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Everything posted by JT!

  1. JT!


    Yeah this is pretty much what happens when you declare a 'freedom day' and stick to that date regardless of anything else. Although it seems that covid cases in the UK are rapidly declining right now, and no one is really sure why. It really just goes to show that no one really knows fully what's going on and what to expect.
  2. JT!


    Makes no sense to me. Having someone pay for a vaccine is just a deterrent, countries are desperately trying to convince people to get vaccinated now, I don't see how they'll ever not be free.
  3. JT!


    https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/28/health/pfizer-third-dose-data-bn/index.html Looks like a 3rd is on the menu.
  4. JT!

    Olympic XC

    Pretty big drop for an XC race!
  5. JT!


    But what about the 18 year old's who use it instead of the vaccine?
  6. JT!


    Ivermectin has only been used for around 40 years, maybe less on humans. What happens if it gives you brain cancer after 40 years?
  7. JT!


    Well it's generally accepted that all the vaccines are safe within a degree of reason. You're the one who believes that that safety has yet to be proven, though, if your only criticism is that they're new, and they haven't stood the test of time, then that's impossible to prove, you could literally say that about any drug created after 1930 (Ivermectin included). But what I'm asking is, there's many types of covid vaccines, some that are mrna, and some that use a more traditional method of vaccination, the same method that we see in vaccines you probably received when you were a baby, they just change the type of virus that your body will make antibodies for. But it seems you're not interested in any of the different types of covid vaccine for no other reason than they're all covid vaccines.
  8. JT!


    You've lost me there, why would a vaccines safety have any bearing on how effective it is by that attribute alone?
  9. JT!


    When you say "this vaccine" which one are you talking about? Surely you're not amalgamating all 4 different types and claiming that they're all just as bad as equally each other?
  10. JT!


    There's no historical data on Covid-19 either. Covid only has about a year on the vaccines. Seems much more likely to me, regarding long term worries, that covid has waaaayyy more potential to f**k you up long term than any vaccine.
  11. JT!


    Ali, why not just get a non-mRNA vaccine? Like AstraZeneca or Novavax etc.
  12. JT!


    Because it's a variant?
  13. JT!


    Well we were comparing flu to covid, and that's all I was talking about. If, relatively speaking, covid and flu are similar in leading to a fatality, then obviously a large chunk of the population getting covid at once is the real danger. Colds aren't fatal so a non issue. Also, we know how to treat the flu, and we already have flu shots. Nether of which we had for covid. So we lock everything down for covid so we don't have people in tents on football fields daisy chained up to ventilators 3 to 1.
  14. JT!


    Sure we don't, because the flu doesn't spread like covid, if covid spread like the flu it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
  15. JT!


    Realistically, it's not. Multiply 0.001 by 5 and a half million and you get a much bigger number. And then we're only talking about potential deaths, not people who're seriously ill, or will experience life long health issues.
  16. JT!


    Fair point, I guess they don't want the hassle of testing every single person twice on a round trip. But ultimately governments simply don't want unvaccinated people in their country. If someone can't take it for medial reasons then fair enough, although I'm not entirely sure there are many medical reasons not to get the vaccine. End of the day an unvaccinated person is someone who is much more likely to get infected and spread it to others, I don't think it's unreasonable for a government to limit entry into their country because they aren't vaccinated against a virus that's currently causing a world wide pandemic. No one should be made the get the vaccine, and no one should have unreasonable limits placed on them because they're unvaccinated, but international travel is probably one of the few things I can see as reasonable, especially when it wouldn't necessarily be our government to put those limits in place, but the government of the country you'd intend to visit. Also the issue with any meds that you'd take them when you get covid, they wouldn't prevent it. That's probably why there's little research into those types of drugs, it's far more effective to put the money and time into a vaccine than just having everyone get sick and doing their best with whatever drugs may or may not work as they come in. Reducing the spread is far more important, especially with a virus where the fatality rate is relatively low.
  17. JT!


