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Pork Pie

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Everything posted by Pork Pie

  1. Enjoyed that vid :P Kind of soothing :P Looks cool for riding there too. Gets my thumbs up anyway :) Thanks for it. Dave
  2. That was a truely awesome video. It had a superb atmosphere, which made the video for me. Like Elliot Firths rapping bit and then when you put it into slow-mo. It created something special. It's the little things like "That's the best angle ever, I'm the greatest cameraman in the world", it just made it a really fun video to watch. Anyway, that's the best video in terms of atmosphere I've ever seen. As for riding, immense. All sections were fantastic. Tim Pratt manuals along bike rails, and those huge G-turns :S Barmy. Is he still sponsered by MAD? It looked like an ET he was riding for a bit? There's not alot to say really, it was fantastic. Thanks alot for it! Inspiring! Dave
  3. Hiya, If you could only have any, I dunno, lets say 5 trials internet videos, what would they be? No categories, just your faves. Hoppy hoppy natural UCI to Bunnyhopping hardcore street. Cheers, links would be nice too :D Dave.
  4. Don't use your rear brake when doing it (Y) Without it, you can really flex your forks and it gives you alot of spring to jump up. I think doing the move successfully is all about confidence to be honest. It's a wierd feeling at first, being really steep and having no rear brake locked. Try starting off at about 26". Then turn your bike slightly, so it begins to get more parallel to the wall, with your rear foot nearest the wall, so you have more room. Then it's a case of really leaning down over the bars, and bursting upwards. By the way, focus on going upwards, not forwards onto the wall, this'll come naturally. Yeah, so when you've burst, explode with your arms as you'd do for a normal backwheel and you'll be sorted. I know it seems odd, but practising on a thin wall has its advantages. You can really pinch the front wheel, which adds to the spring the bike naturally gives you :- It's all about practise (Y)
  5. I think Martyn Ashton (topic starter) and Martin Hawyes invite people to ride. Also, it's them that design the course too. Although Saracen are sponsoring it :rolleyes: Line up sounds good too (Y) I think Matt Berridge deserves a place though, as does Danny Butler IMO. Davey
  6. Pork Pie


    I've had this in the past. It was due to my grind. Are you running one? Anyway, it happens when your grind isn't 'straight'. As in, the cuts dont go towards the hub as much as they could. I recommend regrinding and just making sure it's a nice grind. If you don't have a grind, unlucky :D
  7. 1. They're available now from Fatmike 2. They're £18 :)
  8. I'm off on Friday, so I'm up for it. Is there a train station at Heysham, and is it easy to get to 'Heysham Barrows' from it? Cheers, Dave
  9. Yeah, I only put it up as a kind of reminder that summer was on its way :wub: It's crap in terms of Video, but should (?) be quite kind of relaxing? :"> Yes Monkey, the sun is always hot :">
  10. Hi, I've had this for ages, but seeing as though I've just got broadband, I thought I'd put it up. It's a really quite old video from Morecambe, in the summer, where the sky was blue, and the sun was hot :wub: Just from one ride, Includes me, Tomm, Mink and a birra Carl, Cultiv8ed Chris, Ben Slinger and Austin Wright. About 29MB I think. Trials-Shack Cheers, Dave
  11. Talking of DVD's, does anyone know what the crack is with + and -'s? I've got a Pioneer somethingorother DVD writer, and bought a pack of 5 Traxdata DVD-RW's. My writer doesn't seem to pick them up at all. Anyone know the problem? [/steal] Cheers, Dave
  12. Pork Pie

    Little Video

    Yoyo, I've made a little video of myself. Nothing special. Please let me know what you think though. .wmv, 30 Mb, 3:12 I think. Trials-Shack Danke, Dave :) Having wayched it a couple of times, it become the boringest video ever :wub: And about the flatland stuff, sowwy :-"
  13. Pork Pie

