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tipsy Jock

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Everything posted by tipsy Jock

  1. ooo noice, get one of them then whack a peak on it :) Will be a poor mans xen :angry: Pete
  2. I think we (we being tf not me) only found you annoying because we're sad and knew like every fact that you said lol sure everyone else loved you :angry: Pete
  3. I don't, means you can see the seat stays flex cause they're pulling so hard!!!! :P Pete
  4. You should have seen him at the indoor jam thingy, Even with a hangover he was pulling some crazy stuff. Once he'd found his shoes that is :P Pete
  5. I meant the current world champ one, but i suppose the room helps too lol Pete
  6. Suppose he does have that trophy to help him sleep at night lol Video was great, could watch it again and again ;) Pete
  7. Librarys rock, I'm in my 2nd year of a history degree and have only bought one book! and that was on criminology lol ;) Two of my housemates on the other hand do business degrees and have paid up to £100 on 3 books (Y) Pete
  8. Now that is nice to see, Plenty of tlc must gone into that. And is that a Evo in the background? That too is rather tasty lol Pete
  9. D/ling now Dave, will edit in roughly 2 hours lol Pete
  10. Some do, some don't. Just to be awkward lol Pete
  11. Think i'm gonna do reading saturday, do the concrete jungle and carling stage all day then try and crash somewhere for the wknd :- Last time you didn't need wknd passes to get into the campsite so i'll try my luck (Y)" Pete
  12. Have to admit i quite like the gossip lol but this has gone a little far over a freewheel :- Pete
  13. You sir are totaly red crazy!!! Pete
  14. Yup check the wings and the footwells. My friend found two rather large holes after he'd bought it (Y) Pete oh and the rest of it sounds gd, that price for that reg mini is pretty gd
  15. Dunno if anyone has ever worked in a clothes shop but the price tags are put on with kimble guns which have a needle that goes through the item then a small rod pushes the nylon tag through to the other side of the material. A guy i worked with last week price tagged his nipple lol, was funny as fook! :ermm: Pete
  16. I found that film painful to watch, so over the top and incredibly bias. Although a friend pointed out that if you compared it to fox news during the conflict then you can find a middle path for yourself lol. Apparently in bowling for columbine he edited together clips of speechs to get the reaction he wanted. Being a History student, crazy amounts of bias tend to bug me :ermm: And Bongo had better have watched Hitch!! lol Pete
  17. It may have a stupidly sized headtube designed to take 1.5" forks, other than that it should be fine. Different sized bb might be needed too :ermm: Pete
  18. I'm guessing it had something to do with stickers lol :ermm: Pete
  19. tipsy Jock

    My New Ride

    hmmm I can't get my head round up's on my zoo, its 1065 so isn't really a looong bike. I can up to two wheels pretty well by bumping the front but i can't backwheel for shit right now :P Pete p.s. bike looks great :P
  20. Wish i'd thought of that, free holiday :ermm: Pete
  21. NO! you go 90 and I come 10!! lol has it's moments that film. Though you have to see the incredibles :ermm: Pete
  22. The Punishers well worth watching as is AvP. for ultimate hilarity though you need super troopers :lol: Pete
  23. Nah similar but she was in a coffin, lenin may be the great little fellow who your thinking of, He's still in a glass case somewhere lol. Not going to cry myself to sleep over him, some of the work he's done has been good, theres only so much you can do to solve poverty from inside your gold encrusted walls lol RIP Pete
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