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Stephen Morris

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Everything posted by Stephen Morris

  1. It depends how tonights essay writing goes... if I come then it will be later in the afternoon, 2 - 3pm probably. I'll let you all know, the camera and light are now charging.
  2. Don't you mean Swedish stuff? The video wasn't bad at all, there aren't enough night riding videos out there at the minute, and although they look better with a light... I certainly enjoyed that, it was good to watch.
  3. This is "Astrophe" my cat, being man-handled by Tim Rodriguez. He's a lovely animal, but he's a lot more docile now he's entering his senior years. We found him in May 1997, in a bush in my garden. It turns out that the dad of a local rudeboy bought it for the chav's mum. The present was a ploy for them to get back together, when she said no the cat was left in the park by my house.
  4. If you're riding during daylight hours and with a couple of friends then you'll be fine. Stick to the main roads, as soon as you go down the backstreets you'll start to see dodgy looking people, but to be fair they tend to leave us alone, or at the very worst ask us stupid questions. Remember that there'll be lots of people about, so a small chance of you being victimised. Also try to consider where you'll be riding - the shell centre is an office, St Pauls is a big church, the tate is an art gallery - hardly mugger areas! You'll be fine :lol:
  5. How does Nass work? Do I need to sleep over in a tent, because that's not going to happen. If I can go there for the day, ride, compete and then go home then I might consider it. However since quitting the boy scouts a while back I have no desires to rekindle the camping flames. Thanks, Stephen.
  6. Why not have Dan Hardman, so much easier... loser. Your brother's done it :wink2:
  7. Don't tell lies Andrew Ponting
  8. I signed in as my name, so people know who I am. My name is Stephen Morris. On Trials-Forum I'm Stephen Morris - pretty simple really. The Internet is such a silly little thing, I go riding and ask if they're on Trials-Forum... "Yes I'm EchoRider1732894" or "I'm KoxxRider1986". Why not something nice and easy like, I don't know, maybe... your name. I know it's crazy. Me, George Seamons (george_seamons), Tim Rodriguez (tim-rodriguez) and all the other crazy cats with real names are quite simply the coolest kids in town. I'd be interested in an explanation to the following: tomturd (smells bad maybe) Anybody with Koxx, Leeson, Monty, Echo etc in their name, Members with a varient of "monkey" in their name.
  9. We should start campaigning for an over 21's section on Trials Forum, where all the old men go and look at photos of school children and stuff like that. We could have subforum's - morgage chat, marriage talk, baby chat (just Steve in there) etc. Obviously there'll only be about 10 members, but who cares. I'm 21 by the way, 22 in December, 23 next year.... slightly worrying, I'm growing up.
  10. I can't be bothered to structure an argument because as you said, you're not looking for one. Quite simply, I disagree with everything you said.
  11. I want to see Jeff Lenosky, Ryan Leech, Chris Clark and Lance Trappe please. Thanks a lot. :rolleyes:
  12. I'm going NEXT Sunday, and apparently Tim is riding locally on Sunday.
  13. The list is fine, I'm never usually bothered who's there and who's not. My main concern is the way in which the demo's take place. When the riders are allowed to just piss about, nobody but Benito, Vincent and Chris Doney seem to do any riding. I think the demo's need to be spiced up a little bit, or the riders should at least be made to do a bit more riding. Ed Tongue last year was silly, riding when his name was mentioned and then going back to sit down again. I was a bit dissappointed last year Martyn. I had a press pass which was nice, as I got to chat to all you lot and do a bit of filming, but when I was sat in the audience the show seemed to lack a certain something. Another problem is the commentator, the manager of Bikelab, the name Clive Gosling spirngs to mind although I could be wrong. If he's going to be commentating again then please, please, please have him learn the list of riders and their acheivements. Last year all I could here was him rambling on about 20 and 26 inch wheels for the tenth time in 5 minutes and then pronounce everybody's name wrong before saying that there were about 10 world champions in the arena when in fact there were about 5. He just seemed to get on my nerves.
  14. Thanks to everybody who's added me to MSN and sent me stuff. Special thanks to Janson for linking me up with some Swedish hip hop! If anybody has some songs by "Lexicon" or "Mr Scruff" and you could add me to MSN and send them to my bad self, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance, Stephen xxx
  15. People have high expectations and I think they're entitiled to have them. It seems that the perfect length for a trials video is about 3 and half minutes, after that you're kind of waiting for it to finish.
  16. Have a skatepark section, that would be so revolutionary, there are loads of lines in the skatepark anyway! As for the competition, Baiter park is a big space of grass, 30 seconds from the harbour. There are LOADS of rocks, and although they're quite small and technical, an abundance of sections could be made. The idea of cars and stuff sounds great. I will defitnitely not miss this, I'm already wet with excitement... sorry. If you need help setting up the day before, I'd be up for that as well. Stephen.
  17. Although I don't have any pictures, the only time I ever dressed up, I bought 50 green balloons, stuck them onto me making me... a bunch of grapes. Piece of piss.
  18. Ok, but how fast can you go on a pushbike? What was his maximum speed?
  19. I don't think it matters where you are this weekend because the ride was yesterday... :( Ha ha, I've always wanted to use the "read the thread" smily. I think there's another London ride in 2 weeks Raub.
  20. So if I were to get a flesh tunnel (which I'm not :( ) then at 4mm it may not grow back? It seems like a really stupid risk that people are taking given that when they're fifty they might not want the flesh tunnels in, but still have ears like the Buddha! I guess I'm never going to understand this piercing malarky, I think having the lip done to one side looks cool, but you'd never catch me gettign it done.
  21. Right I need your help. I'm in the process of making a few videos at the moment. By "in the process" I mean that we're still filming, but hopefully these two videos will be ready to edit by the end of March and the other one by April sometime. A goal I set myself is to have good music in my videos, music that not only fits in with the riding but music that is good. I'll be on MSN all day today, I need music off you guys. I'm into rock music mainly so I've got no problem finding that sort of stuff, but to add variety to my videos and to make a little something for everybody I want some hip hop music. I don't want gangsta rap because I think that's a pile o' shite, just the sort of jolly hip hop that you get in Sprung videos and stuff. The music that Sameer used in the Reading video was pretty cool too. So, if anybodys got any music they could send me to consider for a video then please add me (anaesthetic@hotmail.com) to MSN and send it to my bad self. That's about it really, I don't have Kazaa anymore so I can't go searching for my own stuff. Thanks, Stephen.
  22. I had a brilliant idea yesterday that I could put a flesh tunnel through my belly button. Do you have an innie or an outie? Why, I have a throughy. I'm sure my internal organs could stretch around a bit to accomodate the flesh tunnel, as the bladder, liver and kidneys are all very flexible (thanks anatomy for beginners). I'm not quite sure how much to stretch it to though Is it like pringles, once you pop you can't stop, or do you know when your flesh tunnel has become a big enough tunnel? Also, on a slightly more serious note somebody on here said that a flesh tunnel no more than 6mm will grow back, but I was told yesterday that you can space them out up to 10mm - which one is it my fellow piercers? Here's an artists impression of what my new flesh tunnel might look like. The yellow colour is a pair of cutrains behind me. Stephen "not much to do today" Morris.
  23. No :"> Oh well, everybody knows I'm a dick anyway, this will just enhance my reputation.
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