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Everything posted by matthewholdsworth

  1. just download any of craig lee scotts videos and neil tunni's. pretty good idea of what there is to ride in sheffield. ur best coming for urself though to be honest as there is plenty for all abilities police were out in force tonight, which was annoying, avoid the city centre and its all good (also avoid odeon and roxy disco, good walls and stuff jsut a townie hotspot)
  2. was wondering if its possible to do this. u know the problem, phone in pocket while riding, hit stem or fall off etc, small dent in battery. i sold me last phone on ebay for a good price and want to do the same with this one but its got a phew problem dints. aside from buying a new battery is it possible to smooth em out? probably not, heating wont work because its a battery, well i think not anyway. in the words of all good exam papers...............discuss Cheers guys
  3. next time wear a helmet (had to be said) wonder what "die beste deutche mountain biker" had to say about that.
  4. agreed phil!!! such a hassle when this happened to me, "train manager" wouldnt get the cases moved and i had a reservation ive been caught a few times with no reservation, virgin have told me i cant take my bike on a train between sheffield and leeds (30 mins ish) with bike racks, but if i get on the local stopper train, with no bike racks i can without reservation. now surely that doesnt make sense in terms of safety (blah blah policy of reserving etc but safety aspect think about it...makes more sense to put it in a bike rack on virgin) ive been told a few things about reserving bikes and at each station the policy seems to be different, so im confused. i booked my bike on a train but then missed that one because a connecting train i was on broke down. so i thought oh well maybe the staff will be understanding. nope. 3 mins before the train arrived on platform 11 in leeds the virgin crew said on the platform "have u got a reservation" i explained the situation (NB this was 9 on a sunday morning hardly rush hour) and they made me go out of the station (leeds station is a fart to carry ur bike around), with bike, to buy a reservation, on gettin to the ticket office, asking for a ticket, the guy said u need to be "1 hour before train", but then stated if i just use midland mainline they wont bother (result!). so with this "1 hour before" in mind when i next went home from uni avec bike i turned up at sheffield 1hr30 before train, asked for ticket and reservation and was told to book "1 day before" but "if i check with the guard on the virgin train he should let me on if no bikes are already on train", funnily enough he didnt. grrrrrr trains, its a hassle, i cant afford a car and lets face it im not goin to ride between sheffield and leeds! just have to plan ahead i guess, avoid just buying on the day tickets and so on. (on a side note - dont u just love how any topic on TF these days seems to turn into all out cyber war, or is it just me who thinks that)
  5. great place to ride just outside sheffield, just dont get caught or it s a nice £500 fine for being on protected land with ur bike! havent been there myself but the rocks around there and burbage are awesome, so many lines, nice and grippy in all weathers. quite a few of those bash marks on the turtle head (20 secs) were done by my mate woody.
  6. rail looks cylindrical to me, surely impossible if it is, if not impossible slightly stupid
  7. thanks guys, im going for the CNC one i think, i was up shipley glen yesterday and saw kev goodyears new czar with an echo rim in the back, it was so big i doubt it would even fit in my bike.
  8. maguras are a riduclously priced brake at trade! we bought one set in for a customer and sold for the same price as a well known mbuk advertiser and made about £5 profit. not worth us stocking mags cant buy enough or sell enough to make it worthwhile
  9. havent checked it'll pit actually,i assumed it would. well so far the 06 is lookin like the concensus but its a lot closer than i thought. keep the advice coming please guys
  10. right ive read all the blurb on these rims on various websites and aside from drilling and width and slightly improved construction is it really worth going to that price for the 06 version is 48mm excessively wide, i know they increase stability and reduce roll but will it have any negative effects? im running EX721 rims f/r at the moment (have done for 6 years) and feel brake power dies when the pads wear down by half. i've been reluctant to change from mavics because there is no stronger rim but having said that i cant keep buying new pads. i run a disc up front so wont be changing that rim. i have goosed my rear rim so a new one is needed and its between these two (mainly because ive used a few echo parts and been impressed by them all). so given that: 1) i have totalled a mavic u can tell im not the smoothest of riders, 2) i wont be building the wheel myself itll be built by a top bloke so i know build quality will be good and 3) its a birthday pressie so price doesnt atter so much 4) my bike is burgundy so colours dont matter itll be black or silver or silver or black (i do fancy green for some odd reason though) which is going to be better. sensible answers please guys, and yes i have used to the search so before the wannabe mods quote me numerous topic titles, ive read them all, this is different. please keep comments to these rims only ive ruled out all others Cheers guys, me birthday is the 21st so need to order soon, grrrrrr xmas post
  11. danny holroyd gets my vote, been a solid rider for years now and still keeps gettin better. he is one of the most sought after riders (for sponsors). have to say waynio is gettin better and better, have yet to see him up shipley glen his home territory havent seen his crazy lines up there since encounters?? with the top riders in mbuk they have done everything, comps, demos, street etc very rounded riders. far too many people these days just stick to street, me included. will be strange seeing the changing of the guard, for me though it will always be ashton, hawyes, tongue, akrigg, rey, and the trialskings who i remember. someone prove me wrong about that last point!
