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Everything posted by rickyb

  1. i see the hair on the face but i still can't make my mind up weather it is a girl or a lad and enfacise on the word IT.
  2. "Ricky was arrested for smoking marijuana . No big deal . I think smoking marijuana should be legal ." true true
  3. rickyb

    Is It A Beast

    Can i join in? [attachmentid=6785]
  4. Not me thats joshb but yeah thort you'd like it.
  5. I'm sorry what? you know your fat when you mum/dad buys you a t-shirt reading "i beat anorexia"(sp)
  6. OUch shouldn't this be in the best of the internet thread though?
  7. Haha , its good to see my old bike still going strong i liked the low bb and found it helped me with my riding a lot.
  8. among other things yes EDIT: And to manx rider, still pound for pound i think "iron" mike is a better fighter hes like a pitbull lol.
  9. Looks like he has not been bothered to take it off because you cann't run a rear disk on a pure. Very nice bike mate. Like all echos it looks the part
  10. Do not get that look at the drop outs it will snap as soon as you get on the back wheel. And i bet the geo is horrible it looks like a minuss number BB rise IMO it would be a waste of 50 squiders.
  11. pulp fiction where they find that gold thing in a box , in those three guys flat and one of them is talking and jackson shoots his mate and goes "Oh i'm sorry did i break your concentration?" lmao
  12. OOOO yes i bet i can put this topic to bed with one post. I'v had the "pleasure" of meeting my fello blackpublian above he is a sound guy and was once a very good rider while he rode. hes a bit emo though love you
  13. Wahayyy! and i did make her pay pow pow!! -weres josh and caleb? -i want to go home mate those lads wont stop ringin april and she keeps answering them! -no mate not a clue. don't know where that c**t is. all from the same lad it seams theres trouble in paradise
  14. What he said /\ You sounded like you was getting a lot better on the aorta anyway so keep at it mate.
  15. It brings anytopic to the attention and they will look over said topic and decide weather it is bad or what ever.
  16. Very good riding in the vid can't wait for your next one. But on your next full vid try not to over edit but i did realy like that little trailer.keep up the good work JuanPe.
  17. I have sleep walked once and it was in an airport a while ago. I woke up walkin down the steps to the run way thing with some women running shouting and waving her arms. Shit was crazy.
  18. rickyb

    Legal Shiznit

    Smack them right in the boat race they will understand that
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