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Everything posted by † CETFLY †

  1. Impossible things have never happened? Ok, maybe in your life, not mine however. "Anything that ever has happened has a reason that doesn't involve God." Ok, such as? "And even if we can't explain why something happened, it's becuase we don't know why...." Of course Whats wrong with putting it down to God instead of us as humans trying to claim we did it and be proud of ourselves and our intelligence etc? We're too proud to admit God couldve done it when we dont have an answer for it. Thats a shame ..."Just because we don't know why something happened doesn't mean it's God my default" To you, sure. But prove its not . Why cant it be God? What holds us back from saying or believing that God exists? What harm do most people think its going to bring in their lives? Most - men- dont want to believe in God/the bible because they think theyre going to have to give up sex, personal pursuits etc. The sex thing was one of the biggest hurdles for me and most people. Also not on the flip side. Theres two sides to every coin
  2. Whats wrong with being a typical christian? Like saying "typical human" So now youre judging me as a typical christian and saying I have no understanding about evolution? Prove to me some facts that you are trying to claim about evolution. The only reason evolutionist claim things is by "possiblilties or more-than-likely because of this and that" rather than any concrete evidence. Evolution hasnt been proven for humans. There has not been found a "missing link" between monkeys/apes and humans. If there was evolution, there wouldnt be monkey or apes anymore would there? There would just be us. If we'd been in existance for millions of years, then why has it taken so long for us to get where we are now after humans had evolved? We would still- if you believe in that- have the same physical build, brain. Humans are adaptable as are plants and animals, but I dont think we're evolving. A swimmer who's been training for many years will be able to hold his breath for far longer than a non-swimmer. Does that mean that if the world starts to flood by melting ice caps that we're going to -in time- start to have our lungs process water to survice? Theyre made for air only, not water. If we're evolving (just as technology is booming etc) we'd not be getting affected by cancers or failing body parts . The process would be getting sped up to keep up with whats going on in the world. We're adaptable to the enivronment we live in. We're still humans with 2 arms, 2 legs, etc. Strength isnt evolution. Thats circumstantial. A farmer on the plow would generally be stronger than his friend who doesnt do physical labour for a job (negating going to the gym). Thats adapting to your surroundings. "There is still murder, we murder cows and chickens etc. We don't murder our own kind because that goes against our natural instincts (and yes i know there are a select few who do, but that's a small %). This is how we cam to be the dominant species." God gave us birds of the air, animals of the ground to use for food. In the bible. That will never change whether we agree or disagree with it. We are the top of the food chain due to God giving us the highest intelligence of any other on the face of the earth. If you think Im incorrect, name an animal smarter than us "Well, most Christians always tell people to goto church and see what it's like, pray and see what you get out of it. But when you say to a Christian, try being atheist for just one week, they'll never do it." Most people hate the world we live in. They disagree with how people are poorly treated, muggings, rapes, how nobody seems to care much about other people and focus their lives on themselves and what they want. Not caring if they have to walk all over someone else to do it. I dont like the way the world has gone. The choice that Ive made to follow Christ in my life goes against the trends of selfishness and many other (unforutnately "normal and accepted today") attitudes and ways of living. Why would I want to go back to that and be miserable? Im trying to help people, care for them and take my eyes off myself and what I want. God however blesses you when you use the talents he gave you to help others. Its a win-win situation. Why wouldnt I want that for others and then lastly, myself?
