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Everything posted by ooo

  1. are these any help ??? http://youtu.be/cKsi5isykV8
  2. nice work, every where I go I see scooter kids, I see its the same for you.
  3. I went and tried both, but I think when I hit my zen point it makes no difference whether theres music or not or cars going by etc.. But it does make the times in between concentrating more fun. Only problem is sometimes I get carried away by the music and start day dreaming. I started meditating, and I think its had the biggest impact out of everything, over the past couple of days, Ive noticed more improvement, and Im more focused more often and more focused when im focused if that makes sense. I used to stretch alot, but since taking up biking more I don't seem to do it as much, will get on that more. I think I agree, its more chilled out, I like the atmosphere, and in some places the street lamps light up a little circular area so you have a little bubble to concentrate in. The darkness takes away lots of un-needed information. Im the opposite I mustn't think about anything otherwise im wobbling all over the place.
  4. My ability to balance is massively affected by my state of mind, when I find that point of focus I can balance indefinitely, but random thoughts pop into my head etc.. How do you find your Zen ? Are there any exercises ? etc... What are your thoughts on this ?
  5. yeah my moneys on urge too, i use a downomatic for freeride, its well nice. I need to get a piss pot for trials soon, but Im only doing small things now. I generally prefer the DJ/Skate look, plus they have round backs so less chance of neck twisting.
  6. its probably cheaper and quicker to buy a bike already ready,but either way its worth posting an ad in the wanted section on here once you know what tye of bike u want. What you after 20, 24 or 26 inch ?
  7. My wrists are like cement mixers, from doing gymnastics and martial arts, but I only recently started biking loads. Somethings that might help are, boxing hand wraps, I used to kick box and they saved my wrists, I started using them with bikes and theyre brilliant. Youve just got to learn to wrap, it takes a while to get good but its worth it, you can get much more support than a premade wrist support. Also warm up your forearms properly, open and close your hand fully with your hand at every angle, do weights like people have already said, and STRETCH properly. Stretching is really important. Finally speak to your doctor, it will take him ages to refer you to a physio so start now, and just keep hassling him. ryan leech does yoga... does anyone know if shortening your stem will take the weight off your wrists ?
  8. yeah it could have shown off your skill more, but, its nice to see a modern accessible looking video in trials they are normally targeted at people already into trials. IMO don't take anything away just add more next time.
  9. these frame geometry videos might be of help, but geometry is generally more about rider style/ bike feel than body size. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/guides/product_guide_20_inch_frames/m12.html http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/guides/product_guide_26_inch_frames/m22.html
  10. hi, theres a wanted forum and a for sale forum on here, but when it comes to selling a bike, it depends on the bike, if you offer postage ebay is good because you have a large audience. go to your bike shop and get a bike box and post the bike using someone like paisley freight its only £20 to post a bike. Swapping might be hard because its quite specific, but worth a try. also pinkbike might be good for mtbs? are you talking about wheel size or short/long frames ?
  11. I would say avoid cromo bikes (like P1 or DMR) if you just want to do street trials and won't be doing huge jumps drops or slopestyle, they are more for dirt jumping. Cromos are great but if you don't need the bike strength get alu, plus being lighter you will be less sore the next day. So it looks like the zoot is a good bet.
  12. ooo

    Bulking Up

    Heres my 2 cents Reflex Instant Whey or Natural Whey is the best protein supplement Ive found, Its the most popular on the market too. Its contains digestive enzymes and large amounts of BCAA's. If you take your protein shake with carbs the sugar in your blood helps your cell wall accept protein. Whey protein is only active for about an hour in the body. As for the carbs to combine, food is best (complex carbs) but you can add maltodextrin (normally marketed as complex carbs) its powder to add to protein shakes. If you are on a low carb diest leave it out. But focus on good food, protein shakes won't make up for a bad diet. Alcohol does not mix with gaining muscle mass, restrict your intake, and if you must have it eat lots of protein, and don't train before a drinking session. If you eat too much protein, your body will metabolise it, I recall it takes 8 times more water to metabolise protein than carbs, so drink extra water. Too much protein is Very bad, so calculate your maximum using an online calculator. If you don't train much it can take up to 2 months for your nervous system to adjust to training, so there is no point hitting it really hard or taking loads of shakes. But if you exercise alot already you won't have to wait so long. As for training, the most important thing is to work ALL your muscles, this creates a larger amount of anabolic chemicals in your body and you gain muscle mass quicker. (don't just do a couple of muscles it wont get you anywhere). Your minimum reps to failure is 6, studies have shown that less than 6 reps don't have any effect. 20 reps to failure is about right for tone/ stamina training. Go to a gym and learn to use free weights and cables. kettle bells are also really good. Greater Muscle mass requires more calories to support so you naturally loose fat. Its important to consider that weight training puts strain on your body, and the immune system is a risk so a balanced diet with vitamins (esp Vit C) and plenty of rest is really important. Also remember muscles grow much faster than joints and connective tissue, so they are at risk if you overtrain. If you want more info on anything in particular just ask....
  13. i moved to 20" its seeming harder than 26" so far.. hopefully in time, other moves will be easier.
  14. thanks for your help guys i got the 510 HX chain, and the tool. )
  15. I got a mod, but the chain is crusty, tarty bikes seems to have different sizes next to the chains, does this matter ? where should I measure ? Also, which tools do I need to fit a chain ? any links to stuff would be great. cheers
  16. im no expert, but i notice your rear end is really high, making it harder to balance (bend your legs), check out this video, especially from 40 seconds in: It made it much easier for me to endo.
  17. Yeah thanks OAP, ill try them all, thats really helpful. cheers mate.
  18. Hi, I just posted these in the other new thread, but i guess they can't be posted too much: Think bikes/voodoo http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL70170F3DAC2E5DC0 Ryan Leech, Mastering the art of trials: Hopefully they are of some help, I am thinking about a 20" mod, how are you finding it ? have you tried it much or compared it to a normal mtb ?
  19. Hi, I am a noob too, its good to hear other people getting started, and I ride a 16.7kg 26" cromo frame with sus and its fine, just makes you more sore, i guess. theres great stuff on youtube if you havent already seen it,I have made two playlists with the tutorials series in it: Think bikes/voodoo Trials Myhttp://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL70170F3DAC2E5DC0 link Ryan Leech, Mastering the art of trials: It matters what you try first, there are foundation moves to get before you try the more difficult ones, but I am a noob so one of the pro's on here would be better off saying.
  20. I have got to the stage where I can go from a track stand to stood vertically on my rear wheel and balance for a few seconds. But normal jumping doesn't feel right, it pulls the bike back down to the ground. Is it just my body/ pedal position or are rear wheel hops not done by jumping but some other way of generating the up down momentum. If any one can shed any light on this, I would be well grateful, all opinions are appreciated. cheers
  21. Hi, I am just starting messing around with trials, I have a question. I can do a cat walk and a manual, but I am trying to raise up my front wheel from a trackstand to do a rear wheel hop. I can raise the front wheel from static but only without the rear brake, I then apply it once Im stood up. Is that okay ? or should I lock my rear brake before I pull up ? Thanks P.S. I have read trashzen and watched the ryan leech videos on utube, but I am stilla bit confused.
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