    Engage 4

    Hehe, Nice vid (Y) I take it you've seen that Ashton + Hawyes video? Nice spins :( Worth the download! Dave.
  14. That was a cool video! Unlucky about the glandular fever too :blink: What did you use to create that start sequence thing though? It looks a bit funky! Top, top video! Dave :P
  15. Trials Shack link :ermm: Nice video that!
  16. Uploading now, should be done in a few minutes :ermm:
  17. Trials-shack link :P"
  18. Is this the end of Coust frames then? Giacomo having quit n'all, and Gilles not riding for his families company? Edit: Yay, Giacomo hasn't quit!
  19. Pork Pie

    Manchester Vid

    Yoyo, Eengodidee linky Filmed in manchester ages ago, edited the night after. Depressing, boring music to start getting a bit funkier later. 6ish mins. 49 MB. Not the best quality. Riders are me, Danny, Mink, Tomm and Cultiv8ors Rossi, Chris and Matt. Sorry bout description, I'm in a rush. Ta
  20. I'm going to try laminated paper/card I think. Means you can have whatever colour you like and it'll be waterproof, and with tape underneath, should be fine. Dave.
  21. Bloody hell, that hurt my eyes :P End of July I say, with the same categories as up there^. Sounds fairer than last year anyway :ermm: Dave.
  22. I think most of the moderators do a good job :ermm: This is genuine. If you don’t like what a moderator does, say so. You’re entitled to your own opinion. There's been a few topics that I don't think should have been locked though. It's other stuff that I don't like about Trials-Forum: New member chat. It stops the main forums getting littered and stuff. That's really good. But with only two people being able to 'upgrade' it's a bit elitist in my opinion. New members are people who have joined the forum after NMC was put in place. They’re no worse than any member, any senior member, any moderator, or any administrator. I’ve noticed people look down on them, as though they’re better than them. It’s not the case! I can think of plenty of people who contribute to the forums more positively that are NM’s than some members, or even some of the far superior boys with the little blue signs by their names. I think there should be a group of people who have the ability to validate people. I’m pretty Internet illiterate though, so don’t know how feasible this is. It would be nice though. Senior members. There’s a couple that really piss me off. Thinking they’re so superior to ‘lower’ members. It just lowers you to a stupidly low level in my books. And maybe because of the little blue sign, people will respect you more, but I know I won’t, and I know a lot of other people won’t. We’re all equal. So yeah, most SM’s are deserving, but a couple aren’t. Some replies, from allsorts of members, be it bigger blue boys, or ‘lower’ boys and girls, are shit. Like ‘Meh’. It’s these kind of things that give off a signal of being a wanker. Like ‘Meh’ for example, it’s as though you don’t care what’s been said, and basically, you’re just ignorant. I do think Trials-Forum is becoming a bit of a dictatorship though, through no fault of it’s own. Some members want to fit in (Again, this applies to the bigger boys) so they’ll go along with something they don’t know anything about. Just because one of the more ‘respected’ or bummed members believe in something. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with it too. Infact, how about you say nothing, unless you know what you’re talking about? Trials-Forum is a good place overall. Infact, I’ve noticed it getting better. New Member Chat is a really good filter if used in an appropriate way. Most members are top! Senior membership is a good thing. To test new features and the like out. It doesn’t however make you any more special than us lowly members! Please, some, and by far a minority, take this into account. You’re not a special boy because of a pretty blue badge. Anyway, sorry about that, I went off topic from the start :P By the way, I’d like to thank Danny and Tom for the forum. We should all remember that it doesn’t have to be here. It’s not us who are paying for it. Trials-Forum has helped me out so much over the past. Thanks, it’s a great resource. Dave
  23. Even with those it's still possible though. Just be careful and take your time, and it'll be 'reet. Dave PS: Gone off the frog Tomm?
  24. I think something like this would be nice, obviously cleaned up a bit :"> Dave.
  25. Arghh, Mess up. The bulge bars are regular bulge bars. 31.8.
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