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Everything posted by UrbanPoet

  1. I'd just be a downright psycho, Patrick Bateman style.
  2. UrbanPoet


    Symmetry and even numbers are my vices. Along with nail biting and general effects of massive paranoia.
  3. I read an article the other day which was practically the same, the only difference was the family was white.
  4. Here? Such an amazing set of pictures.
  5. You have such a scientific grasp of this subject that I find it hard to offer a rebuttal.
  6. Formula BMW lol. I'll be on AA in a bit, what's your name?
  7. Buy it? And I'm "noc! charity case" on it, and I'm usually on Air Attack 1 in the FBM.
  8. Get the f**k outta Dodge! I wasted 8 months in practically the same situation.
  9. Any amount of Sambuca is worth a blow job, and in 4/5 years I've never had a gf that didn't like giving them! This one doesn't have a choice really, they are a necessity. Like food.
  10. Problem solved the other night, and it is true what they say, good things DO come to those who...
  11. UrbanPoet


    Yeah, because the telephone is so passé?
  12. Sorry, I pictured you doing accounts, paying staff, and other proper business work. I just get annoyed at people claiming to be in business and then expecting people to do work for them for free. You could say it grinds my gears.
  13. You're 17 and have "taken over" your Dad's business? You're either a liar or your Dad's a mug.
  14. I'll try these things, or I may just use the classic: "Suck me, beautiful." Wish me luck, for a nice suck.
  15. How do I subtley hint to the new girlfriend that blow jobs are NOT optional in a relationship, and cannot be substituted with sex? I'm scared she'll say she doesn't do them, in which case I'll have a massive dilema on my hands...
  16. That well never happened. As for stuff I hate, it basically boils down to people of my age. I hate most of 'em, it must be some kind of personality flaw on my part.
  17. Fortunately for me I'm not a fan of vomit-stained vagina.
  18. I didn't know what had happened till the morning, everyone else in the house felt it but I was a bit worse-for-wear. I'm f**king gutted
  19. What an utterly retarded bump.
  20. Are those for real? I like the line: "GET RIMMED UP!" Looks pro.
  21. So you're a limted company then? On the other hand you may want to give a better specification (and pay) if you want a "decent" logo/branding.
  22. An MCSA/E is not a guarantee into the industry. If you're new to IT education then the CompTIA A+ and Network+ are a good bet, just don't expect to walk into a decent paying job straight away, even if you DO have an MCSA/E. Expect 14k to 16k... Experience > Certs, everytime. Check out: CertForums
  23. Management Information Analyst... it's a laugh a minute.
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