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Deonn Halliday ..........

Deonn h

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Heyy! This is my first vid , first time at editin. Been ridin for 2 years 1 month. I used to ride 20” but at the start of the year I decided to go 26”.

I`m 15 years old i dont think age matters though. Sorry for the size of the file being having trouble compressing it.

And also there’s about 12 seconds at the end of the vid where it`s blank for some reason.

Not sure if the music will be to everyones taste but just tell me what you think.

Song: Portishead and Massive attack - teardrops

Anyways ……..http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/deonnh

Edited by Deonn h
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Yeah Deonn nice one, i thought riding and editing were fair good man (Y)

your sidehops seem fair small compared to when you ridden mod but everything else caps etc were fair big.

Keep it up deonn (Y)

oh and this is kyle :)

Edited by Kyle Hinchcliffe
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i was really impressed by this video. Its pretty amazing how good you are after just two years, you are going big on a lot of moves but unlike a lot of the more well known riders you seem a lot more controlled and relaxed, almost like you aren't really trying.

i think you have a great style, and from when i've ridden with you (seems ages ago now) i know you've started from the ground and worked your way up. rather than trying to go huge straight off, which really has paid off imo.

i think you suited mod better, but you're riding is great on stock anyway, so stick with what you prefer.

seriously keep it up, i think your next video could be something really really good. my one tip would be try and do more lines though. You have the control to keep a whole line together, which will make the difference between a good rider, and a great one.

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good riding

I love the song but it probably should have been edited differently to it ? I would have gone with a GETboard stylee approach - slight slowmo - nice transitions etc . . . .

overall though - good.

Thanks , yeh il try something different next time :)

same......upload on youtube please:)

Naa don`t i dont won it on youtube its bab.

i was really impressed by this video. Its pretty amazing how good you are after just two years, you are going big on a lot of moves but unlike a lot of the more well known riders you seem a lot more controlled and relaxed, almost like you aren't really trying.

i think you have a great style, and from when i've ridden with you (seems ages ago now) i know you've started from the ground and worked your way up. rather than trying to go huge straight off, which really has paid off imo.

i think you suited mod better, but you're riding is great on stock anyway, so stick with what you prefer.

seriously keep it up, i think your next video could be something really really good. my one tip would be try and do more lines though. You have the control to keep a whole line together, which will make the difference between a good rider, and a great one.

Yeh il try do some more lines next time rather than just one move ,stop , then another ,stop...:) thanks

when i download this and when i downloaded ndbr 23 they downloaded as songs and dont work

VCL player ?

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Thanks , yeh il try something different next time :)

Naa don`t i dont won it on youtube its bab.

Yeh il try do some more lines next time rather than just one move ,stop , then another ,stop...:) thanks

VCL player ?

whats vcl player

ahh its oki just open it with media player its ausome mate fair ply

Edited by B.E.A.U
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