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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. If I had a few months to train for trials I'd be doing largely a combination of stretching and plyometrics (static box jumps etc). In a few months you could really improve your flexibility if you're training every day. Plus, I bet you can't find a top 5 world class rider who can't suck his own I'd definitely factor in upper back and lats, as when I stopped riding these were the areas I saw most muscle deterioration as I simply wasn't using them anymore.
  2. Isn't it a faux pas to have your profile picture the same as your cover photo? Tell your bike to sort it out.
  3. I hate being bought 'things', I'd much rather go somewhere or go out to do something.
  4. I'm not sure I like the order they have put those in. I'd like to see an arcade built up with those purple hubs though, would be pimp.
  5. Was hoping for some exciting scandal that led you to hate the entire city, not public transport complaints. Boo!
  6. Ok so something happened to me today and I'm not sure how to feel about it. The washing machine saga was the first instalment but now comes its successor. Ashtrays in the dishwasher. Now I think I'm pretty upset about this, no actual fag ends but loads of ash and shit were stuck to them. This isn't ok is it?
  7. @Wrayvon Pics aren't showing up for me, anyone having the same problem?
  8. You only need one ticket to win
  9. Randomly decided to enter the lottery today, make account online and buy one ticket. Apparently the 'minimum' you can put into your account is a tenner. F**k that.
  10. I would definitely propose the idea to a doctor, sounds as if getting them out would enhance your wellbeing by a huge amount. Plus, without grape sized tonsils you can fit more in your mouth
  11. It used to be the case that if you had tonsillitis three times in one year they took them out. The doctor looked at my housemate's ones and said they will 100% take them out and gave her a referral to the right department within a few weeks. Does it affect your sleep at all? She says it really affects her breathing and she does snore extremely loudly because of it.
  12. Can't you get them taken out? My housemate has had swollen tonsils for around a year and they are genuinely the size of grapes, absolutely horrible.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779fMc8ubOo I didn't say it damaged it, just that it jumped around the kitchen!
  14. Less to do with the actual weight, more to do with how the weight is distributed within the barrel (right term?) of the washing machine. A pair of shoes on their own could make the spin really eccentric as there is one lump of concentrated mass. I don't think I'd wash my trainers with a normal load, unless I was washing my rugby kit haha.
  15. Is the lump not always there, even acutely? I would go and get that checked out regardless but it seems strange that it hasn't equated to a loss in range of motion in your shoulder, which means it could be just due to the bar. In PB2 related news, it's amazing! I had 12g of it in my oats this morning, which equated to around one very large tablespoon worth of real peanut butter. Within that were 45 calories, and 1.5g of fat. When compared to real peanut butter which would be ~190 calories and 14g of fat this is a no brainer for anyone that loves peanut butter but doesn't want the calories from it. Totally recommend.
  16. Groan. Whenever I've washed trainers they always come out and don't feel like they fit the same ever again. One of my housemates last year washed his trainers in the washing machine each time he went for a run (once a week), I'm sure the weight of two wet shoes was making the washing machine jump around the kitchen.
  17. @weirdoku The only time shoes are dirty enough to be put in the washing machine are post-festival but even then I wouldn't want to wash my clothes after they'd been in there.
  18. I've got a H&B near my house, I'll try to pick up a jar of it (rather than 1kg from MF) and see how it is. Cheers for the advice!
  19. I haven't, they seem to be considerably more expensive than pb and have roughly the same macros (from a quick Google). What do you mean by 'skin on' an 'skin off'? Also do you use it as a butter replacement, so toast, oats and that kind of thing? Can't imagine it would make nice scrambled eggs
  20. @bike_dummie Thanks, I'll get some of that to try. I ordered some PB2, but not sure I'll like it as much as real peanut butter.
  21. Bump. I want to buy a big tub of peanut butter (smooth), what's good and what's not?
  22. @aener Firstly, thanks for the detailed post. Secondly, I think you've just pointed out a lot of the weaknesses in my revision technique that I was acutely aware of but never decided to change. I've found I can work productively for about 2 hours in the morning and then its not until early evening that I become productive again, so I think I'll only focus on revising during those periods and go to the gym/ go outside outside those times. I also get annoyed at myself when I'm at my desk and not working, so I tend to sit here and force myself to work when my mind is somewhere completely different. I think I'd be far better, as you say, to blast it when it can happen and not bother when it can't - at least I'll be happy when I'm doing it. I'm not sure of the demographic Lamb of God and American Head Charge are going for, but it's not kids at their desks! Biosphere is exactly what I needed though really appreciate that suggestion, thanks dude! @ItsMatt Phone is definitely a good shout. I need the internet to re-watch lectures and access documents but if I open the tabs I need I could turn it off, that would definitely cause less website drifting. I fail to see how 'mood' is a quantity that can be increased or decreased, if you double a mood what do you get? The rain against the window was nice to listen to this morning, however. Not quite at that stage yet fortunately.
  23. I find music really distracting but I think I do need some form of low volume sound, since drives me a little crazy, any jazz you'd recommend? I'm going to experiment today with sitting and doing 20 minutes work, then having a 5 minute break and walking around/ making tea or something. So then at least all the time spent at my desk is spent working, rather than just assuming I've done enough to go on Facebook for a while.
  24. Hi guys, So it's gotten to exam season and once again it's time to chain myself to my desk and somehow read and retain the pages and pages of notes I've taken throughout this term. I make good progress when I'm focussed however this is no more than about 5-10% of the time that I spend at my desk. Most of the time is spent doing nothing, reading articles on things I don't care about, tidying, making trials-forum topics nobody is going to read and sometimes just sitting here having no thoughts at all. I know some of you here work from home/are self employed, how do you manage yourself to get things done without drifting off? Thanks, Oli P.S. Any tips on getting past the masturbating stage would be welcome too.
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