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Everything posted by Danny@phatworks

  1. That bike looks amazing Dan, nice one.
  2. Danny@phatworks


    Nice one Steve, editing was brilliant. Its nice to see you continuing to make the ¨Worcs series¨ videos Great to see Tim and Matt riding still also, Lets see some more!! Dan.
  3. Ace. That last section was the most enjoyable bit of trials video I have watched in ages, just fun atmosphere riding and the Fairlanes music, everything was spot on.
  4. The most recent South Park I watched was the Guitar Heroes and world of Warcraft episodes, they both were awesome. Cartman is the funniest character, the episode where his mum gets him a dog trainer to discipline him is a classic.
  5. Nice little video, it's good to see that the two of you are still riding!
  6. To your crappy english weather I think I have forgotten what rain looks like.....
  7. Some cool clips Steve, shame your not riding much nowadays but the other priorities of life come first hey, the joys of growing up!........miss the good old days of school and county hall rides every weekend haha. I will drag you out one day when I get myself over to the uk eventuly
  8. For me it depends how I do them, I can go for however long I want to really if I just continually do small scuffs on the front wheel with my foot. However if I pause in between scuffs (stop/starting) and do harder scuffs to get more roll then it is much more difficult. Its just practice and learning your balance point, the same way as manuels.
  9. I have no idea, sorry.
  10. Well yes and no. The reason games like Tony Hawks, Matt Hoffman etc are successful is because they are just fast and fun. Trials is a slow, technical and structured sport. It just wouldn't work as a video game and wouldn't entertain people for that long. To us trials riders maybe a little more so then your average Joe, but still would be incredibly boring after an hour or so- if that!
  11. It wouldn't be that hard to make a trials game really, compared to some of the other things these big companies are doing with video games. bit of research, licensing from the bike companies, motion capture trials moves etc etc. however who would buy it? couple of hundred members off a bike trials forum wouldn't justify the demand for a trials game considering the amount it costs to make a video game....
  12. Me and Fatmike where in the 04 Hop Idol auditions along with Jack Meek and a guy from Bournemouth (Ian?). Mike then was in the 05 Hop Idol where he rode at the bike show. My mate Howie (Planet-x Zebdi) was in the 03 Hop Idol auditions, same one as Andrei Burton I believe.
  13. Best trials rider out there on the streets.... full stop. Insane!!
  14. I liked it, cool backwards manuel at the end. I have heard that song from somewhere before... is it from tricks and stunts 2?
  15. Cool video and demo guys, enjoyed it. I will have to catch up with you guys soon as I am in the process of moving about 5 mins from Granville Island- so not far from you guys. I am there at the moment but unfortunately my bike is not in a state that it is ridable
  16. I bet thats one of them bails what look and make you feel stupid, but hurt like hell! Is that the rails and walls by the skatepark at Shrub Hill area? just I noticed your location is stated as Worcester on the mini profile thing.
  17. Fairplay Pauly, sweet riding mate.
  18. FSA powerpro cranks (with a scary amount of coke can wedged in between the bottom bracket and cranks) - had them for about 5 years but used for roughly 3 years at a push, I have them on my bike at the moment and they are working fine
  19. Great riding Nick, filming (camera work could have been a little bit more steady) and editing wasn't too bad, especially for a first attempt.... Loads better back on a stock by the way
  20. It is cool to finally see some decent exposure of trials on the box and I think the BBC and of course Leon portrayed it quite nicely, top job
  21. Hmmm, this guy has some serious skills....
  22. Nice video Tom, good to see the two of you riding still.
  23. Wow, going back a good 5 or 6 years........ I could do monster wheelies - oh the days of having a high frame bike and a saddle, backhop about 6 or 7 times backwards (couldn't pedal kick to hop forwards) and just basic stuff like wheelies off 1 or 2 foot walls and stuff Happy Days
  24. He is in Sprung 3. Only about 4 or 5 short clips of him if I remember rightly though I don't know if anyone watched it but he was on ITV years ago on 'Challenge of a Lifetime' I think the show was called. Where he did some hopping up this big truck and rode over a wobbly wooden bridge over a canyon. Can't really think of any videos online with him in other then the bikeshow ones. I remember when he came to Worcester skate park on his Bmx, such a chilled out guy.
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