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Sonny Clarke

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Everything posted by Sonny Clarke

  1. The only abuse in this thread is aimed at you mate.
  2. Ben Collins methinks
  3. I'm watching it on there now.
  4. Formly cw00, that is my internet name you see.
  5. Well he kind of had it coming after 7 pages of trying to solve the argument
  6. Thats the thing i didn't ask people to visit 4chan, in fact i clearly said if you do not know what 4chan is, please ignore this thread. I made it for the few /b/tards on here.
  7. I made a thread like this and got a warn, NICE
  8. Anyone know who it is?
  9. De-motivaters are funnier, look them up. Heres one thats amusing -
  10. De-motivaters are funnier, look them up. Heres one thats amusing -
  11. But whats the life of them like? No point buying them if there going to last less than a month.
  12. What is it for? If possible you can copy someone else's, i'm sure there's a few around if you look out for them. There is a good on on Thinkbikes i think, on the wallpaper section where Spode i think is dropping of a wall. Good luck with finding/making one
  13. Wow, you certainly enjoy making and editing videos if your offering to make them for poeple! I havn't got any clips im afraid
  14. Is that caused by working nights or just a f*cked up sleep routine?
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