real treatment, only rest. But the good news is that it doesn't really affect your riding/climbing - once you get over the pain it doesn't stop you doing anything.

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the funny thing is that me and ryan (sheringham trials) got it at exactly the same time, its only on my left hand though and my little finger and slightly in the one next to it. i had o stop riding due to this and it still hurts now (3-4 days later). ive been riding for a year and i bit now this has never happened before. weird :S

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AW DEAR (N) i had this in my rite hands index finger, was the bone between knukkle and middle that was killin when i gripped the bars.. UNFORTUNATLY i cudnt do big dropgaps with it :huh: cos i cudnt grip the bars at all without unbeleiveable pain :blink:

A few i kno hav had it and theres went within a few weeks...mine lasted like 3 week was horrible...

had to just do small techy stuff.....mine swelled up loads...


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I have the same problem with my little finger on my left hand. It makes gripping the bars a right pain in the arse, or finger in this case....um yes, sorry about that >_<

Its fine at the moment, probably because i havent had a ride in a few days, but as soon as a i start riding again it starts playing up!

So annoying!

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