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29" Wheels For Trials


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29" wheels are a recent development in the traditional MTB scene and seem to be gaining momentum. I'm not sure if they can be used for sanctioned events yet but some top class riders are taking them on board as the next best thing. Like most things MTB related, anything new gets adopted and then adapted to trials. Is there a place for 29" wheels in the trials world?

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The benefit for mountain bikers is that 29" wheels roll better over rough ground. However, you lose maneuvrability through them (in the same way mods are more maneuvrable than stocks). As a result, there's no real benefit for trials riders unless sections at comps become way less tech...

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700C (or whatever it is they run) I guess - it's more about weight, gear ratio and aerodynamics for them. If they ran huge wheels, they'd end up being pretty heavy if they ran them as those sorta "plate" wheels, and if they were spoked they'd be really shit aerodynamically.

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You're not the first to think about it. I was in discussions with a manufaturer about 29" wheel frames, and a lot of the points raised here came up. Not to mention the lack of suitable rims and tyres.

A 29" trials bike would be fine for white and blue route comps, but I think the increase in bulk would hinder it on the red and yellow routes where ultimate clearance is required. Imagine how much the bike would be canted over for sidehops!

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Well, it sure is something to think about. Not that it will ever happen though.

I can only think about one benefit, it's easier to tap and gap a 26" than a 20" so a 29" would probably be easier to tap and gap than a stock.

Perhaps, but what if 26" is the optimum size? It's hard to say, 'cos just assuming that because the tyres are bigger means it's going to be easier to tap doesn't really hold true. A lot of the reason that stocks are easier to tap is their geometry and wheelbase, so there wouldn't be the huge gap there is between stocks and mods.

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the bigger the wheel the weaker it is, and i cant see any advantages of going bigger then 26" so i dought it. maybe a 29" on just the rear or front??? :S cant realy see it happening


29" wheels means bigger chain stays. So at a guess I'd say a 29" wheeled trials bike would be a big fat pile of hoop on the back wheel.


supose you could role up ogjects higher

What the... :blink:

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