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Robin M S/c

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Everything posted by Robin M S/c

  1. Got Adam a new 2011 Monty 207 so here's some clips of him trying it out in the back garden My link
  2. Always thought about taking Adam on one of these rides. Will it be suitable for an 8 year old?
  3. He's not big enough yet to be needing a 19" rear wheel. It'll add too much weight. The geo is 910 wheelbase, 320 chainstays +45 BB
  4. Not yet, but thinking about trying one.
  5. It was more like 8 when it came but already changed Stem to a Bontrager one he's been using this year. Drilled brake clamps Drilled levers Carbon Fibre handlebars Neon bashplate few aluminium screws lighweight front tube Still got to sort Echo headset Neon bottom bracket echo pedals Aluminium spoke nipples Try All tyres There must be at least 400g saving in that lot.
  6. Just built Adams new 2011 Monty 207 Kamel. Few changes from the 2010 model Aluminium steerer tube Shorter headtube Shorter chainstays 15-12 gearing. 7.25kg at the moment but a few lightweight bits to get from Tartybikes should bring it down to 7kg See how it performs at the tyke trial this weekend.
  7. Anybody out for a ride sunday in Derbyshire / yorkshire area. Lookin for somewhere to go!
  8. I write the sidecar trials articles for the trials mag and have also discussed with John getting bike trial stuff in more regular. I've sent him titbits on Adam that he's put in. You seem to have some good ideas. Comp reports. Rider profiles. Titbits. New products. Reports on rides custom builds. Group rides etc Would be wiling to send John stuff regular as Adam rides comps most weekends
  9. Trial was great with hard but fair sections. Yes I thought were difficult on time but virtually everything was cleaned at least once on each route so spot on. Adam timed out on 2 sections first lap but got his head round it and ended up getting through both for a dab with 15 seconds to spare. Some people just need to stop whinging, focus on the job ion hand and keep trying. Thanks to the organisers. This is the type of event the good lads need so they can progress and do well in the international events.
  10. Well done Sam. Good luck in the 26" final.
  11. Adam has a pair of the red Echo Tr cage pedals and he likes them. More grip than platforms and haven't bent the cages. I'll be getting him another pair for his new bike.
  12. We went to Clumber Park near Worksop on Sunday and team MAD were there doing some shows. In between the official shows Adam got to do some demos including a sidehop contest with himself! I've had to make a sidehop bar at home now! Big thanks to Tim Stedman, Scott Wilson & Mike Singleton. Adam had a great time.
  13. Robin M S/c

    New Hs33 Brake

    Any production bikes coming through with them fitted yet? I've just ordered Adam the new 2011 Monty 207 Kamel. Wonder if it may come with them fitted?
  14. I know the Monty importer - Malcolm Rathmell Sport - had some old stock of the yellow stripe tyres. Adam had one for practice. Give Martin a ring.
  15. Great vid Sam. Not sure when we will get over to Wales for a practice. Weekends starting to look busy again!
  16. I do a bit of trials on the bicycle. Have done for 28 years but it;s not me in the video, it's elite rider Scott Wilson who travelled with us to the world championships. I'm too old to do things like that!!
  17. A video of Adam over the 1st few weeks of the summer hols. Practicing in Italy for the BIU worlds, at home in the garden and a proud moment on the podium in Spain Also clips of Scott Wilson. Enjoy! Now also on Vimeo Vimeo version MAD demo clips added
  18. It's always a concern when your child is young but showing promise. I genuineley try not to push him. As you see re the other comments he just loves riding. Even after a boiling hot 6 hour trial in Italy his first question was 'can I go and practice'! He's a normal 8 year old really and when not on his bike in the garden, goes to footy training as he plays for a local team and also he likes to play on the Wii so hopefully he'll just carry on enjoying himself and progress as far as he wants to. He's already talking about doing the worls in China next year!
  19. Just type Adam Morewood in the search on youtube. Added one a month or so ago although quality is poor. I've got a bit of footage from the trip to spain & italy, so i'll try and sort a new video in the next few weeks. Robin
  20. Few photos from our two week trip to the BIU worlds in Spain & Italy
  21. Adams comp Monty 207 Kamel is 7.1kg His practice version is just over 8kg. As he only weighs about 4 stone the lighter the bike the better
  22. It was a great weekend. Section 1 was getting the motorhome into the field! May have to ride in it myself next year!
  23. Yes no problem Ben. Looking forward to it
  24. Not sure what you mean by that. Adam gets to choose whether he rides or not and where we go. During the event I just make sure he gets all the help and encouragement he needs. If he doesn't want to ride I don't push him Our family has been in trials for generations and I've seen pushy parents and arguments. Adam just needs some help with confidence when doing hard stuff. Capable but sometimes scared. Main thing is he loves it.
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