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Neil Tunnicliffe

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Everything posted by Neil Tunnicliffe

  1. Alright guys, I had some clips left over from zoo! video 30 quite a lot infact so I have decided instead of deleting the clips I have made zoo! video 31 out of them. Also some clips in the video are recent riding! I have decided that my next video might be something a bit different. So give me time for the next one. Anyway don't expect too much from this video! its just same old stunts. Thanks to trials-forum.co.uk for hosting this video. Enjoy... Video: www.neiltunnicliffe.com No lazy links. Neil T.
  2. Love the new site! Its deffenatly an inprovement. Its all good, looking really fit on front page and all that! hahahaha Keep it up. Neil.
  3. Hay, I think all companies look for there own taste of riding. Like Zoo! (Dengs compaines) he likes mad street videos that involve high and far stuff Like 'lets all kill our selfs' lol. How I got sponsored that has to be about 3-3.5yrs ago I only sent Deng 3clips and he wanted me. So my advice - Look for street lines that no one does... Or do a move up something where the object is different.. Like porter says its not to hard to get sponsor. Just your advertise skills. Ride on.. Neil.
  4. Dude, Sweet bike! I love green. I'm one of them people that like to have green parts on my bike I just love it. lol. Mint bike though. I know what them things ride like and they do kick ass. Very good choice. Take care bifter. Neil.
  5. OI Rowan! Love that video! them hooks look shit hot. Quality was perfect aswell. Still cant beleive standed pads and smooth rim LOL Nice one. Take care. Neil.
  6. Swwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeettt Bike!! Looks sexy mate about time you got back on a bike! See you later..and make sure you don't scratch it. LOL Later. Neil.
  7. trialmedia - What music do you actually like? Neil.
  8. That video is just awsome. No more to be said. Neil.
  9. Thanks a lot for the replys people! Also thanks to the guys that uploaded it to a decent server! I tryed to upload it to tv.isg.si but would not save. On my site you may have seen 2 clips that are not linked up yet! I will upload them 2 clips in a few days! The clips are from the left overs from zoo! video 30. so keep checking my site. Tar. Neil. www.NeilTunnicliffe.com
  10. Alright Guys... Zoo! Video 30! On my site. www.neiltunnicliffe.com MIRROR: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/kattnjanson Filmed mostly over the winter.. Hope you like Comments Very welcome. Enjoy... Neil T.
  11. Jim, that site is focin stupid! you legend! Keep it up pal... You own everyone here for site design - ness haha. see you later. Neil.
  12. I Sidehop to the left and i'm left footed. I don't think it really matters whitch side you want to sidehop.. There is no right or wrong way for any move. I have thought about changing sides but i don't think there is any need too. but recently I have been blastin them to the right side just to see what is what.. Just find the side you feel best with. Neil.
  13. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Nezza That may work Laters. Neil.
  14. I'm not sure why it says mod in my name lol Yeah I recon a video soon too I was thinking of putting a clip/short vid page on? so i can do short video or clips as well as full lengh videos? not sure yet. Thanks for replys...... Neil....
  15. Yeah simon I no what you are saying. Fixed! Respect! Neil.
  16. Alright guys. Got my self my own web site at last! Just kept it simple for me at the moment. Hopefully I will update alot more as I have my own site now. There is not a great big deal on there yet! But I will update it all very soon! Hope you like it. Enjoy.. http://www.NeilTunnicliffe.com cheers dudes! Neil..
  17. Beasto Vid Danny! crazy shit going down there Nice one. Keep em coming! Neil.
  18. Alright, Ben Trinder has done me alot of websites over the past. Because am thick and dumb LOL I cant update the sites he's done. I'm always riding or on msn talking to the girlfriend. But I'm doing my own web site with my own design. I recon 2-3weeks till Ive done it and 2 new videos to follow. sorry for my lazyness LOL. Neil
  19. Engageclothin video 6 link: Engageclothin_video_6 Bit old now, but still mint video should have another beasto video out in a few weeks. Later, Neil.
  20. Alright guys, what day are we lookin at ere? Nice one Neil.
  21. Oh dear, I'm with phill :) hahaha Should be a good ride :o (Y) See you all there :P Neil.
  22. As it says zoo! video 29. Hope you all like this video. (Y) coments welcome :P Thanks. Neil Tunnicliffe :P :P Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OO3HG0ND www.zoobike.com
  23. train gets there at 11.53 so wait you fat slags lol!
  24. Ok Aust see you there you big fat slag! lol Neil.
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