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Everything posted by Walleee

  1. VERY nice. Love the rims, can we get close up pic's of the holes? I'm considering getting a dremell and going to town on my monty. Want to square my holes for a start.
  2. i'd reply with an 'ok then, I was hoping to see you over the weekend as I havn't in so long' and see what happens.
  3. The distance is clearly getting to you regardless of girl number 2. You need to decide what you want, wether it be trying to keep things going with girl 1, or letting girl 1 know that despite what you thought, you can't handle the distance, i'd then leave it a few weeks before getting with 2 out of respect. That doesn't mean you can't let 2 know how you feel, but I just think it would be a better way to go about things.
  4. I had to use a pneumatic hammer drill to get mine off, a 2m steel pole and a huge farmer on the end wasn't enough
  5. I havnt een that before but recognised the radical highs music Pretty cool thanks for posting.
  6. nice enough bike, that volvo is classic. you've got some balls.
  7. This is so shit, I only knew him through the forum but he was always sound.
  8. Went to the ex's birthday party tonight, it's her proper birthday tomorrow and i've offered to take her out to dinner, I hope she doesn't decline, mainly because it's half of her birthday present, the other half is something which will go undisclosed, but I suspect at uni we will both enjoy it much. I thought tonight would be absolute shite, but it wasn't so bad. Mum got speaking to debbie and absolutely loved it so I guess that's one good thing...... EDIT: snippet, don't want a repeat of last time......
  9. The ex invited me out last night, but I have work in half an hour so declined. Havn't heard back from her which is somewhat unusual, so am sending her a text saying I hope she didn't feel slighted by me not attending, the trouble is I hope I don't seem a bit pathetic....
  10. What (geometry) is that stem?
  11. what about individual wrap around type ones?
  12. the ware house is dan I'd imagine.
  13. sensitive ones use a thinner latex, i'd imagine you wouldn't have the same problem with extra safe ones, but then they are shit. have a look here - got a few cool things when I was there at easter - http://www.condomerie.com/
  14. either you didn't go out to dinner last night or i'm more hungover than I think.
  15. Went out with me (ex) girlfriend/best mate/ flatmate for dinner, ended up buying hers because im still in love with her. Went to watch N. Ireland V Scvotland, and it was a draw. Had we won I know I would have tried something with her so im kinda glad that didn't happen. Walked her home and she text me saying she wanted to have a chat and stuff, I just don't know what to do. I totally love this girl to pieces but at the same time I allways end up stressing relationships so much that they fail (hence her being my ex) I want this girl to be a part of my life SO much, she is literally everything I look for in a girl. Arty, gorgeous, caring, get's me, and again, absoutley stunning. It's not her looks that attract me to her. It's who she is as a person that makes me feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know I do, and she has told me that she would too, but that was when we were going out. I know that I am the person who made her decide that she wanted to have kids, she told me that she would love to have kids with me, and we even talked about names and all that. It just f**ks me up (read as hurts so bad) that I don't know what is going on between us. When we are out they is touchy feely action going on, she even hit me in the cock tonight, right on the bell end like. God I am a f**k up allright. f**k me im away to bed here before I start posting more shite
  16. less gussets, does the current one have maggy mounts? I know kenney used (or uses) a maggy but i'm sure he get's whatever he wants......
  17. Mod downtube?? I can't translate he french but I think there is a mention of it here - 'on note aussi une fixation au niveau du tube inférieur pour mettre y un sabot comme sur un 20" !' I like it
  18. lol, I guess I missed that because I tend to pay less attentions to joe's post's than mikes. No offence, I appreciate both of you being on the forum but it seems that joe post's a little too hastily the odd time. Mike seems to be the man with the proper answers.
  19. Gps receiver but no software, it'll be interesting to see what they come up with, and at what cost to the user. I see where your coming from in terms of userfriendlyness, the Itouch im familiar wth and web browsing is a dream on it, the touch screen is very intuitive. I think windows mobile may be somewhat hit or miss depending on the hardware your using, I had a typical candybar type phone (o2 XDA Graphite) before I got the orbit2, and was amazed at what I had been missing because the hardware wouldn't let me use windows to it's potential. Im also really shocked at the fact it has a 2mp camera. 2mp is fine, if I want a camera i'll buy a camera, but I just would have thought that if they are making a 3g version, it would make sense to upgrade the camera at the same time, unless they are releasing the technology slowly to make more money... Can you make video calls on it?
  20. did onza ever say it was their idea?
  21. Amazing. Loved the song since teezer used it, but that was something else all together, really fantastic great work.
  22. Walleee

    Post Bike!

    Im most suprised no one's mentioned this yet, but it was probobly a pashley. I know my dad had one when he was a postie maybe ten years ago or so, I thought it was the coolest thing ever that he had a pashley and told all my mates.
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