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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. What the hell's going on with that backwards manual?!! I've seen them done with freecoaster's but never that far with a normal hub...insane! Here's another vid to add to the list. Nothing special, just a vid made by some Scottish locals (Y) Dave
  2. It looks like you need to look where you're spinning and twist your upper body more to make the 2nd spin. Also putting some more air in your rear tire may help too. The move needs to be done as one move, using the momentum from the first half to carry you through the second... Dave
  3. I ran a disc on the back of my mods for a couple of years. It was great at comps, when everyone else was moaning about their maggies not working, mine stayed perfect. However when it came to big street stuff, I never really trusted it. With a rim brake you can grind the rim or add tar to make the brake work better, with a disc if it doesn't work, it doesn't work! I also had the frame issue when using alloy frames...cracked about 3 Echo EM2's by using a rear disc :"> I'm now happily using a maggy on the back of both my trials bikes and find them very responsive and reliable. Doubt I'll ever go back to a rear disc. Dave
  4. 18:15 :( Feels about right for me. Can get the power for short run up stuff and also gives enough power to do big gaps (pedal and static) Dave
  5. Don't listen to Tic, unless you too are of Hobbit proportions! I have almost always run 18:12 with 158's and if it's good enough for Ot and Cesar it's good enogh for me! Had a short stint with 20:13 with 158's but only to try sort out my chain length in the absence of a half link. 18:12's always given me enough power to backwheel big stuff (~48") and pedal gap 10ft plus. Dave
  6. PLEASE don't bodge your bars on with gaffer tape!! I have a set of shims that came with my DMR wingbars that you can have if you PM me your addy! Dave
  7. I remember reading about Taj's tire tap on the tree in Ride but they didn't get any photo's...that was pretty nuts! The bail looked rather uncomfortable too! Good ol' BMXigans :P Dave
  8. Except that's not how they're measured. 3/32", 1/8" etc refers to the width of the teeth on which the chain runs, so the measurement is made between the inner plates of the chain... I think! Dave
  9. All sorted, and EZtrials went out of their way to help me when I had dealings with Mick before. Top bloke ;) Dave
  10. I tried the heatsink maggy pads and didn't get on with them at all. Didn't work nearly as well as my Bloxx without using a load of tar... Could be tempted by some V's if they work on a chrome rim though! Dave
  11. Magic thing's around called rulers... measure it? ;)" From what you say I expect yours is a 1/8" since 3/32 is the smaller one for gears which you don't have (apparently) and 3/16" is silly oversized that BMXers use and are pretty much like those found on mopeds. Dave
  12. Already tried both of those options! And cleanbikes who are also waiting for new stock from Australia... So, Rugbyman (Mick or Matt I assume?), what's the score with my card payment which was happily accepted and my order confirmation?! Cheers for the info guys Dave
  13. I'm after some Plaz V-Fly pads for my BMX and nowhere in the country appears to have any stock left...except EZtrials. I ordered some last Tuesday using their online ordering system and haven't heard a peep since. Tried phoning and just got the answer machine. Has anyone got anything from them in the past 6 months or do I need to send the boys round ;) Dave
  14. I wanted to keep out of this but that's just frickin' stupid. Talk about Chav logic? Grow up mate.
  15. Started on a 16" framed GT Backwoods after it was promoted in MBUK's tricks and stunts suppliment (!). Had that for about 18 months then got a Monty X-Hydra mod after seeing JJ Gregorowicz in Revolution. Came to uni and got hooked up with an Echo EM2 through X-Street. Had a run of those (about 4 I think) then had a Megamo Pro-Equip for a litte while. I Then went through 2 revell 20's in as many days riding before being sorted out with a Python, again through X-Street. Along the way I had an Orange Zero and now run an Onza T-rex. Dave
  16. Fair do's. They came with the bike so I wasn't about to change them before ever riding them! As well as looking like they're made out of scaffolding poles, I don't think they're the lightest forks out there... Ah well, give em a while. To be fair I can't fault them on function, they seem really well put together and I really like the integrated top bolt/cap. :blink: Dave
  17. Got them from www.rsgraphics.co.uk. They were really quick and helpful and not even that expensive. That lot (two big ones on downtube, one big one on top tube and two smaller ones on the forks cost about £15. Dave
  18. For anyone after directions, it will be 'signed off A272 Petersfield to Winchester road, approx 2 miles west of Petersfield at 'Seven Stars' Pub' Dave
  19. It's just Chris's hobbie. We ride bikes, he takes pictures! He's got a full time 'regular' job and gets out the camera gear in his spare time from what I understand. Dave
  20. Only ridden with Matt a couple of times in London. Stupidly good rider! I'm slowly getting there with the tech UCI moves though...slowly Dave
  21. :P Cos I want to win the series and don't stand a chance against Donut!! I'll be there :) Dave
  22. What the hell is being put in the water oop North?!! That was awesome! Brilliant riding and a sweet vid to boot. Dave
  23. hehe, I think I was actually in the middle of a conversation with Chris about trials while doing that drop! My favourite's the first one with Chai's cheeky mug in the background! He was a bit unsure how happy people would be if he just randomly started taking photos of them as he only really knows me and Paul. He's really sound though so if you see him around taking photo's say hi! I like that move, I've always taken great pleasure doing big awkward 'ups' and that's a good 'un!! Cheers for all the comments guys, will pass them on to Chris :lol:. Dave
  24. Paul from Southampton ran a 22T flatland sprocket on the profiles of his 24 Curtis for about a week. Can't remember what make it was but I expect James (666ers on here) could help there... Dave
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