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Everything posted by flatpro

  1. that was the "cash roll" ! a trick that is done only by dhers. he did it once last year but didn't quite make it. this is the first time he pulled it in a contest run I think.. But noone can really tell you what it is .. lol.. the level of riding is soo sick these days. I believe no other "extreme sport" has progressed as much as bmx has over the last couple of years. And the crazy thing is that guy "mad dog" is only 14 or 16 I think and does tricks like triple whips, flairwhips,720s, no handed frontflips... seems like some guys are born for this!
  2. allthough he's good for his age, I didn't watch the whole video, since it looks so silly when such a little kid rides trials..
  3. beautiful bikes!!! rockman really makes good and great looking products!
  4. amazing video!!!! I cannot understand how one can sidehop that high...
  5. Used to ride bmx for several years, then I quit. Now I ride stock and when I try to ride my old bmx bike now I feel like I can't even do a simple bunnyhop anymore... so I think switching back and forth between trials and bmx is very challenging.
  6. doesn't like it at all.. sorry
  7. very nice video! great stock riding!!
  8. well it's up to you. but I don't think the frame is stiff enough to be used without a brakebooster..
  9. nice video! very impressive to see how he rides these moto-trials-obstacles
  10. nice one! I've got a premier too. don't you think you should use a brakebooster? in my case it didn't work very well without a booster...
  11. nice one! must be pretty light!?
  12. nice I've been waiting for a 2.2 version with the black chili compound. I'll probably give it a try soon...
  13. nice bike! but it could look even better! (without that black tape, with a shorter top end of the fork and so on..)
  14. don't like the colour of the cranks and the bashring. I'm not a big fan of that frame either... (might rides well, but doesn't look good imo)
  15. thanx for the info. the viz bars look higher though on the pictures!
  16. wow that is a hell of a ride!!! great bike! I'm not a big fan of the frame-colour either but the bike looks nice nevertheless and the parts (and weight) are brilliant!
  17. I was in the same position a couple of months ago. Here's what I think: the viz bars are a bit higher so it makes your "front" feel a bit "higher" too. therefore it depends on your frame/stem set-up and your personal taste (whether you prefer a higher or lower front). They're also lighter and look better in my opinion. Nevertheless I went for the trialtech bars, because I have never heard anything bad about them. Also they're cheaper and were easier to get (at least for me). I use them with a 120mm/25° stem. they feel good and stiff and have improved my riding immediately!! Overall I think these are both excellent handlebars. p.s. the new rockman bars looking good too!
  18. the video quality is amazing!! I love HD!
  19. as I mentioned in the gilles-thread, I think people should make their minds up whether they want bike trials to be recognized as serious (olympic-kinda) sport or whether they want it to be part of the extremsport/funsport movement. if the latter is the case then tights probably won't help much to create a cooler imageB. but I don't see any reason why riders in competition or working out for competitions should not wear performance clothing, as competitions are all about performance. And without competitions the sport doesn't get much attention, sponsors, tv coverage etc. BMX got big when the xgames got big, just to mention one example. But I don't believe that trials will ever be as "cool" as bmx, skateboarding, fmx and so on, because competitions are all about concentration, studying your line, spying your opponents etc. and that simply doesn't look cool at all!! therefore I think a more serious image of bike trials is the way to go anyway and I don't see any reasons why performance clothing should be banned from competitions. If you don't like tights or anything else that doesn't look cool, then you should maybe open a new thread about banning competitions from trials!! *lol*
  20. well I don't think wearing skinny jeans and compression clothing is the same thing. one is a fashion thing and the other is a performance thing. Whether you believe in the positive effect of it or not. I have skins powersox (not for riding trials) and I can tell you it really makes a difference. whereas skinny jeans do not have a positive effect on your performance for sure.. maybe the opposite. I can't tell as I have never ridden trials with tight jeans, but it's pretty obvious that it's uncomfortable. I personally feel the high level of stress that riding trials puts on my body. So why not wearing something that helps your body regenerate and prevents you from muscle soreness? sure it doesn't look very cool. I would feel a bit awkward too wearing this stuff while riding street somewhere in the city. but if your riding in a competition or somewhere in the woods who cares about your look?! It also shows the rest of the world how serious these athlets take trials and how they work out and try to improve their performance. Ok, if bike trials wants to be part of the exremsport/funsport-movement then wearing compression clothing probably won't help very much.
  21. I agree. I didn't choose the rims though, since I got the bike second-hand. although the rims look a bit better in real I think. And I will replace the chain by a lighter (and shorter) kmc chain anytime soon. But wouldn't shortening the chain too much destroy the tensioner spring!?? I'm not happy with the whole chain / chain-tensioner set-up anyway. I'm thinking about buying a new tensioner with two wheels or making one by myself which would be closer to the chain stay. similar to the new ozonys cannibal set-up if possible.
  22. Hello everybody, just wanted to show my bike. since it's my first 26" bike it's not a superexpensive hightech-bike. but I have already changed several parts and I keep on upgrading it. Frame: Atomz premier Fork: Try-All Stem : UN (Atomz) Handlebars: Trialtech riser Rims : Try All Front Hub: Hope disc Rear Hub: Try All Front Brake: Magura Louise with Rockman Superlight Rotor with titanium bolts Rear Brake: Magura HS 33 with Coust Pads Brakebooster: Echo Tyres: Try All Stiky Cranks: Try All Pedals: Wellgo Magnesium Bashring: Viz semi Chaintensioner : Point Weight: about 10.5kg ( I'm considering getting some continental tyres soon in order to get below 10kg)
  23. really a sweet ride!!!! If my frame wasn't almost new, I would go for a fans as well! btw. I'd be happy if my bike was only 9.56kg!!
  24. flatpro

    Mattias Einbu

    some pretty cool footage! but in general I'm not a big fan of that self- and bike-destroying riding-style! plus that dude badly needs a haircut!
  25. It also depends on the videos. some videos (like for example kevin's richmondtrials videos) seem to help me alot with my riding, others don't. but without videos I wouldn't even know what the different riding techniques look like and how they work, since there are no other riders in my town, and I've been riding alone all the time (which sucks!)
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