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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. As title says how many engagements has a acs got
  2. vans are cool there a good choice
  3. Clarky


    aye tis good si i got 5 b and 1 c peice of piss no revision or f**k all now workign as a proffesional carpenter
  4. ive just left high school and the gay's sorted it out and got everyones picture and asked us for a comment to stick under our picture then they got them published but half of the comments where in it and the pictures was in black and white cost us like £10! there was a vote for like the fittest slag and vienest and shit like that was good hehe.
  5. Clarky


    they are piss to be honest, u can pass easy as pie but if u want to get a's revise n u will piss it
  6. Clarky

    Go Karting

    yer i aint been since i was like 10, was in the club in preston and blackpool, me dad used to know the owner so i got unlimited laps lol!, feel like going soon havent thought of it for ages. Whats it like the one on central drive u seen it recently?
  7. Clarky


    lol your mocks are like half as hard to be honest, it all goes downhill after crimbo its only a few months after crimbo and they fly by then your free to go work wherever
  8. see you all there kids me nad kyle arranged it last time was a wicked ride loadz of people turned up it was snowing haha! cya
  9. kool, whats clarkys name on here, ive just got a zoo python 06 bike should be here tomorow well excited Clarky
  10. i remember when you said i ride a hairdryer and u bet I docked the throttle when you were wrong and out of order, when it's you who has a haridryer yourself mini crosser or whatever its still 49cc high rev peice of 2 stroke unreliable poop. You have got no chance of getting it road legel as they are more into crushing them as they are alowing them on the roads. To me you are just a 15 year old who thinks you know it all, get into the real world! I will most likely be getting a car to cart my tools/friends around as its a lot more practical, if i was you i would pass both tests car and motorbike and then you can get a bike when you are older for fun aswell as your car for practicallity. You can get a 125 cc bike at the age of 17 and then if you pass early you can have any bike u like at 19 after 2 years of having a full license. Jason
  11. I think its dsgusting to be honest, but Dan Clarks big 6mm looks different i must say Edit: bring on the bad comments against me lol
  12. awsome piks wills a stud, craigs got a fit bike!! I like this one best Sheepshagers.org at it allready And will what size rotor u running?
  13. u take the pik with a v3i motorola? anyway nice pik
  14. Clarky


    sex nice coulor awsome bike
  15. you will get used to your hands hurting
  16. Awsome very nice yes i'm sure it was you who sent me a pik a while back of this fit girl u hang with! oh my god i'm jeoulous!
  17. haha, its as smooth feeling as a baby's bottom
  18. this happened to my brothers clio rt around 3 weeks ago, it fel off so he got it rewelded on the joint, it fell off again.... and again..... so in the end he payed £200 for a new cat +labour i think. Jason.
  19. Clarky

    Close Topic

    Thanks alot topic can now be closed, it says there busy will try later thankyou
  20. Clarky

    Close Topic

    Hi i have been trying to ring chainreactioncycles and i am having some trouble heres the number given on thier website....TEL +44 (0)28 9335 2976 i have tried entering it and it isnt working does anyone know what it is or what to type in? Help would be apreciated thankyou I hope i dont get suspended for making this topic reffering to the "spam/smut/pointless topics crackdown" topic made by tomturd so if its in the wrong place can you please move it.
  21. Clarky


    R A N K errr
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