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Everything posted by Rebelistic

  1. Why not go for a T-Rex, does the lack of a seat put you off? The T-Rex does have a mini seat option. It's unusual for a trials bike to have a 'proper' seat these days, most have mini seats or no seats. I don't know of any women specific trials bikes (unfortunately not many women ride trials ) but I think women's cross country bikes tend to have shorter cranks than men's. Hope you find somthing that suits
  2. I've been told I can't even ride on some rocks at the local Uni, not because of damage to property but because I'm "a danger to myself and others". I tried to explain that I am very careful but the security guard wouldn't have it. It's a shame because it's a good place to ride I can't see any harm in riding on rocks.
  3. They are V brakes right? When you pull the brake on, does it feel solid but let the wheel slip, or does it feel a bit spongy(sp)? If it feels solid then it's probably lack of friction between pads and rim, if it's spongy then it's more likley the brake set up. Hope you sort it out.
  4. That's what I use and it's the best I've tried. Comfortable shin and knee protection.
  5. Rebelistic

    Bee Hive.

    That's what I'd do, unless the bees are actually a danger to you (eg. if you have small children etc.) Bees are much less likley to sting you than wasps and bees are good for the environment.
  6. I've just broken another pair of Fly Guy forks on my old Onza T-Rex (blue 04 model) attempting to tap up a small wall, also made a nice dent in my down tube . Can anyone suggest a stronger replacement? - I don't really want to spend too much. I know there's a few threads about forks but are there any that a well suited to an older T-Rex like mine? Are Onza/Supercycles a bit slow with there online ordering? Also I'm assuming it's ok to ride with a small dent - I don't think it will affect the strength too much but I'll keep an eye on it. Any help would be great, Cheers
  7. I got one of these 2nd hand a while back and never really liked it. I still have the frame but don't use it. In my opinion the back end was longer than my T-Rex which made it feel less stable and I think the down tube is ugly . It came with a very short stem, I fitted a longer one but it just didn't feel right to me.
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  9. I've done that before. I had to hit the screwdriver with a hammer though Might wreck the bearings but cheaper than wrecking the crank.
  10. I don't know of any tutorials but I've done some PLC programming and assembly language in the past. I'm a bit rusty now but I'll try and help if I can. Do you have any specific problems?
  11. I've got a maguara(sp?) brake booster on my front and an onza one on the rear. The rear was too wide for the mag one. It's best to measure it and check before you buy one.
  12. Thats a cool vid- well edited and original with some good riding. Perhaps too many traffic light shots for me but still amazing.
  13. Yeah you can't trust the media they do lie and twist things to suit their own agendas. All I meant was that there are a lot more innocent deaths that are not given much attention because they are not so close to home. And I think Bush and Blair are the real terrorists. Probably a bit controversial(sp) but just my opinion. Cheers
  14. Yeah I agree it's always tragic when the innocent die. I think we should also consider the innocent people killed by the British and American Governments(sp) in the war on Iraq (ie. the innocent civillians) which I think is partly to blame for this kind of thing.
  15. Yeah I'm thinking that way myself these days. I left my bike with what I thought was a good lock and came back to find it had been cut through - luckily a security guard saw and stopped the thieves before they got the bike. I think 'D' locks are the best though.
  16. If you want a T-Rex I would contact supercycles (the outllet for Onza bikes), they can probably get one sent to you. I would buy online as most shops don't seem to have much choice.
  17. I start by rolling along at a medium speed. I then pull up and back on the handlebars (like doing a manual) to lift the front wheel. As the front comes up, I hop upwards with my feet and throw my weight fowards slightly. This lifts the rest of the bike off the ground. When I first started I was afraid that I would pull back to far and 'loop out' (fall of the back of the bike). To avoid this I think it is important to cover the rear break (like doing a manual). I think biketrials.com has a good 'how to' manual that I found useful when I was starting out. Also watch videos (eg. 'mastering the art of trials') to see the technique. Good luck
  18. The only time I use the seat while riding is if I'm rolling down a long hill or just to sit on and take a break from riding for a few mins. I don't think seats are used during actual trials riding but they make the bike look more 'normal'. A proper seat with a seat post that you could adjust could alow you to ride the bike for a longer distance (eg. to your riding spot) more easily, but these seem quite rare on modern trials bikes.
  19. I ride an older T-Rex which I really like at the moment. I would say mine is slightly heavy but not too heavy and reasonably strong. I think the new T-Rex has an optional mini seat - maybe not quite what you want, I would prefer a normal seat. I think the new T-Rex looks pritty good but I've never ridden one. Hope you find the right bike for you
  20. When It's hot, the later the better. I wait till it cools down a bit
  21. Hi, I was just wondering if there are any good riding spots near Leicester (where I live) within a short drive. Some natural would be cool but I don't know of anywhere. Good street spots would also be cool as I got kicked out of my local uni again . I ride a lot of local street but it's getting a bit boring - would be nice to find some new places. Any advice would be helpful, Cheers
  22. I also think It's important not to be put off by the percieved diffuculty of what your doing. I found most trials moves seemed impossible to begin with. I've since found that if you just keep trying you do improve and you'll soon find yourself succeding where you once failed. I also think that other sports and activities often do benefit your riding as it can help you approach the situation from another perspective. Just my opinion
  23. 22/18 = 1.2222(recuring(sp)) 20/16 = 1.25 So 22/18 is an easier gear ratio as it's a lower number. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure thats how it works.
  24. 20/16 is closer to 22/18 than 22/19 - I think
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