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Everything posted by monkeymoped

  1. may be coming if i can get a lift up from liverpool
  2. quarry looks wicked, and cool film
  3. like it i like the simplicity in the colour scheme
  4. i have an old onza t-master and am only in liverpool if you fancy a ride
  5. yeah i've seen that i'd be coming from liverpool and i'd be up for it plus its not far away from the dirt jumps and 4x track in delamere forest (manly hill)
  6. i'll add you to my e-mail because my msn is buggered
  7. most weekends as during the week i need to do school run and wouldn't have time to get to blackpool and back and do a decsent ride if was on that
  8. could meet half way for a ride in blackpool or something
  9. rigid forks and 22t -16 gearing may be
  10. gutted i missed it but will hopefully aquire some brakes and mounts soon ready for the next ride when will the next ride be ????????????????????
  11. sorry lads i can't make i couldn't get hold of a pair of maggies and mounts to borrow.........if anyones got a pair with mounts to sell me that would be great to fit a mod
  12. what day is the ride on????????????, because i've got mma fight traing on saturday morning 11 till 12...........i could miss it wouldn't be a problem or possibly meet after....rather ride all day though
  13. what time and where and i'll be there
  14. that is sick mate well lovely wish i could have one
  15. well i'm free most days, after the 8th of june any way as i'm away.................. although some days i do need to pick my son up from school
  16. anyone up for a ride in liverpool ????? seems very quiet for rides in liverpool now c'mon
  17. these are primarily a dh and 4x bar, and i hope to be getting a pair soon for my 4x bike
  18. the type of salt in sea is really corrosive, hence cars that live by the used rust quicker (they are better quality now) so if the water gets into bearings etc it will balls them up, so you better be sure you can make it or clean your bike quick with distilled water them normal water
  19. best to look in the classifieds section of this forum
  20. i ride dh and 4x as well as trials and i can say that is to with the lack of "snake bite" punctures you'd get
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