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Everything posted by matthewholdsworth

  1. well done mate, i think if i went riding on my wedding day sods law would dictate i fell off!
  2. Pads: Plazmatic CRM Time used: couple of rides - street and natural Rim used: mavic EX721 Grind: Yes, fresh Ceraminc: N/a Brake used: Magura What is your opinion of a working brake: one that stops me landing on me arse Previous pads: Monty X-Hydras (orange ones??), Koolstop reds, magura blacks, megamo clear How do they compare to previous pads you have used: much much better Review: best pads ever, always wanted a pair and when my last set of koolstops died i decided to buy in bulk! best decision ive made, much more lock than any other pad, good durability, nice noise if thats what you like, and i didnt even notice them having to bed in. immediately made the lever feel stiffer and gave me confidence to go for rail ups, drop gaps and general moves i would have thought "hang on if my brake slips..." before i booted up with these. they are pricey at £15 a pair but if u think about the wear on rim jams, koolstops and others i think they have to be best value. help me ride in confidence
  3. some guy has already clapped eyes on saskias mammories :turned:
  4. thank god its not just me, this new lass looks sweeet those would make great pillows!
  5. got a feeling these lot are goin to annoy me more than the last, but hey it beats revision! good old leslie northern lass, bit of class in the house! :turned: oh f**king dear F**king god shoot f**king craig
  6. long flat blade screwdriver, stick in between your pads and slowly push out keeping screwdriver at same angle so as not to bugger ur pads. this works in the shop if people insist on pulling the demo set up mono trial is a 2 pot and yes they are better than avids!
  7. nope but its nicer than macDs when ur just shopping (oh the joys :turned: ) my thoughts exactly, i get so much stick from my southern housemates for calling tea, errrrm tea! :D
  8. 18% - im scared, whats wrong with the pizza hut all you can eat for a romantic meal???
  9. oops sorry, that converts it to play in windows media player but still wont let me open it with movie maker. anyone else any ideas
  10. leeson or a pashley?? steel and short, my 26ghz is amazing, much better than my old zero yet same (ish) wheel base 1035
  11. took some vids tonight on my mates cam and they are .MOV files, play with quicktime but wont open in windows movie maker, anyway of changing their format?? any advice appreciated cheers
  12. thats amazing news, not often you hear of people gettin their bikes back, mine have been gone over a year now and neither heard nor seen anything of them, (sheffield riders keep a look out for a gold orange zero, and a rockhound) congrats, saves you a bit of money anyway!
  13. night before for everything for me!, havent changed and im at my second yr of uni! my brother is doing his A levels this time his first exam in on june 10th and he has been revising since easter, my last exam (of 4) is on the same day and im hooked on a sodding bmx game some pre member linked to - revision is slow to stopped
  14. just think though when the 12 yr olds kid starts school, the mum will be doing gcses! lets just hope home times coincide! perhaps sex ed will evolve to parent and baby lessons, which will involve topics such as, the benefit system - and how to live off it; how to sue the absent father for all he hasnt quite saved up at age 14; your own mum - how to get her to fulfil those grandparent resposibilities; video assistance provided by coronation street, and eastenders - for that so true to life image of teenage parenting. who knows!!
  15. have to say its totally wrong, but you cant blae sex education (or lack of) i have had 1 sex education lesson in my entire life, and i dont think it was very useful but i still had enough about me not to go out and learn by trial and error. 12 years old, flipping heck i wouldnt have know how to have sex at that age !! (Y)" it is strange though how an any male can be tried for rape (because the girl is under the age of consent) but no one blames the girl, that needs reveiw. if there is that little to do where they live they have to have sex, build them a wacky warehouse! the benefits system is beneficial to the economy, because it increases consumption which is the largest component of aggregate demand in the economy. any way, it is proven by economists that people on lower incomes have a higher marginal propensity to consume i.e. out of every £1 they get they are likely to spend £1 of it (possibly more with the credit available these days). this consumption and demand create jobs in the economy, which is good. thats the basics of it but you cant take the benefit system away.
  16. is danny holroyd still working at halfords?? it all depends on the people working there as to how good the bike work is. we get lots in to our shop that are badly put together, but not as many as we get from those shopping tv channels. as for the work place behaviour it happens everywhere, from top level merchant banks to halfords, part of life im sorry to say that may not be halfords, its more likely to be the importer for magura if it was broken, if its just a bleed then its shoddy
  17. the term we prefer is rugged, like the terrain :(
  18. i think there isnt as much difference in trials as in some sports eg rugby (league north; union south - until recently). i think everyone has a bit of envy as to the terrain available to ride in other areas, cambridge, blimey that is far north, some people i met while in london didnt even know where yorkshire was, and their view of north was past the watford gap.
  19. if u buy some new bars, wider and lighter eg the pazzaz/onza/eastern whatever u fancy. wider bars can make the whole bike feel lighter, perhaps change the front rim to something like an XC717, light yet strong (changing rims is expensive though) drilled rims would probs be lighter too. get one of those push in saddles instead of a proper one. go single speed, get rid of shifter and ur cassette block. dont ever ride a mod again!! get used to your own bike and i reckon itll help u more than changing any components.
  20. now theres a line i havent seen at aireville! doubt ill be trying a rail grind though! mad riding, does he have no limits?? i think he went to mongoose for a free car
  21. got what he deserved in all fairness to quote fawlty towers "im not a violent man mr fawlty, but when im abused, and then assaulted i prefer to rely on my own metal than to call the police"
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