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Everything posted by beigemaster

  1. Whats the difference between a truck full of babies and a truck full of marbles? You can't unload a truck full of marbles with a pitch fork.
  2. I'l second that, had mine for quite a few months and it still going fine. One other cool feature is how quickly it charges up on the lower levels, 3 mins charging (plugged into a USB)= 3 hours of battery life, very handy if your on the move.
  3. Safe search off - "Domino" first page of images, very rude
  4. Also there are certain skills involved in gaining a degree regardless of the subject. For example being able to undergo your own research, stick to deadlines, do presentations, be self motivated ect. Similar to when you start doing A levels compared to GCSE's (suddenly your expected to be able to get on with the work yourself). Point is employers are aware of these skills and so may favour a candidate who has one compared to one who doesn't, obviously also depends on what line of work your looking for. Also bare in mind getting a degree is becoming A LOT more expensive these days.
  5. Desktop Earth It's awesome how the cloud cover updates every 3 hours and at night you can see all the major cities.
  6. Exactly right. Also by going back to her again you have just enforced the fact that she can make you jump through hoops and she will probably keep doing it (I hope for your sake that she dosn't)
  7. People are the route of all evil and will use religion (and any other means) to keep it going.
  8. If God really created sex just for pro creation then why would he make it so fantastic. Surely he could have made a much more boring way of getting the job done. As said before the whole "no contraception" idea is a catholic one and there are lots of other ideas within the church as a whole.
  9. haha thats true but there can still be a power struggle going on. I've seen some guys get treated worse than dogs by there gf's and yet they still go back for more
  10. When your normally together who (honestly) do you think is in charge (you, her or both the same). Just seems like she's after a bit of a power fix because she knows that if she splits up with you then she has control over you, it's just the way she (and a few other girls) do things. Point is if you keep going back and her behaviour is "rewarded" then she'l keep doing it. Anyway hope it works out.
  11. That would be true but the post has links to riding pictures therefore surely it's just as valid as all the other posts with riding pics in this section? Oh and nice bike by the way hope she rides as well as she looks
  12. Actually most of them do and its not that unresonable that they may have got there lines wrong when doing the dubbing but does it make it any less funny?
  13. Vin Diesel invented Google to find Wally
  14. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/thundercats.html warning contains swearing, enjoy :P
  15. Aye, I saw that vid when it was on trials shack (RIP) awesome vid. Theres another one on tv.isg called "The Amazing Ninja" or something like that which is definitely worth getting :angry:
  16. Thanks for the advice and I did put in my original post "sorry if it's been done before" and altho alot of guys on here probably have seen/done it there are also probably some new guys in the trials world who may not have. As for whether it dosnt work on longer or shorter chainstays as I said before I ran this set up on a Curtis Super X which has chainstays well over 16 inch :D Im sure it may have come with extra springs but I didnt buy this tensioner new (hence the bodge job) and it barely has enough spring to pull the chain at all! Oh I did quite like the expression :P
  17. I use Ulead Video Studio 8 but its out of date now as Studio 9 has come out. Only cost about £40 from Amazon and you have alot more freedom with it than you do with Movie Maker :D
  18. Right, this is a little idea for those of you with single speed chain tensioners which lets be honest are a bit crap. Instead of running the chain under the jockey wheel and relying on spring tension to hold the chain in place just copy the fresh products idea and put the chain over the jockey wheel instead. (so its between the wheel and the frame) Then pull the tensioner up using a couple of zip tyes and Roberts your mothers brother you have a nice tight chain. Pros, very cheap and pretty dam reliable (i had this set up on my Curits super X and it took the odd huck or two) Cons, if you want to take the wheel off you have to cut the zip tyes so unless you have a good supply of them its not THAT long term. Pics Sorry if this has been done before or anything but I just thought I would share it with you if anyone is getting pi55ed off about there chains skipping
  19. Cheers for the help so far lads, I have found an old style maggie clamps (ones which come standard with the old maguras) If I want to give this ago where do the spacers go, between the booster and the maggie on the bolt or between the maggie and the frame, sorry to drag it out but like I said Ive been on V's for ages and missed the whole magura thing for a long while!
  20. Hi I tried using the "search" function to this but had no luck (including the "back to basics" thread). Basically Im trying to build up my new maggie (05) onto my lb and fit an echo booster on it. Im having alot of grief with fitting the new maguras on and the manual dosnt say how to fit them on to a four bolt mount, they have a stupid extra bit sticking out where the top bolt is which normaly goes into there new mounting system. Anyway could someone please help with some diagrams because Im completely lost at the moment as Ive only used V's before this. Oh and I have some booster spacers and the extra long bolts but not sure how to use them (the spacers) thanks guys.
  21. Just ordered mine from Wiggle :(
  22. I didn't get any sound when I used Media Player but the sound worked when I used the divX player. Sweet little vid by the way :P
  23. The Milkman clips is buy AIM and is called "Let the Funk Ride" or just download it here
  24. Don't be too quick to mock Philosophy to be rendered pointless as our whole democracy was foundered through it. Now you can get all arsery with how you think modern politics is a load of crap with constant endless spin and liers but hey if you dont like it go and live in a dictatership for a while. Urpedigreechumdog- nice to try and introduce a bit of Plato but I think you would have been better to explain Plato's analogy of the cave with a bit more detail (with lots of reference to the Matrix) as it introduces the idea of why Philosophy is important. Finally for all those who are into the one line wanders "if it taste of chicken keep on liken but if it tastes of trout get the hell out" :turned: appologies for all those offended feel free to write to the "who gives a crap" department of the forum
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