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Everything posted by steve@banbury-trials

  1. i reckon the loudness could be something to do with a crevasse in your frame lol
  2. firstly i'd remove the booster .as for pads,i reccomend cousts,heatsink reds and plaz's all on beasty grinds
  3. it was on,only three of us there though but it was good none the less shame about your frame ben
  4. i will try to get to brum,but i certainaly wont be there if theres a bus journey involved. i will txt benjaminge to let him know either way like
  5. for a while it was neil tunnicliffe and damen watson who inspired me to ride with there big lines and superhuman type jumps,but recently danny mac has been a major inspiration with his different style,and different approach to obstacles .don't get me wrong i still find neil and damen excellent riders still.
  6. i really wish i was able to ride brum yesturday,it looked awesome
  7. the main purposes of a chain tensioner is to keep the chain taught enough to stop is slipping over the sprockets and to remove the worst of the slack chain.sometimes its possible to go without,but that is when the chain is just right when fitted that it doesn't need a tensioner. steve
  8. cheers steve tse,she is a bit on the beefy side,weighs a fair bit but who cares lol no need to be so hostile
  9. those cranks look awesome ,but the weight puts me of a little (1216g)
  10. i occasionally land a bit heavy or front wheel first on things,i'll show you a pick of my old try-all front rim next saturday mate
  11. owen made a tensioner using a old spoke i believe ,im sure he'll explain later. steve
  12. im wanting to run a 22t chainring up front so i can run a gears on the back ,i realise i can get a 21t crew-on cog but im not aware of any bashring that'll be big enough. plus,screw on isnt as sreety as bolt on cranks imo
  13. welcome to trials forum,enjoy the site and follow the guidelines
  14. cheers for the comment,i did think about burns ,i reckon i will have to consider them even more now.
  15. you know my heatsink red vee is better than you plaz maggie ben ,dont dennie it
  16. hi ,i have recently got a inspired and its being built up slowly but surely into a beasty street setup ,now im looking for a nice pair of cranks to put on her but im a bit stuck . i wanted to fit her with a pair of raceface northshore cranks but the person who i sold my previous pair too wont sell them back so im looking for a alternitive pair of cranks that are simular and come in isis . can i here you reccomendations please ,please try and keep your reccomendations under £100 cheers ,steve
  17. i really like the look of this bike i think i would change the bash to a black one but that would be it .are they raceface northshore cranks?
  18. may the 4th be with you ben

  19. i really liked your video i do agree that the bars look small ut they obviously dont slow this guy down,he goes pretty big none the less
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