  3. I believe by what Ive felt in my heart, what Ive read in the bible and the miracles and prayers answered which cant possible be from luck, fate, coincidence etc. "Coincidence is where God chooses to remain anonymous" I like that saying. The devils greatest deception was to convince the world that he didnt exist. He wouldnt walk around in a visibly horrific way because then people would see that its true and come to God. God on the other hand, has done enough to convince us of His existance. Look around you. Look at the bible. Its God-breathed words through men blessed by God to write/document what was done. They didnt have note pads back then. Only the most important, historical things were documented and recorded. God came to us in human form. Jesus Christ. Jesus was one of the most common, ordinary names of that time and region. Word of mouth back then, along with stories was the main form of communication and things werent exagerated like we do these days to impress and gain peoples interest. They were told as they happened, as with how they were documented. Yes, there are many translations. The word is not altered though. Theres no way were could possibly all learn the language the bible was originally written in which is written in Aramaic (old Testament) and Greek and Aramaic (New testament). Much of the New testament was written in Jerusalem, Rome, Greece and Turkey. We as westerners, english, need this translated to understand it. Its not taking away or adding to the word of God but merely making it understandable for us. So much of the bible (new testiment) does actually relate to todays society. We as a human race, apart from technological advancements, really havent changed much in the way we are over this time.
  4. If natural selection were true, the strong would survive and there would still be murder etc for that strong person to survive. We wouldnt have a society law with jail, rules etc. The strongest would dominate by force. Atheist. My dad is atheist Why go back to how I was before coming to Christ? It didnt feel good then so why would I turn my back on the best thing thats happened to me in my life? Ive been at the other end of things in my life which is why I said I wasnt always christian and didnt always lead a christian life, but came to Christ and accepted his love and forgiveness for sin and its the best thing Ive done. So much more fulfilling than how I used to live my life. Im being pretty candid with what Im saying here. I hope Im respected for trying to help here as I respect all your opinions and questions and am not trying to offend anyone. Many of which (opinions and questions) ive thought, had and asked myself at times
  5. I touched on these in one of my recent posts No, its not easy though.I cant possibly answer them all. Im not God. Someone could answer all of someones questions, but that doesnt necessarily mean they then believe. They may then want God to be standing there right before them saying "Here I Am", now do you believe? Then they go to the doctor complaining theyre seeing things and the doc gives them drugs for it as someone mentioned earlier. We as humans feel the need to rationalise everything that happens. To me, focussing on the bad things that I cant prevent (earth quakes etc- which on a scientific level is actually maintaining the planet, which if people dont believe in God and just evolution, should have no problem in understanding and accepting as part of like) is, to me, like someone who is focussed or worried about bad luck in terms of being supersticious. For example. I break mirror but im not that foolish to think that glass, with a layer of shiney thin metal on the back is going to give me 7years bad luck. Faith or not. But some people unfortunately do. They then play into that "bad luck" thought pattern when they have their heads down, trying to avoid adding to the "bad luck" by avioding cracks in the pavement (yeah, good luck doing that in london! LOL ) then walk into the path of a car and get hit. They lay in hospital thinking "its true, i do have bad luck" Seriously, we were blessed with a brain and we need to use it. If they hadnt had their head down, worrying and thinking about what more "bad things" are going to happen to them, and had their eyes and head up, forgettng about a broken mirror, they stand a better chance of avoiding future problems. Like the car they can now see and avoid walking into the path of because theyre not focussed on the "bad things". Its like people who focus on the past and cant let it go. We all have that to some extent. But we miss out on the good things in life and cause more problems for ourselves in the present and future by looking backwards at our past and past mistakes, whilst trying to walk forwards in life.
  6. Youre happy with that choice? I dont understand how people say "christianity is used or made up to control the population" (close to what was said from memory, if its not Im sorry but you know what Im getting at) What is the gain for that? Why do people or why are people so hating towards christians or people who believe in Jesus Christ? Have they hurt you in some way? Or been less caring, loving and understanding that any other regular person you may bump into in the street? I hope not. They generally go out of their ways to help you and do care. If they dont then its something they probably working on in their lives and need to be patient with them. People rip into christians for not being perfect. Id consider that a pretty hypocritical mindset, personally. Thing is, we never are and never will be. No one will be, in faith or out of faith. The thing is, people in faith are trying. When theres need in the world, who tries to help and send aid relief, normally christian organisations. Purely because we care for those suffering and are called to help them. Its what Jesus wants us to do in the bible. Love your neighbour. If people believe in Jesus Christ/God which is wholesome, doesnt hurt others but can only actually help others, I cant see why other people would want to give them a hard time about it and try to stop them from it?
