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Everything posted by MonsieurMonkey

  1. Matthew, I was trying to quote you and then delete the text so I didn't have to call you by name, but I'm on my phone. Anyway, how much weed have you smoked and how many people do you know that smoke? I agree with the majority of what you're saying, and I know you said you're generalising, but I'm just interested in your exposure. P.S. This is not me trying to say that if you don't have any / enough experience you can't have an opinion by the way.
  2. You need a better dealer. I did type out an epic response, but it made me look like some crack fiend.
  3. The ghost of Steve Jobs strikes again. Edit: That summary is so Yank, not only the bad English, but generally the "uplifting" vibe of the film. In England, that dolphin would have been put down, and too right as well. How much f**king money was spent on it, that could have been spent in Africa to feed thousands of people? f**king stupid Americans.
  4. At first I was kinda like, yeah let's go into this, but then I thought. No.
  5. Just bravo, to both of you. One after the other as well. This post just exists to stop the casual reader, so that they read the above two posts. I like the fact a sponsored rider is threatening someone over TF. What a f**king massive cunt you are.
  6. The first girl in both of those last 2 posts, those emo teeny looking ones. f**king hell. Absolutely insane. If I could say my stragglers looked like those, I'd be very happy.
  7. I was sat here thinking you could have one "frame" with just bits of tube to change it from 20/24/26. Then I realised it wouldn't work. Looks awesome, and it's a great idea. Guess it'll be down to build quality and how easy/cost effective all the tube changing will be. What sort of frames are you gonna be aiming to compete with out of interest?
  8. My only current regret, is picking the degree I have done. It's so f**king shit. I was going to elaborate, but it sent me under. I'm 23. And generally understand that life is a case of being another peasant in the system for the majority of us and I should learn to deal with it.
  9. Go with the Descent, that's a pretty gash collection of films, but with the Descent you can really make a good trailer I feel. Like playing on the whole suspense, scaryness of what it'd actually be like to be trapped in a cave system like that. A lot of black would work. Or at least I think it would.
  10. I couldn't remember if Psycho was '61 or not? Could be wrong and I dunno how strict those years are.
  11. Citizen Kane should be a great choice, and a worthy watch if you've not seen it.
  12. Sorry if this has been answered a million times. But I have no net at my flat and the uni comps don't auto log me in on TF so its phone for the win. And it's dog shit when it comes to searching then reading etc. Anyway, what's what in the world of 24 rims. I want hard wearing bomb proof monsters. Weight isn't a concern of mine at all. Considering going dual disc so disc only rims are okay. Thanks for any info chaps.
  13. I'm a big fan of multiple amputees as well. They can't escape, fight back, nothing. All they do is wriggle.
  14. Seeing as you said Engineering I'll talk about that. The level of Maths in Engineering, is pretty hard. I dunno if an OU Engi course follows a similar syllabus to the degrees at my Uni, but shit like Hydraulics, and working out the pressure of something going into a pipe and whatever. It's tricky. I suppose it depends whether or not you just want a degree, or you want a good degree. I know a guy who scraped through first year without doing a lot of work until exams came around. (Like a few weeks reading) But that wouldn't work in 2nd and 3rd year, and even if it did, you'd be coming out with shitty score.
  15. In the midst of a nightmare last night, for some reason I dreamt that my warn level had been reduced to 10%. Not completely cleared, but taken to 10%, very weird. Why I'm dreaming about TF I don't have a clue either.
  16. This is going to end up being the standard disclaimer on all posts in the video section now so no-one kicks off.
  17. So then why wouldn't he say something to you? I don't see what would intimidate him enough to stop him saying something? If the only way you can retort to someone who disagrees with you, is laugh at them and think they're a knob, you probably won't get very far in life. I'm not saying I could do it better than you, I'm just saying that any degree that in the second year would allow you to claim to be at the top of your field, wouldn't be very difficult. I wasn't saying I could do it better than you, and whether I could or not wasn't the point. I was just saying, in 2 years, with what will be minimal exposure, you won't exactly be an expert.
  18. I actually quite like being able to spell, and write. Regardless of what I did with my life, I would like to be able to express myself through written word, and spoken word, the best possible. You still haven't told me how you'd stop someone saying something to your face? And if you're only in your second year, I'm sure you can't run a recording studio like some big time producer. Although the sentence you threw at me was baffling, I think I understood you and responded appropriately.
  19. Then Person B would probably go to prison for Assault, persons F-K will all go to prison for pre-meditated Murder and spend 15+ years in there. So in the long run, person A is really winning.
  20. Yeah because a degree in Music is all about your spelling ability. And I'd still like to know how you're going to stop people telling you that you're a fanny.
  21. I think he'd throw his bravado and e-peen around! How dare you suggest otherwise!
  22. I just saw how you bumped it. And fair play to you Mr Troll. It made me laugh.
  23. On this note. What exactly would you do to stop him saying that to your face?
  24. Got to be honest: That Joke. My head.
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