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Everything posted by Royaltrials

  1. It was a bit of a disaster waiting to happen... New Orleans sits under sea-level and has a massive river (Mississippi) running through it just to make things worse! Andyroo - your point about getting out of town on the brilliant public transport system is flawed. The poor people who needed to use it, as they had no car or means of self-transportation, found there was no infrastructure in place when they needed to evacuate. This is because all the train and bus drivers were the first ones to get out of town, which is pretty farcical. I don't have much to add on the Kanye West thing, but I empathise with his views on the the misrepresentation of black people in the American media. On another note... I heard Quentin Tarantino is making a new film about the New Orleans floods. The working title: Reservoir Wogs.
  2. Yahoo! newspage For those who are lazy:
  3. It depends on what bank the cheque is drawn from also. It understandably takes longer for inter-bank exchanges. If you receive a cheque that matches the bank you use they tend to come through pretty quick.
  4. I'm going to Bristol to study Chemistry for 4 years. Starting on the 1st October... can't wait. After a year of full time work you realise that you want to stay in education for as long as possible!
  5. I'm going... girlfriend is into all those indie-pop bands. The only band I want to see is The Streets yeeeeeeaaaah! Oh, and The Roots.
  6. I've seen a video of Mike Vallely (pro skater...) smashing his deck over someone's head. It's a fairly well-known clip, this guy probably saw it and gave it a go himself. Pretty harsh.
  7. Nice to see some of the old-school boys still ripping it up. Nice video, good editing by Steve and superb riding. Pushing the boundaries of street on a trials bike. Trials-Punks was a really cool site back in the day. Stav wasn't bad at editing either.
  8. Royaltrials


    ents24 are very good, they have a search for gigs in the area local to you. Has some good band info on there too. For all gigs in London, use stargreen. Always worth a look into the box office if you ever find yourself at Oxford Circus tube station. It's opposite the Palladium theatre and sells tickets for a lot of London venues. Very handy if you want to buy the tickets and actually receive them there and then.
  9. Yeah, so the universe is currently 30 billion light years across. That is a calculation based on the time since the big bang and the speed of light I assume? Until things can travel faster than light, an impossibility, the universe continues to be infinite. If the universe is infinite, the probability of finding yourself on another planet Earth, where everything is exactly the same, is 100%. The maximum percentage doesn't really boggle me... but the fact there is another guy, alias Royaltrials, typing away on trials-forum.co.uk, somewhere out there does. That is only if the universe really is infinite. :'( They do also say that it links around in a big spiral. (Remember Asteroids - disappear off one side of the screen and appear on the other?) And also how there is more than one universe, parallel universes and all that jazz. And also how the universes fit together in a honeycomb pattern, a-la Blockbusters. How anyone can say these things confuses me once more. I think that's why space is exploration is worthwhile, there is so much to discover out there. Alien life forms are bound to exist. The conditions on this planet support life because they are unique, but surely something similar is out there? Confusing, but certainly interesting.
  10. I think they should allow private enterprises to explore space. It's touched upon in 'Deception Point' by Dan Brown. NASA have far too much hold on space exploration. If Mr. Billionaire was interested enough I'm sure there would be some exciting discoveries waiting to be made. I'm in agreement with Drew here, manned = :) unmanned = :P Has anyone ever thought about the infinity of space... it's like, pretty weird. It doesn't end :D
  11. f**k me, someone's doing some ballsy lines! Those lines in Reading and Oxford are huge... can't believe you did them with such ease! Nice video, the end had me in stitches (Y)
  12. Nick has been very busy recently, trying to sort out legal music rights is forever pushing back the production date. Not to mention riding World rounds over the last few weeks. These things always take longer than first expected.
  13. Sure enough, that is harsh, but if you leave all that stuff unattended you're asking for it to be taken. Things like this get posted on forums and give NASS a bad name. I've been three years running and I've never known anyone to have anything nicked, apart from reading about it on here.
  14. NASS is f**king wicked. I stayed with the locals for the third year running... had such a laugh. The course this year was the best I've ridden too. The slingshot (link) provided some amazing entertainment over the weekend. Waterbombs were not the only thing fired... packs of coleslaw, eggs, eggs with glowsticks taped to them so we could see them at night, coke bottles and biscuits. It's pretty fun firing all kinds of shit about 100m across the NASS campsite. I didn't notice any pikies all weekend this year and never heard about the riots until Sunday morning so that wasn't really a concern. Giles Wolfe was more worrying I thought... putting his knob in a toilet roll and walking about with his balls hanging out. (N) All in all, a wicked weekend. I've got shitloads of photos that I have already e-mailed to few people... if anyone wants to see them let me know, royaltrials@hotmail.com
  15. I don't think he will break even with this DVD. He's put loads of time, effort and money into this project, but as you can see the results are pretty amazing. I've only seen one section, the level of the riding was very high throughout, and the editing was superb. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished article!
  16. I taught myself how to tie the bow tie the night before... :"> Mixing drinks (Y)" If case any of you knew the Windsor riders from back in the day, that's Rory on the left. Many thanks to siders77 for uploading the pictures. :turned:
  17. I can't upload files to the internet. We got a wireless router about 15 months ago and since then, despite me trying everything I can think of to fix the problem, I have been unable to upload files. It's a right b*****d. However, sending files to people over MSN is fine, and I can also add photos to emails with Hotmail. Although if I am sending a longer email, with over about 15kb of text... it doesn't send. It's a bit weird really. But yeah, if anyone wants to upload a few pics for me that would be nice.
  18. I can't upload photos :turned: Anyone want to be a star and upload them for me? I can send over MSN. Thankyouplease
  19. I'm going yeah, will be wicked. Good on you for trying to organise this. Where?
  20. 100 glowsticks for £3 off eBay. I am going to sell 6 at festivals this summer for 50p each and break even. God knows what I'll do with the other 94.
  21. What happens when you pull a yo-yo along a table by the string? Assume the table is horizontal and there is a constant tension in the string.
  22. The coefficient of restitution is always between 0 and 1. I don't think it would be much bigger than 0. How high would a fly bounce off a glass surface? Simplifying things greatly: If the coefficient is 1 then the object bounces back up to the height from which it was dropped. M2 is piss, but hope it goes well.
  23. Did they play RATM - Killing in the Name? They played it on Tuesday (Y) :P Another good thing about that gig, I got my ticket for £11 instead of £30. Dealtime.
  24. The fly does stop the train, we concurred this matter on the trialskings forum about 23 years ago. Another question... can a candle burn in space? Give reasons. There is oxygen in the space shuttle.
  25. Did you never have a school uniform before? Everyone will have had gripes over their school uniform at some point in their school life, live with it. You are all going to be in the same boat. I thought I looked rad as f**k in my school uniform. Added cliché: It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it.
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