  7. hehehe OORRRRR if you were a father, who hadnt seen his son all week, would you rather he came and saw you rather than go a for a ride that he can do on one of the other 6days in the week Ok, im replying to a few other replies in this one, thats why its long. God is all mighty. Yes, but we need to see His relationship with us, as a father is to a child. He loves, advises and teaches, but if we're so focussed and determined on doing a certain thing, even if its bad for us, He wont stop us. Its our choice. Our free will. He gives us ways out and will try to convince us its not a good idea, either through circumstances or other people in our lives offering advice on the situation. If we still go ahead with it and get hurt, He's still there to help and support us. Like any good father would to their child. Back to free will.... Its like jumping off a building. You ask God for forgiveness on the way down. God will forgive you, but gravity wont. What we accept as normal - gravity, the need for food and water to stay alive etc wont change. Theyre givens. Natural disasters will happen. Its the way life is. I dont blame God for it. I accept it as a part of life. Likewise with death. If its going to happen anyway, Id rather be having God with me than still have the disasters going on and be distant or ignoring God. I was in most of your positions in times through my life. Ripping into the bible, asking questions, not believing etc. I look back and see it was other people who had no real knowledge etc who were giving negative and incorrect insight from friends of friends etc. Like Chinese whispers. Saying things and quoting things without even looking at it themselves or asking the right people who can give info on what the text means and the context. No christian should be forceful. I'll never force anything on anyone. Check out this pic: http://family.webshots.com/photo/1292970439060487422zUqSEb Note the lack of handle on the outside of the door. This shows he cant open the door (metaphor for your heart). The door opens outward. You must open that door to Him. He doesnt do anything by force. I cant explain why God saves some in certain times and others not. I cant begin to believe its "luck" or "natural selection"-type thinking. Nobody has all the answers in life on anything. Christians for God, non-christians for things in life in science etc. I think its funny when people attribute break throughs and massive leaps forward in mankind to science and the bad things to God. I believe God blessed scientists with what they know and their intelligence. No one in my family has Diabetes or Ceoliac disease (Gluten intolerant so cant eat a lot of most foods). Sure, it sucks. But whinging about it and blaming God for "allowing" this isnt going to make it go away. Its something I accepted and just ask God for help with in managing it in my life. I can see the good that has come of it though. It made my personality come through at a young age by being very interpersonal with people and very sociable (long story as to why) but Im thankful for that. Most of the things of this world are from our own doing. Pesticides create cancers (have had a few people back home from farming communities see that first hand) global warming, from cars etc. Another example: My partner, from a farming town back home in Western Australia, was one of 4 in a christian town to be diagnosed with childhood Leukaemia at the age of 4. It took 2 years to get through that and the town was praying for the kids to pull through. 3 of them didnt. She was the only one to survive. Its devasting for a family to lose children so young. If you live near a nuclear powerplant....fair call, theres a far higher risk of general health problems, yet people blame God? God blessed us with brains. We dont HAVE to live near a nuclear powerplant where the risk is higher than somewhere else. My partner was then diagnose with a brain tuma at the age af 16. (Youre automatically in a higher risk bracket when youve had something like leukaemia at a young age. ) She and her parents were told that, worst case scenario, she would die (very high chance with everything Im about to list), be severerly mentally retarded, be blind (as the tumer was affecting her eyesight) and an ongoing list of possible outcomes. This, I can imagine, wouldve been so hard for her parents as well as her. They were praying intensely, as was the town through this. She came through, with only partial lose of sight in "patchy areas" of her right eye. THATS IT! Thank God for that! Shes such a sharp woman, Id never have known this about her from how she is until she told me what she'd been through. Shes such a smart woman. Romans (new testiment) Ro 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose That means all things....good and bad. I know Im thankful for the hard times I go through and the testing times. It makes me press into God more and be closer to Him. Testing times in life are good too. It builds character, knowledge and wisdom through experience. Cant experience the highs unless you go through the lows. Id rather that than have a flat, plain, simple. boring life personally. Me too. As does Jesus, thats in the bible too. Religion is man made stuff that man thinks will get him accepted into heaven. Things like doing good for others, fixing things for free, whatever as a means to get to heaven. Ie: Good "works" purely, that alone, to try to get into heaven. The only way to heaven is accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and believing what he did on the cross for our sin. We cant do anything else but accept that love. Its like in life, you cant earn genuine love if a girl loves you. She loves you for you, not the things you do for her. All you can do is accept it from her, and love her back. Its no different with God Alright, gotta shoot. Got loads of things I need to be doing!
