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Fish Eye Lenses

mr ailsbury

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right basically I'm thinking of getting a fisheye for my canon EOS 350D but I don't know what to look for? so can you guys point out some ok ones that arent super pricey???

also could I just buy some sort of fish eye attachment for the lense I have now rather than blowing money on a whole lense??


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right basically I'm thinking of getting a fisheye for my canon EOS 350D but I don't know what to look for? so can you guys point out some ok ones that arent super pricey???

also could I just buy some sort of fish eye attachment for the lense I have now rather than blowing money on a whole lense??


you could just buy an attachment, but quality would be much lower. check out sigma and peleng fish eyes at a good price, and possibly pm fatmike on here. think hes got peleng and zenitar fish eyes for sale to fit a 350d.

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this may come out the wrong way and i don't mean it in a cocky nasty way. But you have bothered to spend a good amount of money on an awesome camera, while you seem to have a very limited surrounding knowledge of photography.

I know that is a very bold statement seeing as i am basing it solely on you asking this question. I just think that you are throwing money into something very eagerly, when, in my opinion, you should/could spend a while learning about what you are about to throw money at, by a little bit of research on the internet on the countless photography sites, shops and review sites. Photography magazines etc.

This forum is sooo helpful, so you are about to no doubt get the info you want, but i just think you could maybe spend some time looking into it before asking a direct question, so that you could maybe bring some examples of lens's you might be looking at, already knowing some benefits and drawbacks of each, and asking for recommendations.

I suppose it's a pointless post this, but i saw your question and it just came across to me like you had a good amount of money, but not much knowledge of what you'd like to put your money into. I guess i have bought things in the past without researching, just by going off what someone said was good, only to find out that yes, it is good, but not for me. Just take what people say, and then do your own research and spend some time before you spend some money!

Massive post, with no answer for your question!! Sorry!! Spend wisely anyway, and you'll get cracking shots!


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this may come out the wrong way and i don't mean it in a cocky nasty way. But you have bothered to spend a good amount of money on an awesome camera, while you seem to have a very limited surrounding knowledge of photography.

I know that is a very bold statement seeing as i am basing it solely on you asking this question. I just think that you are throwing money into something very eagerly, when, in my opinion, you should/could spend a while learning about what you are about to throw money at, by a little bit of research on the internet on the countless photography sites, shops and review sites. Photography magazines etc.

This forum is sooo helpful, so you are about to no doubt get the info you want, but i just think you could maybe spend some time looking into it before asking a direct question, so that you could maybe bring some examples of lens's you might be looking at, already knowing some benefits and drawbacks of each, and asking for recommendations.

I suppose it's a pointless post this, but i saw your question and it just came across to me like you had a good amount of money, but not much knowledge of what you'd like to put your money into. I guess i have bought things in the past without researching, just by going off what someone said was good, only to find out that yes, it is good, but not for me. Just take what people say, and then do your own research and spend some time before you spend some money!

Massive post, with no answer for your question!! Sorry!! Spend wisely anyway, and you'll get cracking shots!


Hmmm. You are right in a sense BUT he is studying Photography, Media studies etc at college at the moment. He brought the camera because he needed it for college. He has only been doing the course around 1 year so he does not have the best knowledge on the subject yet.

Please someone help him out. He takes my photo's for me. :P


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Bongo is right, but there's a lot of odd fisheye lens around.

As a rule, the Canon 15mm, Sigma 15mm or Sigma 8mm will give good quality images with functioning autofocus and exposure. They're not cheap, but will give good quality images.

The Peleng and (to a lesser extent) the Zenitar lenses will give decent enough results, but can lack accurate colour reproduction, and extreme distortion. I know Fatmike did a lot of photoshop work to get his shots useable. They are also manual focus, and manual exposure only. They are however a lot cheaper than the Canon or Sigma options.

For a good SLR, avoid the cheapy attachments. They're just rubbish. A low resolution video camera will do ok with them, but not a 6 or 8 megapixel camera.

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Yeah I'll admit I do only have a basic knowledge with all this kind of stuff I havn't really looked into it too deeply but obviously I've had a bit of a look around but I don't really know where to start on differant lenses and stuff.

I've asked in my local Jessops but they didn't really explain it too well to be honest so thought I'd ask on here seen as theres alot of photographers that take riding pics so thoguht it might be a bit more useful.

Then go off look around and make a decision like.

Edited by mr ailsbury
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Just to point out - auto exposure does function with the Peleng/Zenitar lenses. :)

Yeah, PS work was required with the Peleng, either cloning/cropping to remove the dark corners, however I've made great A3 prints with both lenses with minimal work.

It sounds like a Zenitar 16mm fish might be what you're after, cheap (£75ish or less), gives good, sharp images, and is a great introduction into fisheyed pics! (I'm selling one btw :wink2: )

But yeah, totally avoid the adapters. (Y)

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