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Everything posted by tdubz

  1. almost certain TRA did a page on his website about physical training he does for trials might help
  2. where is this place i live in doncaster could be worth a trip
  3. not much feedback with regards to the video itself but almost every spot you rode at had an obstacle or a line for the next step in pushing your abilities, let your imagination run wild and push yourself i look forward to seeing another video at the end of the summer, i wouldnt care if it was the same spots but different lines to show how you have progressed i am getting at the kind of attitude of "ill do that this summer" "oh what if i went x to y" if you understand what i mean, best part of riding in my opinion, looking at sumthing as possibly doable, then doing it, then remembering later on "god i never thought i could do that 6 months ago now i do it as part of just a roll around" good vid mate
  4. ok i shall take the blade off tomorrow and have a closer inspection thanks
  5. if the tpa has been maxed out would it just be a case of taking the lever blad off and winding it back in building it back together? removing the lever blade will that effect all the "balance of fluid within the system" resulting in me having to rebleed? thanks
  6. out riding today and wanted to make a slight adjustment to my lever pull on my rear brake usually quarter turn on it and i get some kind of difference turned it today and nothing happened im going to take a picture of the lever maybe tomorrow because i think one part of the blad and ?piston? have become misaligned causing the tpa pin not to push properly when turned but before i go taking my lever apart i wanted to ask what could be wrong because as it stands the brake works but not as well as it did, the brake is rideable so with the weather we are having dont wanna take the bike off the road so to speak unless its a quick easy fix picture added to help diagnose the problem maybe..... thanks
  7. just had a nice solo pedal on some local rocks

  8. hahah ive got a helmet dale you know i have.......
  9. yeah that was me haha sometimes though you just dont feel right with your body position etc when you are about to do the move this is the point where i usually bail out of it rather than forcing the move and risk a crash i cannot get out of your right i did do it easy, but lets be honest how many raw videos do you see where they show each nearly there clip etc..... you dont you just see the complete move or a bail if its any good the reason i left these clips in was to show how you progress when you are trying somthing for the first time
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8olRwtcORUY&hd=1
  11. one of the problems with vegas is it doesnt like the .mov format very much either anybody know of any good converters to use to keep good formatting prehaps to encode to mp4 or what other format is good?
  12. more video advice needed i have got myself a hd camcorder capable of doing 1080 and 720 it outputs the video files as .mov i would like a recommendation of a simple to use editing suite that will keep my HD quality and allow me to join clips a bit of text maybe and some music behind them and maybe a bit of slo mo thats all i really want it to do it has to be easy to use i have sony vegas 9 and firstly it doesnt like the .mov files and secondly i dont have the hours to learn to use it well tried various codec converters with a view to doing my ediiting in windows movie maker but the quality came out definatly below par i am open to suggestions regarding both how i can get round the .mov problem but still keep good quality (maybe what settings to encode to) and also what software for editing and encoding whichever applies thanks for the advice in advance
  13. tdubz


    there is a guy on here selling one trials26 is his username i think
  14. tdubz

    Camera Test

    thanks mate for the link repair yeah need a helmet i know i just literally stuck all the clips together in a line just to test what the quality would look like
  15. tdubz

    Camera Test

    <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/21533594" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/21533594">Camera Test</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1106171">Thomas Whittaker</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> taken on my camcorder on first day of having it comments on the riding would be appreciated also it is a hd camcorder, but i am using windows movie maker to join my clips together, any way you can get this to output to full hd so i can take advantage of my camera features i am a complete novice on videos so bear with me
  16. tdubz

    Hd Video Camera

    just read a couple of reviews on amazon about the camera recommended by you guys earlier in the thread it mentions somthing about "macro" and that it doesnt have it but this one does...... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002J9I3HM/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk is this one worth getting instead?
  17. tdubz

    Hd Video Camera

    reading the spec though it has a 1080 mode already for the one at about £90 from amazon?
  18. tdubz

    Hd Video Camera

    any more recommendations
  19. dont know the first thing about them i know a lot of guys do use them on here though can anyone recommend me one as im going to bite the bullet and buy one for the summer i have about £100ish to spend fire away guys links to sites for purchase would help also many thanks
  20. tdubz

    Video Request

    im looking for the video done by a non uk rider mod bike i think it was a trailer to a feature length video about biketrials from a sports science point of view music was passionpit sleepy head thanks
  21. Pour A Cup of Concrete And Toughen Up
  22. yeah got some grease on the threads mark should you be able to go very tight if you have??? not sure about the age of the cylinder rings could be worth a look into also thanks
  23. recently built up a new frame put maggy on as per instructions of tartybikes.com how to video brake bite amazing rode it all day today and found that one of the cylinders (the right to be exact) has pushed itself outwards away from the rim. this was to be expected kinda because of the power of the brake..... tightened it up as much as i dare due to fears of stripping four bolt threads, rode for another couple of hours.... same problem again do i just whack it up really tight but very fearful of stripppin threads any help or solutions greatly appreciated on how to solve this thanks
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