    I don't think the vaccine was ever considered a vaccine that would only be for the vulnerable, at least nothing I've ever seen. Limiting travel to only those who have been vaccinated is obviously a thing that should happen, however you travel, you're doing it squished in with a bunch of other people. Travel is probably the top means of transmitting the virus, when I'm bussing it to work it's the only time I have to wear a mask right now, even with the rates being incredibly low in our area. I really wouldn't consider that being forced to take a vaccine in any way shape or form. mRNA tech was tested on mice 30 years ago. It's not really new, this is just it's debut. We're very lucky we have this technology at this time. If we didn't we'd likely have supply issues. We'll look back at this time like we look back on how people thought microwaves would make your food nuclear or cellphones would give your brain tumors. Just because something is new doesn't mean we don't understand it. The issue with drugs on children and pregnant women is the chemical change that they're designed to make, that change over a prolonged time can mess with development. My wife is on Depakote for migraines and every time we see any of her doctors we get obsessively reminded that it has serious side effects on a fetus and they've even suggested she take a pill along with it to stop that from happening "just in case". With vaccines though, they aren't like meds, and I don't believe that any medication taken long before a pregnancy has ever effected a fetuses development, only when taken during. Booster jabs were always expected. We'll probably have to take on every year like we do with the flu shot.
  18. JT!


    Isn't there some circular logic going on there? Wouldn't herd immunity be happening quicker due to there being so many vaccinated people? Take away the vaccine and that would hinder herd immunity. Also the linked article seemed to suggest that because the number of people who've been vaccinated is so high now, it's expected that more vaccinated people are getting covid simply because there's so many of them. I see that this isn't happening in countries like the USA where the delta variant isn't a big issue... yet. Is that not what's happening in the UK right now?
  19. JT!


    Do we know what percentage of the spike in new cases the UK is seeing is from the delta variant? It seems that even though cases in the UK are going up dramatically, the deaths don't seem to be following. Could that suggest that the vaccine isn't effective against the delta variant when it comes to symptoms, but is good at preventing it from being fatal? (Or prehaps the delta variant isn't as fatal naturally). I don't think the vaccine has ever claimed to be 95% effective against the delta variant.
  20. JT!


    Are you concluding that because 60% of the population have been double jabbed, and 60% of the population who end up hospitalized have been double jabbed, that the vaccine is basically completely ineffective?
  21. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Well they pressed the cup in. But that didn't get rid of the creaking. I think they saw that issue and assumed that would fix it, but didn't test ride it afterwards. And the gears arguably work a little better, but sometimes you downshift and it just doesn't change, and upshifting, sometimes you have to give it an extra push with your thumb to get it up a gear.
  22. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Bought a bike new online and have had issues with the rear gears. They would hesitate up and down. Bought a new mech hanger and had the same issue. Bought a mech hanger alignment tool and aligned it, same issue. Also there was a creak in the headset. Put the old mech hanger back on and took it to my local LBS. The guy noticed that one of the cups wasn't in all the way, which may have caused the creaking, but couldn't figure out the gearing issue so they kept the bike for a few days. Picked it up today, only cost $35 which isn't much. They told me the mech hanger was aligned and they replaced the housing and cable (on a bike that was less than 1 year old), the cup was pressed in and all was well. It's exactly the same as when I took it in.
  23. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Why are bike shops so f**king useless? Literally just got my bike back and both issues I went in to be fixed are still there.
  24. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    The 2nd Pfizer hit different for me than the first. Had minor chills for the first time in my life, and a mild fever. Slight headache, but nothing that couldn't be treated with over the counter stuff. But nothing that made me feel "sick" if you know what I mean. I just laid in bed and watched movies. Fine later that day.
  25. JT!


    I'm assuming by now that a lot of people on here have had their vaccine? How was your experience? Here in the US the rates have plummeted, back below April 2020 levels. In our state of 5.6 million the new cases are down to just double digits per day which is really insane. Just about everything has gone back to normal. I think the only place where masks are required is on public transport. If you're vaccinated you're basically free to do whatever you want unmasked. I've noticed my face muscles are not used to all the fake smiling I have to do at work, but I'm sure that'll ease with time.
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