  8. Thats ok mate. Thats your choice and I respect it
  9. No, thats not enough said. We need to put God first in our lives. If we have the best relationship with God in our lives that we can, it overflows in our lives with our family, friends so on. Why not just go check out church? Its not going to hurt you, at least you might get a different view on it even if you dont choose to go again
  10. Hi all I have the messages instantly sent to my hotmail account as most of us do. I dont have any other problems with my hotmail or opening other emails, but when I go through my Trials-Forum emails, it (after a few emails) has a dummy-spit and says theres been an error. THen it takes AGES for the ctrl-alt-del task manager window to come up and be able actually shut the window. When it does though, it shuts down every window that is being viewed through IE 7. Is such an annoying thing. It totally closes everything. No matter what Im doing, even if theyre related or not. Can someone please shed some light on this for me? Ive got Spyzooka which checks for and removes all spyware, malware etc, Kaspersky Internet Security (which hasnt picked up anything) and System Mechanic 7. Its purely through checking Trials-Forum emails that it has its problems. What can be causing it? I have the latest Microsoft updates also although there has been always one it cant install which is this one: Security Update for Microsoft >NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366) I dont know how to install that one. It just doesnt want to do it for whatever reason.
  11. BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA you crack me up all the time mate. Love the use of pictures to help what youre saying LOL Great success lol I'll buy a BB, thats ok as its something id never buy used. Likewise a headset. Those two components I will always buy new so I know how old they are and what theyve been through in their life of my riding. Front brake....if i cant get the mono trial im chasin from a dude on here and his Echo front forks, then I'll just have to wheelie everywhere till I get a new set from Tarty. Awkward I know. Hard to endo properly! Thanks for the email, will check later today. I HAVE to sleep now, this is crazy that Im up at nearly 4am. Its the same ive been doing all week and I just feel terrible which more than likely helped cause the poo that happened earlier today. Not cool. Good use of bog roll, yes, I agree. You need to be resourceful. You'd survive the aussie outback
  12. "Why does it have to be FOR anything?" True. If not we'd all be killing someone who annoyed us, steal for whatever we wanted to make us happy etc. Some people cant see past the ends of their noses. Not saying you, im meaning that we cant see anything bigger, stronger, more powerful than us ourselves as humans. If it was all for nothing, we wouldnt even have the question "whats it all for?" Ok. You seem to know some parts of the bible. There must be a reason for your interest in it as you must have questioned life at some point? All humans do, whether they say/admit it or not. Its normal. We have the mental capacity for doing this, animals dont. As long as theyre fed and have company, theyre generally happy. This is what sets us apart from the animals. Im sure most people will cry out to God when theyre about to die or when theyve exhaust all their own avenues and done everything they can out of their own strength. Like when a loved one is dieing in hospital and the doctors can do nothing for them. Im sure we dont just think "oh well, ce' la ve', we tried". No, if we dont believe, Im sure most appreciate other people praying for them. Many have had miraculous recoveries to which doctors simply cant explain. How can God be manifested by humans if He never existed? Its not something we can just conceive. We can only understand and know what our eyes would/could see. We would simply have no concept of God or Him being the Creator unless He came and told us. If He didnt, we'd just accept what we are, what was around us and that would be it. "You say a lot about free will, we can do whatever we like, however some of those things will end us up in hell. Is being homosexual free will? Yes - but you'll end up being tortured for all eternity." (From New testiment, its from Pauls 1st letter to the Corinthians, so its labelled 1 Corinthians and the 2nd letter is 2Corinthians etc) 1Co 10:23 “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive. 1Co 10:24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. This world would be such a peaceful place if we just all loved one another as brother and sisters and cared for what others needed first because it would obviously come back to