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Everything posted by Bucky

  1. Bucky


    biking. it wont talk back it puts up with a lot of stick it can be ridden for 30seconds or 30 days without moaning and it dosent become out of action for a few days each month.
  2. Instead of going from full set of gears to nothing why not go half way?? Have a trials gear and a couple of others with a small short caged stiff springed roadie mech ie. 105, tiagra or ultegra. If you have any common sense at all the you will be able to work out how to get a KMC narrow or even wide running perfectly. Instead of running 9 gears run 4 with double spacers between them and stick a washer either side of the jockey wheel. Then either a bar or seat tube mounted shifter depending on what frame you run. Hope i have helped. Bucky
  3. did no one tell you about profiles when you were wrecking hopes??? i wrecked at least 7 sets of hope springs/pawls/FHB/ratchets in a couple of years. then i went to profile and it lasted 8 months(was then stolen but never showed anysigns of self destruction) i know its no good telling you now though.
  4. I dont know if you will have the money or not but I'd always go for either a Profile or King over a freewheel. and get some tensiles too.
  5. the only off bit on that i can spot is the tiled floor still reflecting in the sideskirts you got from digimods. apart from that MINT :turned:
  6. Bucky

    Little Bands

    by the looks of that i divided by 100 instead of 1000 at the end
  7. never met anyone who has been happy with theirs. they leak constantly are really spongey a. from leaking and b. longer leaverage etc. some have said uncomfy.
  8. Bucky


    one day i dream to be able to do what i love and get paid for it. Ie. major sponsership deal. but i would be perfectly happy if i just keep improving slowly and have just as much fun as ive had for the past 7 years
  9. me neither. shall we start a petition to get that banned too??
  10. Bucky

    Little Bands

    just been on that site and if you got 1000 medium sized saying 'fluffy bunny movement' ( longer than Rip dj or similar) it costs $15 each. so that around £9?? id be willing to pay that.....
  11. sorry but i didn't explain what exactly happened cos i couldn't be arsed. but now you have said that i will explain. i was driving along in a traffic jam very slowly, my phone rang and i picked it up to look at it, it wa sonly a message so i put it straight back down again. in the second or two that i picked it up a police car drove past me on the other side of the road, he then turned round and pulled me over.
  12. They defiantly do fit. Danny smith has one on his Woodstock. And i'm sure tart had one drilled for 4 bolt at some point. Everyone went through a stage and they were being sold on Ebay for ridiculous money like £60.
  13. no need for an arsehole statement like that. I last snapped a hanger about 2 years ago on my rockhound.
  14. i crashed the van, parked it up, walked home (on the way a copper stopped me and asked if i knew about it and i said no.) got home and same copper was waiting for me. they court gave me the make poss. points and ban possible without having to re-take test.
  15. Bucky


    nowt. cos i'm skint, cant be arsed riding to shop or walking. AND I'v just been banned from driving for 55 days.
  16. Bucky

    'happy Slapping'

    Yeah now that this behaviour has been shown on National Television it has become publicized and will probably be happening more now that people have seen it. The program makers must have thought they were making people aware and stopping it my making these idiots known but its just encouraging others to do the same. I just hope that i don't ever have to react to this sort of situation either happening to me or a member of the public. Bucky
  17. If you are only running the sub from the amp then yes you should only need a 2channel amp. But to get better sound get a 4 or 6 channel amp and run the 6x9's from it too. I have the JBL 12" sub with jbl gto 6x9's and a 600w amp bought as a package form motorworld. http://www.motor-world.co.uk/kroozin/categ...?sub_cat_id=423 some deals in there. Personally i would go for second hand bits form Ebay.
  18. Passed test on 21st dec 04. wrote off van into a lamppost on the 27th..... I left the scene. as i was walking home a copper stopped and asked me if i had crashed an i said no. went home they found my van traced me and i got f**ked. just got back form court this morning. got 9 points £40 fine and a 55day ban. for driving without due care and attention, leaving the scene of an accident and failing to report an accident. Also a while back i got pulled for driving whilst using a mobile phone. £30 fine. Been pulled about 5 times just for being a young lad in a van with alloys on it. edit: not bad to say iv only just realized its friday 13th.
  19. I pull back above horizontal to do larger gaps. i find that it really helps. had to change my technique now i used to set off from the corner on my Justice but now i have to leave from the flat on my Pure(1080!!)
  20. Bucky

    New Pedals

    waynio mentioned this to me a while ago but i was told to keep quiet. i just argued with him that until they are proven then i doubt anybody with any sense would buy some at that price. say you use 3 pairs of VP(or similar £10 pedals) a year. you can get over six years from them. who says they will definatly last that long and still be doing trials then........
  21. Bucky


    it was trialsrider.com/trialstar.com(same people) who made encounters and hibernation. contact waynio or alex and they should hopefully be able to help you.
  22. rider: Me Photo by: Flash http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y13/BIKET...5/leeds_015.jpg Rider: Me Photo by: Danny http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y13/BIKET...rail_leeds1.jpg rider: Me Photo By: Danny http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y13/BIKET...l_in_ilkley.bmp rider: Me Photo By: Fruitbat http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y13/BIKET...2005/medrop.jpg Rider: Me Photo By: Alex Richardson
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