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A Workshop


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Tomorrow I'll be taking the day off to go and shop for bits to make myself a workshop, I've always wanted one in my garage because I'm fed up of fixing my bike in my bedroom and making alot of mess (consequently having to take a beating from my mother)

Anyway, I don't want to get out tomorrow and go to hardware/bike shops and be wondering to myself what I'll need, so this is a shout out to anyone who has a workshop in their garage or shed. What do you have in there? Vices, Clamps, Drills? What get's used the most? I imagine having a workbench with a vice pretty high on the agenda. What about having a home made bike stand?

So anybody that's got a well layed out workshop please let me know what you use or what's essential as I dont want to use my brain and secondly I dont want to get out tomorrow an be ummmming or arrrring.

Merci xxx

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good set of alan keys + spanners like this

look into buying stuff for mounting whatever else you buy to your walls (wood+nails ***)

you wanting to make this for bikes? or everything else as well?

bike tools:

bb tool

crank puller

chain tool

lockring tool

angle grinder

angle grinder, £15

Edited by ogre
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Bike stand would be ideal. - Whenever i've taken my bike into work to work on it, I have it in the stand, and it's soo much easier than trying to hold it up, or have it on it's side etc.

You could try and make one, the actualy clamp wouldn't be that hard to make.

Try and have a look at one in Halfords for an idea of how they work. - Guessing everystore will have the same stand?

I got a wooden board, and wacked a load of screws in it to hold tools up. Spanners, screwdrivers etc. Makes it a lot easier to get them instead of rumaging through toolboxes.

Also get a vice fixed to a workbench, just for bodging, etc. You will need one at one point.

Make like, a rack or space for what I call 'Servicing needs' or whatever..basically GT85/WD40, Synthetic oil, grease etc.

Oh yeah, and somewhere for powertools would be handy, drills, angle grinders etc. ;)

I don't actually have all of this at home, but I plan to in the future...at some point. :sleeping:

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Sort of against buying cheapo tools...but I suppose it depends what you use them for and how often. Personally I'd recommend:

Vice - a big f**k off one that will turn kneecaps into dust. Very handy for working on bikes at a decent height (clamp bike by the bashplate) and usually cheaper than one of those gay bike stands.

Socket set - Obvious

Allen Keys - (don't buy pathetic things for £1, they usually bend, snap and puncture your lung with the slightest pressure) Usually I class a slightly decent set as one that comes with a 7mm :) Which I recommend as you'll no doubt need one for something in the future.

Spanner set - Again, not too cheap.

All the obvious bike tools - buy cheap, you'll probably loose them.

Assorted nuts and bolts (The big tubs you can buy, look over your bike(s) and get a tub for each size bolt, they're pretty cheap and usually result in being able to ride when otherwise you'd be f**ked.

BFH - Big f**king Hammer...obvious reasons.

Air Compressors - Feck sitting around cleaning by hand, compressed air is the way forward! Aswell as being able to fix and inflate innertubes in seconds :) Again, don't buy cheap. I don't trust them...personally I don't want to be picking metal out my face for the next decade.

Storage - For tools and for nuts/bolts removed from your bike. Its a bitch looking at a floor for 15 minutes trying to find a bolt that you've accidentally kicked into the world of Narnia.

Lighting - Obvious. (Strobe lights)

Heating - Obvious. (Electric heator)

Radio - To keep you sane and to entertainnn.

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check out local auctions, you can pick up some really good stuff for feck all money, unless you can afford decent brand new stuff that is...which WILL cost lots, it wouldn't surprise me if i have about 6k of stuff now, thats not just bike tools obviously, but things like welders and lathes which cost a fair sum...don't go and buy any old cheap crap, it wont last, just like with bikes (and most things really)

check out screwfix for decent stuff at affordable prices, they are a sound company and are willing to sort you out if you have any warranty issues (well, they have been excellent with me)

a decent tap and die set is very handy, a drill bit set a bike stand is something that'll make you think 'how on earth did i manage without it?'-they are very handy things to own, as well as the usual bike tools

maybe a few of us should post a picture of our workshops to give him an idea of what we have? mines currently being reorganised so i can post up in a few days :)

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Okok the title of this thread made me happy for some reason.

What i would sugest is...

A work stand DEFONTALY. (although i wonder if have to fising wire strings coming frm your celing with hooks on the end would be any good at f**k all of a cost)

A wheel vice (i think it is what its called)(we have one at work, and i use it A LOT!)

As stated by Anzo and maybe a few others DECENT allen keys, there is nothing worse then shit ones they round of like a fanny.

P.s i wont to have a go at making a workshop in SU PRO 6 so ill post a pic if i have time.

Cheers, Rorz!

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Most stuff's already been mentioned but the thing that hasn't is just a cheap rubber mallet. Reeeaaalllyyy useful, means you don't either smack the shit out of cranks and steertubes trying to get them out or don't have to hold a hammer and a piece of wood etc. I got mine for £1 from Wilkinsons. It's the one tool i don't see any problem with buying cheap really.

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Most stuff's already been mentioned but the thing that hasn't is just a cheap rubber mallet. Reeeaaalllyyy useful, means you don't either smack the shit out of cranks and steertubes trying to get them out or don't have to hold a hammer and a piece of wood etc. I got mine for £1 from Wilkinsons. It's the one tool i don't see any problem with buying cheap really.

Talking about getting off cranks, i think that a cheap crank extractor is a good idea, specialy if your thinking of fixing more then just your own bike, witch I'm guessing you are as it would be a tiny bit f a waste of space, not to mention mean on your mates.

Cheers Rorz!

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Thanks for all the quick replies!

Going to make a day of it tomorrow spending money and cleaning out my garage, do a changing rooms! :P Garage into workshop.

Think a vice will hold a bike adequately enough to work on it? Suppose it depends on all the elements in the equasion.

Anyway thanks again. An if it works out to be a respectable workshop I may be proud enough to clog the forum up with a few pics.

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Thanks for all the quick replies!

Going to make a day of it tomorrow spending money and cleaning out my garage, do a changing rooms! :P Garage into workshop.

Think a vice will hold a bike adequately enough to work on it? Suppose it depends on all the elements in the equasion.

Anyway thanks again. An if it works out to be a respectable workshop I may be proud enough to clog the forum up with a few pics.

Photos at hourly intervals or so, let us see it evolve, its only fair :P

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oh my god why wont it let me upload a 230kb BMP file. 'Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file'

Thats realy anoying because this space should be filled with a bit of effort i put in for your guys :(

Edited by RR_Trials
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Sort of against buying cheapo tools...but I suppose it depends what you use them for and how often.

Me too, but it's not tools as much, more like a workbench and that sorta thing, obviously not proper heavy duty 'workshop' gear, but allright for getting started with a bit of space to work nice a cheap.

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Nothing compared to what you guys can probably do, but its my effort.

Cheers, Rorz!

Edit: Sorry a bit small ill make them larger.

EditEdit: Done :P

10 out of 10 for effort!

Seeing as Bike Stands are wayyy overpriced for what you get, which is essentially a tripod with a clamp. I'm going to see what my local specialist bike shop has to offer and maybe a look round halfords to 'pocket' some extortianately priced goodies.

I can sense already that this is going to run into the 100's of great british dollars.

EDIT: Anybody got any pics of the Tarts workshop? Be interesting to have a look.

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