us. Theres nothing more fulfilling for the soul than genuinely helping and caring for someone in need and really seeing it in their eyes when they say "thank you, thank you so much" (from New testiment again the 2nd letter to Peter, so 2Peter) 2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance Thats God allowing our free will. We have the choice to do what we choose, but that doesnt mean its healthy for us and wont affect others in a bad way or have consequences. He's allowing this but wants us of our own free will, to choose to come to Him. "Bible stuff is all irrelevant becuase the bible says the earth is 6000 years old and we should beat our slaves" Wheres that coming from? Find it for me in the bible and I'll give some insight. Its obviously not what we should be doing of course! It sounds old Testiment and specific to a certain people of its time. Back then, beating a slave may have been as common and customary to those certain people as smacking your child. Who knows? I dont focus on this stuff personally. We're currently not under Gods "Law" (old testiment, which is impossible to live by and God knows it) but Gods "Grace" (new testiment, freedom to live peacefully, in Gods love for us). I have to go to bed, its 3:30am and im shattered! Keep asking questions. Keep seeking answers mate. I recommend it! Take care What did you ask God for or for help with? I know youre probably havin a laugh, but i'll say this...satan always will get in and "help" you whenever he can. Everything is in Gods timing though. Its up to us to be patient and wait. If we dont, and go with a bad choice the devil is there ready to lead us astray. Devil means "Great deceiver" as long as he has empty promises, tempting us and we believe it and take it, he leads us away from God and His love
  13. Why...and also... what happens after we die? Whats it all for? Something greater had to create everything Think about it....how could humans possibly even know of God and His higher power, unless He told us about Himself? Have a really good think about that. Its deeper than you think We couldnt just conceive that thought pattern on our own, of God being the higher power and who He is. We know because we're told. That goes with most things in general also. Just to bust it down really quickly and without reading the other copious pages of this thread.... Old testiment in the Bible is God being a judge and being unhappy with how people were living. "For you own good, dont do this and dont do that." etc New Testiment, fulfills the Old testiments telling of Jesus Christ coming. God loves us so much that: John 3:16 (New International Version- New testiment) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." He let Jesus take the worlds sin (of our past, present and future that we dont even know about yet) so that we can be in relationship with God. God is pure love, light, goodness, holiness. Its so hard for our feeble human minds to fathom that we would die in His presence. No evil can survive. He's provided a way, through Christs death, of us being able to come back to Him. It gets so much deeper than that, but please be careful plucking scriptures from here and there without understanding what that book and context is. Its easy for christians and non-christians alike to do this. Theyre called "books" in the bible, but its actually someone writing a letter to a certain people through their struggles back in that day. Eg: the book "Corinthians" in the back section (New testiment), was actually a letter from the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians who were struggling with heaps of lifes current problems we have today. Greed, fighting, adultery, money issues, the lot! Theres so much stuff in the bible and its not all "though's" and "Thy" etc. There are a couple of bibles in todays current language. I have both of them, called "NIV"- New International bible= easy to understand and "The Message Bible"= TOTALLY todays language. Its really good. At the end of the day, all you need to know first and foremost, is that God is love. He loves you and wants relationship with you. He is seeing if you trust in Him, being a higher power, to help you in your life. So many people think they have to give up all the fun stuff in life. When you trust God, He gives that back and blesses you abundantly. I can vouch personally for this. Its amazing Dont stick on the judgemental side of the bible though, as Christ came to save us from that (the whole "Smyting you down" stuff). Now, if a christian is not coming across as helpful, caring, loving etc in their nature toward you, please dont judge christianity or God on this. Its like life. We're all in our certain part of our paths