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Everything posted by Backgren

  1. Backgren

    New Short Vid

    I found some clips worth uploading when i looked through my DV-tapes before the world. Some crazy stuff, actually :P Look at the first clip with the rail, well scary move in the rain :) and the gap drop from the slippery shed thing... (Y) Well, go download people.. http://www.peterbackgren.com/vids/rainy_day.mpg Its small and simple, but is it good? peter
  2. crazy :P really professional video, amazing riding with an incredible range of different styles and moves, really good filming. Was fun to ride with you at the worlds too (Y) Everyone here should have seen the "vertical step" high jump comp last friday in Czech :) Me, Tim, Andrei Burton, Chris Walker, Chris Light , Vincent, Keita plus a few others entered. Was good fun. will upload results later on tonight...
  3. if you want to find out wheter it's true or not, open page 606 (Y)
  4. The idea seems dangerous, but most things seemed dangerous/stupid before someone made it the first time. 5 years ago, who would have tried to wheelswap on a rail? If you want to try the trampoline thing, make sure to get the timing right (Y)
  5. I think andyroo explained that well. Companies want coverage to earn money, and they want to sell to different sort of people. In this case it's about selling to girls who are into a sport dominated by men. The companies then want a girl to promote their products to the other girls riding.
  6. Backgren

    2 Photos

    hey Just thought I'd post these before i go to the worlds.. Drop Nice photo, by the sea in the evening Hope you like 'em. Peter PS. Go to addingham for the UK Worlds round, see you there (Y)
  7. Backgren


    the boy with a goth in the background??? where do you see a goth in that pic? Good photos (Y)
  8. Good photos, and a good sidehop. I'd say its done to the "wrong" side, the hard side which is even better. It looks abit funny that you only wear one shinguard (I know why, but it looks slightly odd)
  9. I just let it grow for about 3 years, and just cut the tops of a few times to keep it growing straight. Otherwise it would have been all curly. It was then down to my shoulders and i was getting a bit bored of having it, so 3 days ago i trimmed it down to 15mm.
  10. Backgren

    Back Breaker...

    lucky you didn't do that on a rail :)
  11. your PC doesn't like Gorillaz (Y)" Haven't used XP for a while, but can't you just disable the built-in firewall?
  12. www.profileeurope.co.uk and www.profileracing.com :turned:
  13. Looks nice :turned: I dont really see whats wrong with the color, looks OK. Last time I met Thomas Öhler was in January, when he had his Coust. Truely amazing rider and nice person.
  14. I know jordie, so i stopped at his place for a week last autumn :( and the year before too. I rang him up yesterday, but he's not at home this weekend. At ben slingers riding i think. I strongly recommend you to ride penrith, it really is good. Just look around all the small alleys and stuff, you will find loads to ride. Down at the school there's also tons of stuff, we didnät ride much there but theres rails, walls, etc.
  15. Backgren

    Dale Kemp Video 1

    whoo nice video. Havent seen anythnig with Dale since i were in Sheff... Really good riding, good style and everything. Editing was fairly good, didnät like the music though. I also recognize alot of the spots in there... I had a really good time last autumn riding there with Craig L scott, Dale, Phil(cant remember last name) , Jordie Cooke and a few locals. I really want to go back :(
  16. not much has been changed=good I want
  17. Backgren

    Bmx Hubs

    A BMX has a lot higher gearing, which gives you more positions for your cranks when having a rear freewheel. The profile has 48 ep's . For example ,on a 20" trials bike you have 18:12 gearing. Equals 3:2, or if you like it 150% of 1:1 gearing. 48*1.5=72. So, on a mod with 18:12 gearing and a profile you get 72 positions. I dont know much of BMX's, but lets say someone's running 36:12. That would make twice as many positions as on a mod trials bike = 144. (and twice as high gearing) Hope i managed to explain that... (Y)
  18. beer should be drank (or drunk?) soon after you bought it, which is before the date... it wont harm anyone, it just doesnt taste as good... anyone can read german? www.bier.de , tons of beer info :blink:
  19. whoo I've ridden in penrith :blink: Jordie Cooke lives there, if your sure you want to ride there i could tell him someone will be there for a ride? I liked penrith, there's quite alot to ride. nice street stuff:) If you remember the castle at which Craig lee scott were riding in some newer video, thats in Penrith too. very good place.
  20. nice move >_< its hard to not get the chain swinging. even when you find the right spot to land on its hard to keep the balance.
  21. yay, good stuuf. Download these :- Like the street one most, chilled out.
  22. Backgren


    like thay idea of talking, could be cool. con=not many on here use teamspeak... ventrilo or something maybe would be betteR?
  23. Backgren


    MUHAHAHAHAHA I sit here laughing at all schools and all students in the world who have to wear school uniforms (Y) I dont have to, 99.99% of all schools in Sweden do not have a school uniform. And it works fine without. F''ck all discipline arguements, discipline is not in your clothes, its in your attitude. If the teacher demands everyone to sit quiet and work, and the students do so thats bloody discipline. No matter what clothes.... Bullying, well at least you cant say something about someones clothes since you wear the same sh!t... but people arent really disturbed by clothes, they're disturbed by peoples attitudes and how they behave. Of course I associate different clothing styles with different personalities, but as long as you aren't stupid enough to completely judge someone by their clothes you wont do them any harm, would you? What do you think? since this has turned into a yes/no to uniform thread anyway keep discussing....
  24. Backgren

    New Vid

    Nice video johan. Could have used the first song for the whole video though? good footage and good riding. Some big shit in the forest (Y)
  25. Good video :blink: Didn't that guy ride for the Tibo Marriaux show team ? I recognize him from somewhere...
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