  12. nice one ben! this is such a good idea, ebay saves on advertising costs and gets the msg out to the whole country, for nationwide advertising like this it would cost a whole lot more than 35p (circa). get more people into a sport that is pretty difficult to get the hang of no matter how good you are. if i could afford it i wouldnt mind a few hours tuition, the price is fair (£20 an hour is less than an accountant/ ambulance chaser charges) and he will travel to you. why find fault with something that is entrepreneurial he is making money doing something he loves, and he is putting something back into the sport that has given him so much success, trying to help others. nothing wrong with this, he has the ability no doubt, why not use it constructively? im just gutted i cant do the same, so ben if you need an economics minded manager give me a shout!
  13. yeah mate that isnt good, especially when u were so prepared for xmas! best thing i would say to do, always works when i need to take me mind off things, get out on ur bike and have a ride or watch all ur vids through and go out and nail a few lines u've wanted for ages. this should work. dont worry though as clownbike says ur young and it wont be that long til ur out enjoying urself again. get ur mates out, go riding and have a laugh.
  14. how come if something goes wrong with a part/company/service/release date etc etc people first come on here and have a bitch about it. ring the company up, they are goin to have a better idea of whats going on than us lot on here! ok granted if its outside normal working hours then thats not possible, but come on have some patience. the only truely honest salesman/business man i have ever come across is clive leeson, but then his parts seem to be built to satisfy a passion as opposed to profit??
  15. yep one essay to go for me! however, its gettin slightly delayed its boring why do we need economic evaluation of health care technologies? any help much appreciated handed most of my work in last week ws such a good feeling, the poor weather helped a lot though didnt get much riding in to distract me.
  16. i cant manual for toffee! wheelie my xc bike a fair distance, mainly do that to annoy roadies
  17. love the fact they only made it just to see if they could scarily fast car though, and it looks lovely, £4000 for a stalk silly wish they'd taken it round the track. perhaps it was just too expense to risk??
  18. trust echo and all the british built bikes pashley, leeson, curtis like pashley, leeson, curtis the frame have a touch of class about them, eveything else has become too samey recently, although things are changing....
  19. please for the love of god down ride that near Bluewater Shopping Centre!!! is that a standard colour looks very posh spray job if not
  20. giro E2 saved me last week Giro animas saved the head not the teeth last year out of the two i would say the E2
  21. guy on floor: you missed the ramp, now we both look like fools!
  22. have u done sociology or social geography by any chance. back to the topic. i dont ride long bikes (im tempted to try but cant afford) but in terms of looks i would say adamant. but if u like the look of the czar im sure the ride feel of both will be pretty similar??
  23. if ur wanting streety look to pashley 26ghz, leeson 660 or 609 (24inch), curtis (again they do a 24 inch model) but then again anything can be used on street, but the frames above are short snappy and lovely british handmade beasts!
  24. amen to that!! i fancied seeing what blackpool had to offer other than glass bottom boat rides (i just hit myself for that :) ), but instead i missed the chance, link deleted and site closed. get another one up soon please! chill guys, flipping heck, you dont like something be constructive and give ways of improving things. each to their own i guess. take this advice, not just mod661 but everyone, u make more friends being nice!
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