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Bike Colour Shop Look In

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Hi mate, I would'nt mind my bike black frame with silver forks and lumo pink rims if you have time please...?




Which ever you fancy doin mate...

Cheers if you can be arsed to do it...

CJ.. (Y)

here you go mate sorry bout the quality as the photo was very smokey and trust me the pink rims didnt go at all so I left them off


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hi there would you do my hubs and rims in blue like my bars please %7Boption%7D


thanks a lot paul bell

here you go mate there is to much light bouncing off of the the front hub and the rear hub is nearly unseeable so I just did the rims it looks good though


Bloody Hell CJ, how did you see that !? :blink:

And you know balck frame and silver forks works 'cos you saw my beast lol, it's just drying at the mo' Gloss white (T-Mag) frame, and matt black Monty forks looks gawjus !!

Joel ;)

P.S could you do this in dark blue with white forks, or white with white forks please :turned:




Take you pick, and if you cant be bothered to put it up on the thred could you e-mail it to my msn addy pweez...onzadude@yahoo.co.uk

Cheers !

All done hope you like it


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here is my onza-tpro 06 model. i bought this bike in august 2006 so i have been riding now for almost 6 months and as you can see i purchased gold zoo bars, so if you could, could you please do the rims, hubs, cranks, brake mounts, and the levers in gold. it will probably look silly but i just wanted to no what it would look like.


thanks very much lou

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here is my onza-tpro 06 model. i bought this bike in august 2006 so i have been riding now for almost 6 months and as you can see i purchased gold zoo bars, so if you could, could you please do the rims, hubs, cranks, brake mounts, and the levers in gold. it will probably look silly but i just wanted to no what it would look like.


thanks very much lou

only one problem mate the only colours I cnat do are silver and gold because they are metallic only basic colours im afraid

and also the guy that wants the zoo stock with pink bits could you find me another pic as the light on the rims isnt right for doing the rims on the one i did a while back

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here is my onza-tpro 06 model. i bought this bike in august 2006 so i have been riding now for almost 6 months and as you can see i purchased gold zoo bars, so if you could, could you please do the rims, hubs, cranks, brake mounts, and the levers in gold. it will probably look silly but i just wanted to no what it would look like.


thanks very much lou

The quality of the image was quite low so there are certain green artifacts in amongst the gold but you get the idea. And please excuse the untidy edges on the front wheel, i only did it quickly in a couple of minutes so the edges are quite straight.


How do you get photo shop i want it jus to play on(Y)

30 Day free trial on the photoshop website.

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Hi guys ive got Adobe Photoshop CS and ive just been playing around with it at the moment, however what i would like to know, is how do you colour parts of the bike without doing it in a solid colour to show the different light effects?

I've tryed using the eyedropper tool but it will only duplicate a solid colour and at the moment i am pretty hopeless at it. Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance! (Y)

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