of life and we often get off that path and go down bad, damaging roads. We all have good days and bad days. Its still possible to vent and/or snap (far out, I did today which was out of character for me and not cool at all!) Christians do too and are also on our own part of the journey of life and in different stages. Its a growing process as anything is. In life there are many, many broken people. With so much hurt and baggage in their lives. Theyre tied down with it. Its no different to Christians. Again, its a gowth process and we work at getting past the past with Gods blessing, patience, love and understanding. What any normal relationship between a man and woman would be on the heart level really. This is all said in a caring and respectful way. Ive tried to simplify it down to clarify peoples misconceptions or judgments as most people are scared off or dont believe in God or the bible or think all christians are brain washed. Its not the case. I wasnt. I made this decision by choice, of my own will. God will never force anything. He made us with free will and love. Two things he cant control. Theyre up to us, or we'd be basically robots. I wasnt living a christian life. Not by a long shot. The girls, the parties and all that goes with it. If I was still back there, ughhh i cringe to think where I'd be now.... I dont want people to rip into what ive said. Just have a think about it and PM if you have any questions and I'll try to help. Im CRAZY busy atm but felt pulled to write what I have. Maybe it was for one of you. I keep things stricly private when asked and its simple respect. I do that for all people regardless. Hope this has helped some of you anyway. Even if just one Wes
  14. Very true mate. Im interested in the stem and seat. Let me find out what it looks like on tarty. Thing is, it again, comes down to importing. I need to source the gear I need later, now, so in the long run Im saving money. Looking to be getting engaged this year, then married early next year, then will be attempting to save for Canada, God willing, and want to take the bike with me. Its best I get what I need now as I know its simply not going to happen later and the choices we have for gear in Aus is greatly reduced and more costly. For some outstanding reasons its better to be in Aus, for others, its not due to how the trials scene is nearly non-existant. Especially in Perth anyway. Maybe I can get it kicked off though if I keep practicing
  15. I would mate as Ive just got them back to new working order (after the previous owner drowned them in WD-40-on purpose)...I know....I know *shakes head in disappointment* The one main thing Im against with the Louise, is the lack of caliper mounting adjustment. My Avid Juicy 7's on my Marin Mount Vision are completely adjustable in each and every way. Theyre such brilliant brakes. Im actually considering getting a set for the front. You can move them in, out, up, down, left and right. You wont ever have them pads touching the disc unless the disc is badly warped as a result. The pads are spring loaded open, the Louise are not. I havent had a good long ride with the Hope Mono Trials yet, but as Ive said (and knowing theyre really expensive) theyre cheaper than back home and I can save on importing if I buy them now and take them back with me in my luggage I was chasing a second hand Mono trial and Echo Urban fork from a seller, but as Ive said, havent heard back from him which is a shame as its what Im after. Id really like some Trialtech Sport forks, but no one has them either in stock or second hand as far as Im aware If its light enough and cheap enough I might The main areas of money focus - of course- is the BB, stem, wheels/tyres, forks & front brakes. From the Onza Im taking the HS33 over, the cranks, have some pedals lined up back home, have some bars and stem here (but the stem is a DH one and I possibly have other options from a new friend back home who's in trials) seat post (maybe take it with me? Who knows) and thats about it! The rest is for sale. Ive just put pics up on it here: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=137095 Still need to put up front rim pics which Im taking now
  16. Mate, what seat post is that? Angled isnt it? Echo Urbans up front? I replied to a guy about his Urbans and Mono Trial but hasnt gotten back to me Im just not having a good run with all this hey lol
  17. Heyyyyyyy its not our fault it takes ages. Do you know how many Carrier Pigeons we lose sending pads BACK to you guys that we get by plane to Aus? 2
  18. Hahaha Luke, you always crack me up when you reply to people love it. Top man You shouldve mentioned how cheap your service charges are for resprays!
