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Everything posted by MonsieurMonkey

  1. Don't take this the wrong way, as I know you think I dig at you. But you've not read what I typed, re-read it. I said that, for the very reason you're saying, karma is more ridiculous. At least religion assumes a higher being who can control things. You're trying to say that something created by Chaos has a system in place, a score chart of whatever. And to say that some people can be scum and Karma favours them, that's basically just calling Chaos something else and saying that it can help us out, you're applying a name and ideas to something that we understand already. It's called random chance. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's shit. I'm always nice, I never intend to hurt anyone, I would never want anyone to be hurt even if I wish it upon them. I hold doors and have manners with strangers etc etc. Yet it doesn't influence what happens to me, it merely allows me to stand on a pedestal when someone doesn't do something and complain about it. Me holding a door doesn't tip the cosmic balance. Like Rainbird said in my thread, our Sun blows up, the Universe wouldn't even notice. As if my actions on this planet mean anything at all.
  2. But surely sound has different wavelengths? Is that maybe the pitch? Amplitude is the height of the wave, wavelength is the width right?
  3. Yeah, that was kinda my point, that as the plane shines it's lights directly at me they come across much brighter, in the same way sound can appear louder. Scratch that, leaving it in because it's relevant to the conversation, but the information is shit. Shit, I'm sorry, my brain took some time to get going. Light waves change into the spectrum of light. Infrared is at a bigger wavelength that the visible spectrum etc. So whereas sound gets louder, light changes colour. I think. How much by? I'm assuming it's almost negligible in the sort of distances we experience and the speed it travels at. But I'm sure in some of the distances it travels it must get distorted. Like maybe from those far reaching stars, could it mean that they aren't actually where they appear to be? Due to other stars bending the light and almost altering the image of our sky?
  4. I'm afraid it doesn't exist. To me it's always seemed more ridiculous than religion, at least with religion there is someone who supposedly keeps check on the balance. You think our Universe created by chaos, just chose to have a system of balance for us as an animal created by some more chaos, on a ball of rock that just so happens to be in the right place. We all have coincidences in our lives, whether it's good or bad luck. People who are saying "If you do good, you generally get good back as you're known for doing good." The only problem with that is, you're known within your social network, which may be, if you're incredibly extrovert, a few hundred people. Just a shame there's another 7 billion who don't give a f**k. In most cases, yeah, if you're nice, people are nice back. But I'm generally a nice guy and I seem to get spade fulls of shit.
  5. As far as I'm aware light travels in straight lines, so it's either direct or less direct. Eg. From my window I can see the planes coming into Liverpool Airport, but they must be a fair few miles away. But for a stretch of their spiral descent, they face directly at my window, the lights from the plane make it look as if it's the brightest start in the sky for a few minutes, but before and after it just looks like a spec. Sorry if I've misunderstood what you were asking
  6. The bare metal looks absolutely amazing. I've seen a few other Marino's left like that. I dunno if it's the higher concentration of it on the mod (Like around the stays and seat tube) but it just looks cool.
  7. I'm glad someone else has joined in. I think your idea is just a current coincidence. If you think about the calendar that suggests the world will end in 2012 (Is it the Aztecs?) they have long since died out and their calendar has been replaced. (Think about how currency changes, it changed completely here in 1971, I have no idea what it was before, shillings and all that shit.) So there calendar is basically just that, something that, some people used to use, and it coincides with our current calendar and because that's as far as they want with their calendar, (Aztecs have been dead as a "society" for a long time, not only that, they were hardly scientists) we just assume they saw something we didn't. Like I said, the world has started going to shit, but it's a blip in the grand scheme of things. As soon as China catches up Tech wise to the rest of the world, that's it, welcome to the new world. Again, that's my opinion.
  8. Did it get much backing? Or was it one of those theories that is just kinda like "Yeah we see it... But it's possibly shit."
  9. Okay, I had the idea for this a while back. But I dunno, I just didn't know how well received it would be. Basically, I think a lot of the time, but create more than I remember. In the sense that I hate formal education and I need a more creative environment, but within Science. And I wanted to throw some ideas out there to be shot down, commented on, etc. Basically I want this thread to be a think tank of cool ideas, they don't need to be something you came up with, just anything new you read or work you're doing. Proper learning as I call it, discussing the ideas you have with people and finding out why they're right or wrong. Anyway, I've got a few, but this is currently my favourite idea so here we go. No-one really knows what happened before the Big Bang, assuming that's correct, but I thought that maybe as our Universe is currently expanding, and will eventually collapse. Maybe that's the life cycle of what we call our Universe. It expands to the point of almost tearing, then contracts back down. But this contraction compresses everything we know into such a small space, eventually the force creates another "Big Bang". Like I said, I don't do Physics, and haven't since I was at school, so if someone could tell me why this was impossible, or if it was possible, it'd be pretty cool. Especially if it's your field.
  10. Incentive to ride better right there. Beanies increase riding ability.
  11. Your sister is in the wrong of course, it's not her effort that should be rewarded. But at the same time neither of you should have accepted the gift. (I'm not saying whether you wanted it or not, but I wouldn't have taken it.) Just gotta get on with that shit, you did a cool thing and got £20 out of it.
  12. f**kING AMERICANS. That's the date for the trailer. GTA V Trailer for anyone that hasn't seen it.
