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Professional Video From Moscow


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Video from Russian moscow rider

Not so much biketrial, but - it was made with professional "TV guys"

Very good job of operatot and editor

Hope you'll like it



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Hmmm, I'm not sure what to think of that. Some moments of brilliance, but lots of bit that just didn't work for me.

One thing consistently nice was the lighting. The night ride stuff looked great visually. I'm presuming it was filmed on a broadcast quality camera, with a decent lens, to get that level of detail and light from a night shoot. Every now and then there was a fantastic camera angle coupled with the light to make an awesome shot. I loved the shot of the riders reflection as he rode round the fountain, panning upto him. And the shot of him picking up his chain at the end was great.

That said there were lots of shots that I didn't like, messy camera moves, some of the super close up shots just didn't work for me. Editing wise that transition soon got on my nerves. Fair enough to use something like that once in a while, but they used it on what felt like every cut! The interview section included one of my pet hates that is instead of using a cutaway, or coming into a close up shot, they just did a transition and audio effect between his words. It always just feels a bit cheap TV to me, sorta thing they do on programs that are made to go on men and motors in the daytime at super cheap prices.

I'm probs being harsh. Compared to many internet bike vids it was nice, had a good flow, and nice cinematography. Compared to a professional DVD, the likes of the earthed series, or broadcast TV, sortta stuff extreme channel might show, it was a bit of a let down.

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Obviously edited for mainsteam russian tv, so it was dissappointing dispite the professional quality night images. If these guys bring out a proper edited riding video in the near future, then that would be interesting.

Edited by Rusevelt
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