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Insurance - Yay Or Nay ?


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Well, is bike insurance actually worth it?

Just bought a Carrera Fury 07 - not a trials bike i know, but i thought why not.. its a f**king beast though (L) which cost £500 (well £550 but got £50 off :P) and i google'd ' cycle insurance' and this is the first one that came up... and its actually the cheapest CycleGuard dot co dot uk (first option) and i typed my post code and my bikes value and it came to £39/year or £3.67/monthly (which i get charged 29% apr for..so im like paying £20 more then yearly)

but, is that actually worth it? :shifty:

Edited by kingzl3y
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I actually had to lean closer to my monitor to read that >_< .

I spose it depends on where your keep your bike, where your live and how much you've spent on it. Personally I don't want insurance becuase at the end of the day, I dont trust them to give me a full new bike if mine gets stolen.

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just think logic:

do you live in an area that is a little rough and it may get nicked or damaged

are you going to be visiting places with yopur bike where it may get nicked or damaged

p.s check what they cover aswell

if u dont live in a rough area and the places you will be riding arnt very rough either then theres not a lot of point in getting insurance.

unless the insurance company covers if u acidently damage your bike then you have found a cracking deal for that price

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mines insured for £1500

100 quid ish a year, it is locked up good and hard in the garage, and if it gets chaved, theyll get me another one!

it is worth it, if you were broken into or summat, then you can get it back,


and its covered for comps, all damages to parts and ill say "sorry but i broke this" and theyll do me another, great if its a big component, i wouldn't claim on little things, but its good to know its there, just incase.

its with EandL


one of the above lol

google it.

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After having 2 bikes stolen at the same time, I looked into it a bit, and we ended up getting a thing added to out house insurance that means any personal posetions are covered outside the house, so MP3 player, Camera, Laptop, Phone, Bikes ect.. it covers up to 3000 pounds worth of stuff being stolen. I'll have to ask the rents hoe much extra it is, and what insurance we use, but it seems really good anyway.

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sounds well worth the money to me! especially if you live in a deprived area! ive got a 15 hundered pound bike in my garage but not too worryed... . i live down a close and its in a bricked garage adjoining the house with 5 motorbikes in.... 2 with the keys in the ignition and 1 which doesnt need a key.... dont think there gonna go after my silly bike with no saddle!

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yes, do it! only recently got my pashley nicked and it wasnt insured, so no bike and no way of buying another pashley thats for sure, everything bought brand new and its gone. £40 a year would see me not having to buy the bike i just have, and i got lucky to get this one at the price i did. do it i'm defo insuring all my bikes now.

dont wish the feeling you get of walking to get you biek and only finding a lock cut in half on the floor to anyone, not nice at all.


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I would get insurance -says the guy who still doesn't atm- however, finding good cover at a reasnoble price is hard!

I tried E and L, but to insure my XC bike, and my Trilas bike (total value 3k) i ended up having to pay as much as my mum does for her car insurance! (300 a year) and theres no way i can afoord that!

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i rekon it totally depends on what bike you have got and where you leave it. like me, i have a shitty bike and i keep it in a locked garage so i dont think there is any point for me. o ye and if you are the type of tw*t that leaves your bike unlocked outside a shop etc while you run in should definately have it.

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if you can it for that much then yeah i would go for it, atleast you know that if your bike gets stolen then your covered and get another bike quite easily. i keep all my bikes in my house and they are all insured on the house insurance but only up to £500. i only have to bikes but both of them are worth around that much so i know that if anything happened to them i would just get straight on the phone to the insurance and i would be okay. so basicly i think that it is well worth getting insured.

cheers lou.

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