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Pork Pie

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Everything posted by Pork Pie

  1. All taken from Observed Trials. Apparently, the new Levelboss: Bulge (31.8) Stem: New 31.8 flats: Risers: Shoes: Dave.
  2. Happy Birthday Danny. You're half of 40 :P Mr Fimble wishes you a happy birthday too :P :S
  3. Cheers for that. Whats the reach? (Centre of BB to centre of headtube) and wheelbase is 1115 right? Also, those pink bars. Are they your first pair? I'm a bit concerned that mine might snap, as I've heard rumours of them being snappy happy. Is that your first pair? Why in Koxx01 (I think - the one with the Tech '04 sidehop bar) were you using black bars, and then half way through, you're running a set of Pinky ones? Cheers, Dave.
  4. Bloody hell Stephen, you've got me all excited now :blink: Furthest place I've been to is probably Shipley Glen, which was one of the best rides I've ever been on. So much to ride, and the atmosphere was cool, even for a big group ride. I'd love to go to London and Bristol. Is Bristol so good that it justifies coming down and finding a B+B/Travelodge type thing? It's too far away to make a day out of it :( Nottingham and Leeds would be nice, and I'm sure plenty of peeps would be up for a natty/street sesh around the Notts area too, Bracken, Dudwood etc. combined with Notts itself. That'd be awesome! I think more people should come right up North though, around the lake district, I'm sure if we look hard, there'll be plenty of natural, and there already is some nice street. And of course, Llanberis and Ogwen, what a dream, transport issues spoil it though :S Don't really know what to say now, just that you've made me excited :) Dave.
  5. Who said that? (Y) No, I don't really feel the need. It's not exactly hard to not read something. Dave
  6. How are they going to find out when Bike '05 is? :lol: Date: 1-3 April 2005 Place: Stoneleigh Park, Near Coventry No topic as yet.
  7. Jeez James. That's the first time i've ever had the oppurtunity of seeing yourself ride. Got access to broadband for half an hour :"> . Jeez, you're bloody good, and aren't you only like 15? Really nice vid, Crazy stuff in that (Y) Keep it up Read it again, you are 15. Bloody hell.
  8. Fair enough, but Aust knows what he's talking about too. In the two times I've ridden with Aust, he didn't seem big headed. Anyway, I believe that you should ride for fun, and nothing else. Dave. Edit: He got there first then.
  9. Recently, I moved from Monty flats to Koxx 'flats'. To be honest, I don't think I could go back to proper flat bars. Risers feel so much comfier in my opinion. Having said that, the change didn't better or hinder my riding in any way. The bike just felt better to ride and didn't give me as much wrist trouble. Dave
  10. That was a really nice video. You've got quite a type of style that you don't see much, and it's really nice. Like somebody said, you kind of remind me of Boon on a mod, but theres something different aswell. As usual, the editing was good too. Thanks for that. Dave
  11. Pork Pie

    The O.c

    So who else watches the best show on telly? I can't believe its finished (Y) . Do you think they've left it open enough to make a new series? What did you think of it? What are your opinions? Dave
  12. Yeah, the Try-All version has a 190mm rotor with 'Try All' cutouts, and all the logos, whereas the Hope Mono Trial is pretty plain and has the option of 160mm only. Dave Arghh, damn secret editing.
  13. Don't login with the first screen. Close that and go File> Login As, then do it from there. It's been happenng to me to :D
  14. Get your yellow pages and look for 'Anodizers' or 'Electroplaters'. Ring the places up and see what they can do for you (Y) . Dave
  15. Wasn't there an American town on there a while back. It came with a fire engine and stuff. That was pretty wacky. I think somebody actually bought it too. Dave
  16. the shooter hanger also fits a merlin
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