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Everything posted by tdubz

  1. Thats very true lewis. Im gonna getthe lgm in v brake refils i already ran yellows and didnt get on with them to be honest. The customer service is second to none thats very true Ill get some ordered
  2. What do you mean? Trim them or more bigger work needed?
  3. Andy we organised (i think you did actually) to ride on xmas eve and you didnt turn up?
  4. I get them under brake lever fingers also
  5. tdubz


    Welgo pedals Are nice
  6. I can see why you guys think the buyer deserves to get ripped off but i would feel sorry for some young lads parents whos been to a mad demo and now wants a trials bike. Parents dont know where to get him one for xmas so look on ebay. They read the spec and speel of this advert and shell out 750quid for it and get ripped off. Dont forget not everyone knows about trials forum not everybody has heard of tartybikes I can speak from experience that when you are first starting out you can fall into these kind of traps not just with bikes with everything.
  7. tdubz


    Aener on about riding leeds again soon when u back up for uni? Holding off because weathers a bit bad atm
  8. Donny scene blew up this year. Bring on next year!!!!
  9. tdubz


    We had one about feb time last year and that was very gud. Gonna try n make that one
  10. tdubz


    Works xmas do mate cant make it. I personally think we shud hold off becoz weather is wank at the moment and cud be a wasted day. Last year was a bit of a downer with the slush.
  11. Thanks mate appreciate your comments
  12. tdubz


    U in leeds permenant now aener? Might take a trip up when weather gets better
  13. just used all the clips up we hae shot this year and put them in one big edit for xmas plan to do it every year if i get the time
  14. Yeah we wernt there long mate
  15. Come to fit my neon fourbolt to v brake mounting plates and have lost some of the bolts does anybody know the size of them or where i can source some replacements thanks
  16. Both headphones and speakers
  17. Got a problem with my iphone 4 Intermittantly it keeps dropping the audio from my movie clips stored on the phone music on the phone and also youtube or other such streams.. Any mideas whats up with it Thanks
  18. tdubz

    Spots Direct

    Yeah because most bmx street spots wud be good ride for trials also
  19. tdubz

    Spots Direct

    Saw an article in a bmx mag about a book that a load of riders has contributed to listing all the spots and areas to ride in certain places Got me thinking could we set up somthing like this on the forum (prehaps a seperate section) so major cities etc would be covered in topic titles and all spots could be posted within them. If somebody finds a new spot or one that has been missed they can add to it What it would work along the basis of a pic a Postcode of the area or nearby (maybe use the location facility on our fancy smart phones) so that people can find it This way if people plan a roadtrip or a day away from their local they can have a look and make sure the day is not wasted trying to find good spots to ride What do we think?
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