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Nick Garland

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Everything posted by Nick Garland

  1. I have run full tpa before, to the point where it was so much tpa lever locked solid due to the plunger hitting the end of the cylinder. Unless that is what you meant? TPA has not affected my lever blade at all and I have had mine since the bikeshow.
  2. Why would you put a 74 kingz tpa onto an echo brake ??? But yeah only about £500-£600
  3. I must be on rear person with a perfectly working dengura. My TPA works fine, it does not leak, no lazy pistons or anything, lever feels solid etc.
  4. Trying to "discuss" these brakes fails so hard on this forum, so I shall say what a lot of people seem to. If you dont like them, or dont want to pay £135 for them, dont.
  5. Can happen on any os, any computer etc, just less chance if you have good security on your network and computer itself. As far as I am aware they do not really bother with low lives like us, they will find a low level entry into a company such as tartybikes for example, place themselves as a portal between you and tartybikes, so any info you send to tarty they recieve too etc. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO TARTYBIKES TO MAKE THAT CLEAR. Was an example as a lot of people use that site. This is generally stopped by digital certificates which is where the 2 computers basically say "hey was this sent from you, if so prove it" sorta thing. Its not easy to hack to be fair which is why the normally dont bother with people like us as I said and generally go for businesses instead where they will actually get some info they want.
  6. Hacking your pc will allow them to acces sensitive data on you, such as your credit card details etc everytime you enter them, keylog your network so they can watch every key you type, pretty much watch whatever you do. Its pretty much stalking just without moving out their comfy chair.
  7. Dont forget the fact that ALL the hose fittings onthe dengura are the same, unlike the magura. So if you bust one cylinder you can just use any cylinder unlike at the weekend where my mate had a very very lazy piston and the only spare slave I had was the wrong side and as it was not universal fitting hoses could not use it. When you actually buy one and own it the differrences in price become clearer. The fact you are getting some nice mounts worth £25 and some pads worth £15 with the brake pretty much makes the rest of the main brake not too much more expensive compared to the magura. Its £70 for a single magg and £135 for a single dengura, its like the BB7 vs Mono Trial, is it worth the extra money for a bit of CNC and a few extra nice design ideas ???
  8. I did not do the maths on my earlier idea but you got what I meant.
  9. I do think a reward scheme wouldnt go a miss. Seeing as I personally spend a lot with tarty it would be nice to be rewarded in ways other than t-shirts, no offence guys but I find it hard to vary wearing 8 differnt t-shirts along with my other ones For every £100 spent get 10 points, 100 points = say £5 off your next order, or something like this to reward customers who return etc. Possibly 100 points = free postage on large orders or something. Just an idea to mull over.
  10. Mine arrived this morning, absolutly fantastic game, been waiting for ages for this. Just loaded it up now, got the figuring out of the collectors edition box and its damaged though going to try get it replaced. Anyone else got this game or will be getting it?
  11. You would have to compare the long czar and the gu. I personally have the Czar and from my experience of frames, I do not get on with high bb, I find them sluggish and a pain to ride. Medium bb is a lot nicer I find, its a good balance. Again though it is personal preference you will have to try them really. Even then the rest of the setup can make it ride totally different.
  12. I think you would be better off waiting for some more DX10 cards or getting a cheapish DX10 card. Maybe even a HD2600 XT. Its generally better to have a lower model but newer version than and older model and higher version as you have the advantage of having all of the new additions to the card, such as DX10 support, HDCP compatibilty, which you might think "I dont need now" but you might sooner than you think. Also they offer a more refined arcitechture such as stream processors and so on so forth. I would do some reading up on the cards before you buy one. Also 1gb of ram on Vista for gaming, your a brave man. Most people complain about Vista being a memoery whore on 1gb running normal programs let alone games. Also what processor do you have?
  13. A few nice ideas might be: Unlimited listing time - Can set a quick auction say 24 hours, or a longer one of 7 days or have an unlimited amount of time set at a rate of say 0.1% of the sale price is paid for the listing per day it is listed. Feedback system - People can earn a reputation etc like ebay Featured Auctions - Pay more to have your auction listed at the top of the lists when searching or browsing Non Trials - Make it all cycling related, not as broad as ebay, but then it will have enough following from the cycling community, if you had BMX, Roadie, XC, DH, DJ, Trials you would get more customers. Just a few for now, I am going to bed. I think it is a good idea, a lot of people on here will moan saying "classifieds is good enough", personally I do not think it is, as within 1 hour your topic can be off the first page. It will need more than 1 person to run it though, you will need a small team really, also might be worth looking into buying a script for auctions or finding an open source one (which I would reccomend) as there may be a lot of community additions for it that may be useful, also the documentation generally seems better and it is a lot easier to modify as you are allowed complete access to it all. Another thing is that it will need A LOT of planning to actually pull it off, sit down with pen and paper and design it all, how your planning on having it all laid out, what will be on what page, how many pages, how to avoid duplication etc. I know this from my computing projects, a lot easier if you plan it all, and comment everything and document it so if you are 6 months down the line, find some code and are unsure what it does you can check it out. Good luck though.
  14. Some were tough, others were just quite long so you had to speed through some sections. Section 5 was tough with the sideways tree stump, that was a pain to fit a 26" bike on. They were all good sections though challenging but not too hard. Even with my bad score I felt I did well
  15. It was indeed an awsome day, first time riding red and it rains most the time lol. I got 78 or so, not really fabulous but the grip levels were rediculous and some of the sections just turned into mud puddles, creation traction problems. Very good fun though, will hope for a slightly drier trial next time. Some of the sections were quite tough I thought but it was my first time on red as I said. Gave my self one hell of a challenge and did better than I expected.
  16. Dont forget that if they had HD-DVD drives, people would expect them to use that as the media for the games too. They do not want to commit to one media either, they have said before, if HD-DVD flops and Blu-Ray booms, then they could make a blu-ray addon. It does not matter to microsoft which format wins, as they are not solely involved with one, unlike sony, which risked a lot onthe PS3 and blu-ray, but it might have paid off in terms of the format war not so much the console war. Which is a shame.
  17. Thread tapping is generally exactly what it says, cutting a thread into the frame. I am pretty sure halfords and local bike shops can re-thread a bottom bracket. Other than that, superglue it in or get the welder out.
  18. Nick Garland


