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Everything posted by modifiedridah2k9

  1. It was brilliant to be honest!!
  2. Click here, tells you everything you need to know about trials tricks and how to do them
  3. Here, is that not what this topic is for? Is there only 2 people nice enough to help rather than look at my age and say 'oh ill make fun of him cos he's 12'. Anyway not in my best mood, its over.
  4. I just do it with my brakes on but both full hands on the grips not touching the levers at all.... And admitidly its really good fun, i tried it for a wee while until i fell but i think i did pretty well
  5. Sorry forgot to mention i have never had a go of an inspired so i cannot judge how nice they are too ride. Other thing why ruin a bike by taking the brakes off? I know brakeless is fun but just keep the brake on and not touch it? Sorry if this is stupid, im retarded lol ( not really obvioisly). And yeah i know stan has been using the bike before, what tarty staff dont have inspireds?
  6. No i just sad i dont know what to talk about and you guys said oh dont use small talk tjey get bored... Doesnt really say what to actualy talk about. So anyone got any ideas of what to talk about to a girl? I really have NO clue except for small talk an im not using tjat! Excuse my spelling btw im on my ipod.
  7. Oh my god..... That is nice but not as nice as evryone else says. I mean its not the most beautiful bike ive ever seen, but admitidly it is quite nice. Another thing does nobody else think too many people are getting inspireds? They are getting a bit boring now...
  8. Surely to god he has been riding longer... Did you ever go out with your mates when they had their bikes and have wee shots or something,because thats unbeleiveable that it was done that quickly :/
  9. More girl trouble... or whatever the new stupid name is! ? Eh, I never really know what to talk about, anybody got any ideas. i mean ideas on topics to talk about like..thats the thing i dont know any topics... help? chezzers
  10. It was good, but there was only 2 or 3 clips, you can't really expect to get loads of comments on a few clips. But yeah, a trials crew sounds good.
  11. Going to see 'The Sorcerers Apprentice' tommorow, anybody seen that? Any good?
  12. I never get questions back, it can be really annoying sometimes... :/
  13. I think from seeing this, i am saving up for one. Should have the money, oh... in 2 years or so, but i will get there... How nice a ride is it?
  14. Oh, good idea. I had a few ideas in my head, just wanted to see what other people do with their's and give it a shot.
  15. Hey, There is a place near mine with about 20 pallets round back. Normally we just drop them, sidehop them etc. Well does anybody know any way of setting them up as a course. Like a track to go round. Anybody got any pics of pallet set-ups/courses? I know a few of you have gardens that are beast for riding that have some cool pallet courses in them, so please, help cause im getting bored of trials in the same place doing the same thing. Kieran.
  16. You have upset me , 1 week riding and you can sidehop higher than me Thats not fair, pics or it didnt happen Seriously though could i see a pic of that? Thats really good for 1 week. You might be the next Danny Mac
  17. Em, i beleive you will find you are wrong, it is selling because as said before, somebody will have to sell them to you. And there is no wanteds in NMC. I'm reporting you to, as not just asking for someone to sell something to you in NMC, but you have had a terrible attitude towards people trying to help you. If there wasnt an attitude, i wouldn't report you, but oh well
  18. I would only change the frame to an echo, and i own an echo lite 09,l highly recomend it, its a really nice riding frame. Light aswell, hints the name (sort of )
  19. It's fine, it really is one beautiful bike. Ever plan on taking a video out Also do you ride alot? Is the ice a nice riding frame? bit off topic here but what have you learnt in your small time riding? You look like a really quick learner because you did a decent sized gap up (if thats what it is) on your 5th day... Also, your sticking to the rules, thats one validation vote from me, good luck Oh yeah, I forgot you asked on how to improve it, sorry :$ And this guy probably has read the rules, it doesnt state anywhere in the rules "post bike pictures nowhere else but the bike pics thread if your a new member" does it?
  20. Come on give him a break, i cant remember the last time i looked at the bike pic thread. And i remember you posting your ZHI in here xDUNSTANx, so yeah... Thats a nice bike there, i love that. And that is a well good deal for £450. The frame itself costs nearly that. And you did that on your 5th day riding? Woah, i dont think i could do that till my 5th month! Beautiful bike, and keep up the riding. Have fun riding the trials world Kieran.
  21. You do not know me so you cant judge if im cool or not. Im going to bed lol
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