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Little Yoshi

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Everything posted by Little Yoshi

  1. OK I'm going to have to ask. What's the plan?
  2. Founds all poured and blocks all stacked ready to be laid. Giving myself a long weekend then I'll crack on on Monday, hopefully be abit cooler then.
  3. I've dug them down about 450mm then I'll pour a 150mm strip found. Here you need to dig down to hard enough ground. The ground here is solid though, could of built a shutter on top of here and done the same thing.
  4. Little Yoshi


    Today my 17 year old office chair that I use at home for my hobby desk/gaming has finally died. So I'm looking for something decent to replace it with, I'm not an office worker so I'm looking for some recommendations for chairs that are comfy to sit on for a few hours. Any of you guys can help? Budget is around £150-200.
  5. A few people I know are now dead that wouldn't of been.
  6. Wrong kind of trials forum my friend, but if you fire splat shop an email they might be able to help you.
  7. On the plus side to this whole lockdown shit. Means the diggers are back in the yard long enough so I can get the founds dug out for the house.
  8. Health over wealth.
  9. Tarty is getting checked pretty much every hour now....its only a matter of time...
  10. I'd be game for that. Sent you a pm.
  11. Since alot of us will be stuck indoors for a few days, I've fired up a Minecraft server. It's the bedrock edition. Is anyone is interested?
  12. The wedding is on Saturday. Its less "we're hiring you to do this" and more "since you're coming anyway can you bring your camera but I would like to try and get some decent shots. @MadManMike I'm using a D610 so thankfully has two card slots, would you recommend raw on one and jpeg on the other or both? I'm going to be stealing the Mrs D5500 as well for a second camera. Thankfully they're pretty relaxed about the whole thing but I'd like to do the best I can. Cheers for all the help.
  13. Right, I've been drafted in at the last minute to shoot a friend's wedding after the photographer they had has had a personal issue. I normally shoot landscape and night shots so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Aye a Sherco 250, 04 model. Had the bike for 8 years now so she's done me well.
  15. This happened on the way home last night, thankfully I had come down off the hills and it didn't happen when I was away in the middle of no where. But think it's the final nail in the coffin for the bike, just to much needing fixing. Back to the pushbike for a while till I can sort a replacement out.
  16. Went to see the new Yu-gi-oh film that came out on Wednasday with my gf's cousin for the craic. I've just sold card you get for going to see the film for £30 on ebay.
  17. I'm available all weekend to help set up. Will hopefully be riding Sunday.
  18. The new collage campus is good for a play. Under the Kessock bridge in North Kessock is a good shout. There is a fb page for Inverness riders.
  19. No Ryan as succumbed to adulthood. He's planning on selling up.
  20. Managed to catch a pigeon. Should be with you shortly pending cat's and hawks.
  21. Will send mine off in the morning Kevin boy. Will try and convince Ryan murry to come as well.
  22. Been to lake Garda twice, and yes you can.
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