    I have a random issue where I drag and drop the songs onto the library, and if I even click, because the pc runs the interupt subrountine, it doesnt add the files. If I do not click it adds them. I do have a large library though.
  19. Looks Lush Ad. Liking the headtube mod, how much did you save in each area roughly? Does it make it rider better
  20. Nice videos, the camera has amazing detail however it seemed over exposed on my screen, could be my screen but something worth looking at, sldo the songs went nicely with the riding. What frame was in the only bikes video? It looks ti and nice.
  21. The roof gap is saved for a better video when I travel to a few more places and get some bigger gaps etc Sidehops are not my greatest strength but I shall include some more in the next video. Keep the comments comming.
  22. Nice video dude, some good lines going down. I nede to go to pompy sometime soon, not been there in a while.
  23. I am in a tiny town called Mytchett, that was mostly filmed in Farnborough and a small bit in Fleet. Guildford I would say is the nearest big city in Surrey. Thanks for the comments so far guys, better than I was expecting for some reason.
  24. Nick Garland

    New Video

    I put together this video of me riding my new Czar, its just from some local spots. Here is a google video link as youtubes uploader kept failing. Google Videos Can download the video from here 720x480, so much nicer quality, from here My Site If there starts to become a lot of downloads, which I doubt I will rehost it. Enjoy, comments welcome on editing and riding.
  25. The bearings are a bitch to replace without the correct tools, but they last for ages. It is far better than the 108.9, notice how Vincents 108.9 broke halfway through a comp I think at Koxx days this year, yet anyone with a pro 2 would still be going.
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