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Stephen Morris

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Everything posted by Stephen Morris

  1. No I'm not giving up, but realistically I doubt I'll be riding in 2 or 3 years time when I get a full time job, so like I say, I want to ride in the snow one more time in the next couple of years.
  2. I really enjoyed that, especially the "I don't like men" line where Raub falls over! For something thrown together, it was better than 50% of the videos on here anyway! Nice one for getting it up so fast (N) Stephen
  3. I tried for about 5 minutes once but kept missing the wall so I gave up. My problem is learning new things nowadays. I can't sidehp because I've never tried. I'm too lazy.
  4. I have every Feeder song ever, I'll add you now. Stephen (N)
  5. I've got no problem with it. As far as I'm concerned, stupid people need to be taught a lesson. Nothing's free, the money has to come from somewhere.
  6. Am I winning so far? Janson can't play because he's Swedish (N) Stephen.
  7. Milton Keynes is the worst location I've ever ridden. I can't understand what you're riding that I'm obviously missing. Where do you go when you ride MK?
  8. I've just experienced 5 minutes of sleet/hail nothing too exciting. Nothing settled.
  9. Surely if it doesn't snow 97% of the time at Christmas in Britain, then it should feel like Christmas when it's not snowing? Can you not be accused of associating the ideals of Lapland, North Pole etc with the Christmas we celebrate over here? It's really interesting (well fairly interesting) how people do this. For example, the original Christmas took place in Bethlehem (no snow) and then there's Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere which involves Santa on surf boards, barbeque's and the likes. I would imagine only 10% of the world (not sure where I got that statistic from) have a white Christmas regularly. Sorry, I'm not quite sure where that rant came from! The snow is great, I remember one year spending about 3 hours trying to ride up a steep slope that was covered in ice and snow and had no run up. I was at it (so to speak) for ages. I'd like a bit of snow before I stop riding, would be nice to ride in it one last time (Y) Stephen Morris
  10. Say for example I wanted to ride with you guys. How would I know where you're riding? I might go to Chingford, Chinley, Chilton, Chisworth, Chiserly or even Chimney (sounds like a nice place). Anyway, I presume as you're from the South that you're talking about Chichester. What's the place like for riding? I might come down in the summer if it's worth the trip. Stephen.
  11. Sorry to spil the fun, but I haven't worn a watch since I was about 13. The main reasons against watches are: A - The skin under the watch gets all sweaty B - In the summer you get a stupid tan-line C - I've always got my phone on me and that has a clock I think they're a waste of money too. My girlfriend wants a Cartier watch which costs well over a grand. I just think that sort of money could be better spent. Plus as I mentioned, almost everybody has a phone so doesn't need a watch.
  12. Someone likes their smily faces! Do photoshopped bike require a separate forum? Not really no. The more subforums you make, the harder it becomes to find what you're looking for. Although it's possible to put a few similar topics together in a subforum, often these topics run into ten or twenty pages, and that in itself makes the forum harder to use. Also lets face it, there aren't many photoshop topics about. Do we need a special thread/subforum for video song names? God no, this gets on my fucking nerves. If people were to post the song title along with their video then this would solve all the problems. Alternatively, the person who wants to know the name of the song could always PM the person who made it and ask them, therefore solving the problem once more Stephen
  13. My best mate is now in Boston, MA at college there. Yesterday he sent me a picture of outside his window. The snow had half covered a car on the other side of the street - so that's like 3 foot of snow! I'm not too bothered about the snow, there's a tiny little bit here on the floor and the rooves but nothing to write home about. If I liked the snow a lot I would go skiing or snowboarding, or just on holiday in Canada. Snow is ok, but I'll live without it. Stephen.
  14. I've just spent £20 on a sex tips E-book, I can't wait for my free gadget! What a load of shit, what idiot would: A - Spend £20 on an E-book B - Not notice that this is a dodgy pyramid scheme C - Get all their friends to buy E-books so that they get their gadget faster D - Realise his mistake at buying an E-book and post the link on Trials-Forum* Oh well, there are stupid people out there, Stephen (Y) * Lets hope you didn't actually buy and E-book, and you just wanted to show us this link.
  15. Computer says no... you live too far away. Is there anything wrong with the carpark over the bridge from the station? So long as I park away from the skatepark I'm sure the car will be ok, plus it's close to the station as I said. See you all tomorrow, my pants are already wet with excitement... sorry. Stephen xxx
  16. Where is Early station you smart arse?! *goes to streetmap.co.uk - back soon*
  17. Do they have maximum parking times though? When people take the piss and use them as a free car park they get pissed off and tow the car away!
  18. Why aren't you riding Reading? Isn't it easy enough to hop on a train to Clapham and then take a train to Reading? It would be cool to see you Simon!
  19. It's really hard to choose a favourite.... Some of my favourite games were on my PC. About 15 years ago I used to play monkey Island I and II (favourite game ever) as well as Ultima Underworld which was a game that involved you killing goblins whilst walking around in a maze. Both were great point and click games. But then again I was apparently pretty good at pong, and space invaders when I was about 4. The NES was awesome too, so many brilliant games, and the mega drive was great. When I was about 13 or 14 (pre-trials) I spent most of my time playing on my plasystation. It's not my favourite console, but it during it's 6 year supremecy (end of 1994 - 2000) when the PS2 emerged, I played for so many hours. At one point I had a collection of Official UK playstation magazines which were mainly stolen from where I worked. This collection was over 50 issues (4 years at 1 a month) and I had about 50 demo discs crammed full of wonderful games for me to play when it was too rainy to go riding. Those were the days... (N)
  20. I'd rather play Street Racer on the Mega Drive, or failing that Mario Kart on the SNES.
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