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Everything posted by davey1991

  1. soonly i think i may be going to get some tyres from someone.
  2. Went and got a spare front wheel from tobias which happened to be identical to the one already on my bike, took it apart and its now built up on my shiney sturmey archer hub!
  3. The cranks do look dangerously insane, the kevlar downtube protection doesn't seem like it will do a whole lot.
  4. Manually from the motherboard you dont even have to have it turned on Find the manual and find the motherboard bit it should explain it. It worked perfectly on my pc for a similar problem. http://www.wikihow.com/Reset-Your-BIOS
  5. Overclocked? Reset your bios from the motherboard manually then try.
  6. First trials video i've watched in a long time and i really liked it, nice one.
  7. Well it started off as just a frame then i rode it around like this... Now i'm building it up with period parts as a cruised i'm really excited. And my pride and joy for this bike. Almost unused late 70's sturmey archer 3 speed hub! Trying to find a matching rim so i can build this onto my current front wheel.
  8. If you've kept the old front wheel i wouldn't mind taking it off you for my bike i've fubbared my old one haha. plua i have evil plans for the rim off mine.
  9. Bump because someone was looking for it.
  10. Same haha, how can having less contact patch in corners be better!!! Ross Noble was great.
  11. Agreed, sold my xBox for this very reason.
  12. I don't either? Was only 2.2gb for me and took about 15minutes to download.
  13. What? its 2.2gb for me. 1991davey, add away.
  14. Port forwarding, the servers are also packed!
  15. davey1991


    Bam, right in the kisser.
  16. Now that its free to play i can finally play it. Anyone else here frequent t or just started playing? Pretty new to it but not much to say, its much better than the usual simulation type shooters i play. If you've never heard of it A. your missing out and B. Your deaf and blind. Post away.
  17. davey1991


    Lava flow and monster spawner of doom!
  18. Maybe its because i have very little understanding of electrics but that blew my mind!
  19. Thread hijack much, make your own. Love the bike.
  20. 04 dirt jumpers are the best ones full stop! I've had 04's 06's 08's 09's went back to 06's then made my own using 08 uppers and 06 lowers. but 04's were the best by a long way, build quality is awesome.
  21. 22? Wow, sad to hear that she's gone after so long. Much attachment i assume. I feel for you.
  22. What?! how much do you think stackers and tread weighs?! The heavy bit of the tyre is the casing and bead. That is a nuts weight i'd be very scared to ride it.
  23. Hah, i'm used to single speed, this is all new fangled stuff to me.
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