  13. Not the whole "Entered gym = Master mindset" bit, but when you said "Different strokes for different folks" it triggered me to say what I did. Because I don't want someone getting conflicting messages throughout. In 95% of cases, there is a right way to do something. And when it comes to joints, or at least in my experience, it's definitely worth making sure you look after them. So I just don't want anyone getting the wrong message of "Beast out as much as you can and 10 years down the line have wrists that are either off or on. Not trying to say you were saying that, but that's how I read it on my phone, and I was bored shitless so I wanted to respond
  14. Going to the gym doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. And a lot of people who go to the gym think they're instant experts. Strengthening a joint is very different to strengthening a muscle. Like you said you can strengthen muscle in your own little why within parameters, but when it comes to a joint, that's known to be weak due to the fact he's having problems with it. It's better to start with low load and higher reps than possibly snap his wrists. Edit. That possibly sounded a lot more confrontational and harsh than I meant it to.
  15. My advice would be to hold out until you can get a full build. Keep checking pink bike, eBay and here, something will come up eventually. Building from scratch isn't impossible and you could do it on budget but you could end up waiting for ages on some parts anyway so it won't work out any quicker.
  16. That's so subjective it's unreal. And you never should train at as heavy as you can lift. Big lifts are to see progression, what's the point in f**king your body by pushing it too hard every single time you do something?
  17. Or a file if you want to use a little more finesse.
  18. This. You need every part of your body to be able to deal with forces. In the sense that, your biceps might be able to curl 20kg, but if your wrist can't you're going to damage yourself. That's also why you shouldn't use strapping or supports when you don't need to.
  19. If you have dumbells you can do a lot with them. Get the bar and tie enough "rope" to it so you can hold your arm straight out in front of you and it nearly touches the floor. Tie a weight to the other end and slowly wind and unwind the weight up and down. That'll build your forearm and eventually your wrist. That's your main problem I'd say (Wrist strength that is). After the angle of your bars.
  20. What you described is amazing, and it would make a great HD photo. But what I mean is it makes things we take for granted more impressive. Like I said, you see the moon every single day, and it just looks like a 2D image on the sky. The sky itself just looks like a dome above our part of the Earth. But when I'm stoned, I look up and sort of spend a bit of time looking at it and thinking about it. Instead of just taking it for granted. How we have grown to inhabit our planet, walking through Liverpool now, it's just there, it's what's always been there for me, but a few thousand years ago, it would have been nothing. I dunno, I just spend more time thinking about how amazing everything is. And I don't see why anyone would even think Religion is real, it's not giving any credit to the Physics and Chemistry behind what's really going on. Sorry if it came across that way, but I wasn't directing that at you. It was just a generalisation about the stereotypical lazy stoner.
  21. So, I've finally got access to a computer. Anyway, those of you saying weed is bad etc, this is for you. Sorry it's not necessarily in line with the current argument or whatever, this is the first chance I've had to give a proper response. There's 2 kind of people that smoke weed, stoners, and those that smoke weed. I f**king hate stoners, these are the people who let it take over their life, smoke it every day and have absolutely no drive or passion to do anything. They're probably lazy to begin with and the weed doesn't make it any better. But some of us function fine, and even excel in some fields. I've smoked a lot of weed, and I'm not saying "Hey look at me! I'm so cool!" I'm just saying that I have. I've never enjoyed drinking alcohol, I like to smoke, that's what I do once a week to blow off some steam and relax with mates or whatever. I think a lot of people see it as a drug that turns people into recluses, and yeah it most certainly does with those who smoke every single day, but it's an incredibly social drug, it's a drug that is made for sharing. If you meet anyone who smokes weed, in a "proper" way, or what I would call a proper way, they would rarely smoke alone, and you never have a joint to yourself. You always pass it around. How many of you who say weed is a bad drug have ever shared a pint with a mate? I could go on and on and defend it all day, it's a culture, and it's name is tarnished by the way some people do it. But in the same way I don't tar all drinkers to the same brush, you should do the same with those who smoke weed. Look what alcohol does to some people, all the violence and chaos caused every weekend, ever seen people that are high doing that sort of thing? This is my generic response to describe weed to anyone that ever asks, "It's like being a kid again, but with an adult brain." By that I mean it makes everything a little more wonderous, but you have the ability to understand the concepts behind whatever it may be. Ever looked at the moon, and really tried to picture what it is? A ball of rock moving at thousands of miles an hour around our planet, our planet moving around a star etc, you can comprehend the things that as a child amazed you, but instead of merely understanding it, you get the amazement back. It's so hard to explain, but it's given me a much better scope of understanding. I feel now that I'm able to take a step back and really think about something, purely because I've "had my mind opened" as it were. And I'm not saying it would have the same effect on everyone at all, like Matthew said he's very intense as it is, and from a lot of his posts he seems to be incredibly creative, whereas I'm very factual normally, very scientific and objective. So it may have opened a different part of me that some of you may already see. I'm a facts and figures dude and I kinda like seeing a more "beautiful" side of the world we live in. Sorry for sort of taking over the thread, but I just felt that marijuana needed someone to stand up for it. Someone who isn't a f**king dullard. /end rant.
  22. Trials is a small community, and this site makes up a large part of the UK community, so information can be released and discussed on here pretty much instantly. So not only do you get the news, some times direct from the manufacturer, you get to comment and influence the next products. I'd love to be able to write for something or someone just because I really love English and using it. But within trials, there's just not much room for it to work.
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