  19. Poo brown hehehe people know how much I loathe that colour. Its like bad 70's decor
  20. Yeah mate. I burnt out Yeah, will let you know. Still no word at 10:31pm even though he PM'd me a price, delivered, this afternoon.... As soon as I know, i'll let you know so you can grab it. I just need to save money mate so would prefer to get his over new And yeah hehe Luke I like the new pic too
  21. Tell me about it. What a HUGE blunder that was. In essence and in short, I posted a reply to Nick which was actually meant for someone else. No doubt we each couldnt work out what the hell was going on in the PM's. Ive personally apologised and explained what happened. I hope thats helped sort the confusion out. Nick was only trying to do the right thing. It was my stuff up. Wow, what a day Im having today! Its a mess! Yeah mate, only in the last bit Ive chilled out now and know why things were confused. Lines got massively crossed. I put a deposit down with Tarty on the last Inspired frame. Then Phil replied about his frame, to which i said, ok, give me a price and on the other parts I need to build your frame up. This was via personal email around mid day. I asked him to ring me regarding a price for the frame and parts. I havent....repeat (for everyone ) havent actually bought the frame yet from Tarty. It was "mine" by means of deposit. I can always use that deposit to get a new BB from Tarty for Phils frame if he ever gets back to me about it.... Im still waiting to hear from him. If I do get Phils frame, Im saying that you Bender, can grab that frame if you had a deposit to hold it for yourself. I'll ring them (if I get phils frame etc) and tell Ali you want the frame and that you have a deposit. That way its yours till you pay for the total price. Make sense? Hope so. What a shockin day Ive had.... lol
  22. Yes I know and I want it I will use the Tarty frame deposit to put towards a BB for Phils frame. I got in first today with it, but still waiting to hear back on a total price for some other parts he had for sale to build the frame up with. Then heres what went down AFTER I emailed him about wanting it with extra parts and to work out a price for me... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....31421&st=20 Nick Pyke said "I know im not going to buy it and all, but please hold it it for CETFLY hes gaggin for one, and hes going back to australia some time next week so he would prob pick it up . "Ifallofflots" FOOLISHLY said "He's already bought one" I damn near hit the roof Ive been chasing this frame for 3 weeks straight and trying to get anyone who knew him to get back to me. I pm'd, posted and also emailed- to which he then replied. Now Nick thinks its his and the price has gone up from what he told me on the email, wont reply to me and wants to possibly go to auction by people bidding on it. This is rediculous. If someone gives you a price, and you agree, then you stick to that price. I got in first and I wont back down on this. Its not fair due to one person speaking for someone else when they have NO right too, thats its now causing all this drama...... not......happy........ No. I put a deposit on it till I could work out how the cheapest method of sending it home would be. If Phil gets back to me and I get his frame, I'll tell Ali to hold it for you if you put a deposit down on it
  23. Hey mate Were you interested in buying a camera? Like I said I have mine for sale if youre interested?
  24. Mmmm its not something ideal, but yeah. I think if it came down to absolutely no interest then Id maybe send it back home and hold it till someone wanted to buy it there. At least the scene back there is small and the only frames they mainly have are imported frames, so theres not a massive second hand frame market. Ive got hold of the last one in the country. Ive got my deposit on it, but now people are saying that I should stick with my Onza and that its a streety bike/frame as-is. I just want something far more flickable and chuckable and I feel a 24 would be better suited for agressive street and fast, nimble, technical stuff.... I spose if I change my mind I will just lose my deposit and simply walk away.... I just dont feel that right/good on the Onza, but also the Inspired I rode feels completely foreign to me with the setup it had (110mm x 37degree stem) Thoughts? Ive spoke to Tim for an hour on skype a few days ago Even if I get stung on importing, its cheaper for me to bring the bike into the country with me than have to pay his percentage of profit on the importing costs hes had to pay, plus then sending it across from the east, to the west of Aus to me isnt cheap. At least if I want to sell the Inspired in Aus I WONT have ANY trouble doing so Its just not good as the money im spending now is money we need for Europe He cant get hold of any second hand ones. They just arent available and theres such a tight, tiny second hand market for frames as most people get their bikes built up and hold onto them. Its not like over here where you all get bored and swap frames. No one just "swaps" frame back home. You sell yours and buy another. It was so odd for me trying to get my head around Px! lol
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